What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

We did our outside chores very early this morning and then hid in the house. I was appalled by what happened in Norway. Very sad.

Diane Amberg

Today is still very hot. The Delaware fire companies are spotted all along I-95 to escort some World Trade Center steel that is coming through very soon headed to Baltimore.We're scattered along between Newark and the Maryland state line.
Today is our 41st anniversary and we're going to a Mediterranean,(Greek) restaurant at 6:00 for a special meal the chef is fixing for us. It's a little tiny place,very intimate. So far he hasn't cooked meat in the front yard and I've never seen him with a bottle of Windex. Al asked him to fix something he would enjoy making for us, so it will be a surprise. His wife is all excited that we are coming there so it should be fun.


Does watching the thermometer rise count as excitement?

Diane Amberg

Whew! That's excitement I could do without too.I feel sorry for all the animals and anyone bringing in hay. It's 100 here right now.

Hefe de vaca

     Cut hay the last few days, the old fashion way with a 9' sickle mower.  Wasn't that bad with the breeze. Those black angus cows are suffering a lot more than me.


Was that a 9' pull type sickle mower.  My little brother and I used to mow alfalfa with one.  He drove the home made tractor and I rode the mower.  Then later we would rake it with the tractor and an old dump rake.  Didn't have a baler.  The hay was either stacked or hauled to the barn. 


Cooked 4 racks of beef ribs. Used a new charcoal made with old Jack Daniels barrels. Neighbors approved of the ribs. Larry I got through it without burning down the house or the neighborhood. All in all I recommend the Jack Dainels Charcoal.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


That sounds great and very delicious.  I would probably enjoy the taste from the Jack Daniels charcoal as well as having some Jack Daniels while I was cooking!  I glad you made it through without getting hurt.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Speaking of food, our anniversary dinner last night was wonderful The chef ordered fresh lamb chops and grilled them for us, with oven roasted potatoes and big Greek salads. That lamb was so tender and had a bit of lemon sauce and spices on it. Super good!

Ms Bear

So glad you had a good time on your anniversary.  Sounds like a wonderful meal.

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