What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Roma Jean Turner

Leaving SPfd in the am to go to Lampe,MO (down by Kimberling City), to do the wedding service for my gr gr nephew.  So excited to be asked to do it and see family. Back to Moline Sunday and a much needed massage from Teresa on Mon.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: farmgal67357 on July 15, 2011, 08:12:13 AM
For excitement today (and tomorrow) we a having a moving sale. Wooptidoo! We've got some furniture to sell, so I hope the heat doesn't keep people away. 8)

Lisa, how ws the moving sale? It was too hot to get out. We had many workers at the aircraft plant today. I hate that they all have to work in the heat. I don't know how people who have to work outside and in buildings that are not air conditioned have been making it through this heat.


It was HOT!! But we kept drinking and we had a big fan blowing behind us. We did really good for the first day! Got some of our larger furniture sold that won't really fit in the Howard house. Had several friends stop by to say howdy. We're gonna start again tomorrow about 7am. Will probably stay out until Noon, unless we run out of stuff to sell. Hopefully by next Tues. we'll know when we are moving! So much to do, so little time....

Diane Amberg

Had a chance to talk to SIL. That dust storm in AZ was a real doozy. They were in Tuscon at the time and came home to everything choked in dust, and they are quite aways north. My friends, niece and nephew are still cleaning up,saying it was the worst the old timers have ever seen. Now they are worried about Valley Fever because of the dust being stirred up and breathed by so many. They have had quite an epidemic of it out there. Even my niece's dog had it.

Judy Harder

Boy, I am tired. But, I earned this tired........I had/have cabin fever pretty good and decided one way or the other I was getting in the car and going somewhere today. Either East to Independence or West to Moline and Howard.

Decided I needed to watch the money (when don't I?) and figured I would spend less at Howard and I had planned on checking out the garage sale (Tuesday Treasures) in Moline and so I did that.

I did take water in case of problems and always take a jug of water anyway.......Stopped at Tuesday Treasures and boy was I surprised. I really thought it would be "Just a garage sale:" You know a little bit of this a little bit of that and fast in and fast out.
Wow, was I surprised.
They had stuff out in front before I even got to the door that I just had to check out...........found a teddy bear that would go with my collection, I just need to fumigate it.someone smoked around it................and a few more items interested and figured I would check around and pick it up before I left.
Right, first room inside caught my attention, was huge............If you haven't been there you really need to go.
It is a typical garage sale, with low and nice prices. I saw everything (well a few) from jewelry tp boots and crafting goodies and tools for guys and well, not sure what all. I did come home with 2 pair of britches a jean jumper I can wear to church, that nice and 2 blouses and a vest (all nice enough to go to church) and even found  another summer hat all for under $20.00.
I will go back.

Even better Randy Julian came in and I heard him talking as he did, and I went and got a nice hug from him and a nice chat for about 15 minutes. We attend same church in Longton, Christian Church and he gives the nicest hugs....sweatty or not.
I did get to Howard, stopped and talked with Joanna at flower shop, then rest of shopping.
got what I wanted, plan on going back to Batson's next month....would have spent double what I did in Indy........and had change left over.
Good trip. nap is coming.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Quote from: Judy Harder on July 19, 2011, 01:40:55 PM
Stopped at Tuesday Treasures and boy was I surprised. I really thought it would be "Just a garage sale:" You know a little bit of this a little bit of that and fast in and fast out.
Wow, was I surprised.
They had stuff out in front before I even got to the door that I just had to check out...........found a teddy bear that would go with my collection, I just need to fumigate it.someone smoked around it................and a few more items interested and figured I would check around and pick it up before I left.
Right, first room inside caught my attention, was huge............If you haven't been there you really need to go.
It is a typical garage sale, with low and nice prices. I saw everything (well a few) from jewelry tp boots and crafting goodies and tools for guys and well, not sure what all. I did come home with 2 pair of britches a jean jumper I can wear to church, that nice and 2 blouses and a vest (all nice enough to go to church) and even found  another summer hat all for under $20.00.
I will go back.


I can't wait to visit this place! Judy, you are a great bargain finder. I LOVE finding bargains, the hunt is almost as fun as the findin'! Sounds like you had a nice day.


This was yesterday, but I am reporting it today because I needed today to recuperate from the ride over and back. 

Yesterday was doctor appointment in Derby so while we were in the vicinity we visited my favorite Wal-Mart store.  It has changed some but I can still find what I want quicker than I can in any of the others.  I especially like the ladie's clothing.  They seem to carry more of the type of clothing that I like and for some reason it is more attractive, even the pieces that I have seen somewhere else.  Even the atmosphere is different.  Slower and more relaxed.  The other customers were very pleasant and didn't try to run over me.  We would go there all the time but it is maybe 15 more miles than stopping at the one on East Kellogg.  Anyway, that made my day.  Like visiting an old friend.


Wilma, I think the friendlier atmosphere may have something to do with lighting. I despise going to the Walmart in Winfield, they have that zone lighting, making you feel like you are in a cave or something. If I remember rightly the east Kellogg store has the same kind of lighting. I hate it! I too like the Derby store and especially like the Bartlesville store. Many folks from Moline shop there as it is larger and not much further away than the store in Independence. As far as Family Market, I do buy meat there sometimes, I like the packaging. But I do avoid the milk and eggs, have found lots of outdated product still on their dairy shelf  :P :P.

Diane Amberg

I enjoyed the shuttle coming home safely. Same day in 1969 when the guys left the moon to reconnect with the module to return home. That was the module Daddy fretted over so much because he had some part in it that had to do with the return thrusters or some such. If it didn't work they were stuck up there.  He was very relieved when all went well.

Judy Harder

I am very happy they and the shuttle made it back safely.
Would have been awful if something dreadful had happened.
I am sort of leary about letting? the Russians take over. What do I know..just hope it works out.
Now, where do all the workers that are laid off go? Do they get a nice retirement/they have earned it.
Ok, back to the business of my day.

I have washed and hung two loads on line. Oh, was up at 5, just not able to stay in bed, and dog heard me stir and just knew it was time for his breakfast. Talk about a male insisting something. He does it very well and doesn't bark!!!! to get it....Just plays yo yo and if that doesn't work acts like he needs to go pee or gets to gagging. He will get me up somehow. LOL

I was in a good mood and decided to strip bed and "Boy, it is hot out there.! clothes were dry by 1 and even the rugs.
Now, facebook here I come or maybe my chair for a nap...no that happens when I want to watch the show "Our House" when it comes on at 4.

Been a good day!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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