What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Is it still upgradeable,more memory or not worth it? Glad you are good to go for another six months.
  I just got my blood test results back and my doc is very pleased with me. He wrote Very Good twice with all kinds of exclamation points when he gave it to the nurse to read to me on the phone. A1c was 6.8 and total cholesterol was 150 with the proper balance of LDL and HDL. Whoopee! Steaks on the grill tonight with salad, baked potatoes and watermelon.


Save me a plate, Diane...I'll be there in 20!  ;) ;D

Judy Harder

but I am still not able to do everything that I could do several months ago.  It might still have to be new computer.

Wilma, so glad your checkup was in the ok range. Don't we wish our body's could be replaced like we do the 'puters?.....

Always something going on, with both of them, bodies and computers!

Diane supper sounds great......too bad we weren't closer.........course it would take me all evening to eat all of that.....I still think that is my favorite meal.  Maybe chocolate cake and homemade ice cream for desert! Yum Yum
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

You'd all be welcome, there will be plenty. I always cook too much in case someone stops by, but if not we both like leftovers.


Quote from: Wilma on July 07, 2011, 01:33:15 PM
I am free for another 6 months.

Congratulations - that's such a good feeling!  ;D


Quote from: Catwoman on July 07, 2011, 10:21:11 AM
I know what you mean...I spent all last spring, waiting out in the parking lot for my kid to come out of the Middle School, and got treated each day to a bunch of exhibitionists from the High School who were changing into their baseball gear before the practice would start.  They would strip down to their scivvies and then get dressed, right there in front of all of the middle schoolers getting out of school.  I would turn my head, so as to not embarrass myself.  In my day, the boys would change before they arrived at the practice field.  Whatever happened to those days?  ::)

They sure weren't in wrestling!  :D Those guys sometimes just change in the gym, while the meets are going on, in front of other wrestlers, families, crowd, anyone!  :D   :o   :D


Yes, I know... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[...I just can't get used to this brave new world, where modesty seems to be a bygone value... :o.

Diane Amberg

Woo-Hoo! Did you watch it go up? The last shuttle launch, and I got to see it on our new beautiful big 40 inch screen TV. What a treat.I've always been interested in the space program. Got to see sputnik go over way back when. Alan Shepperd's wife was from Kennett Square, PA. where I went to school, so we got to see his historic launch.The principal had a big console TV brought to the auditorium and I got to see it there. Then there was the moon series that most everyone watched and Daddy worried when they came back from the moon,as he had some part in the return module that had to work or they couldn't fire the rockets to come back. It did work of course. I've followed the whole shuttle program and sadly saw the two disasters live. Even got to see a shuttle launch when we were in Florida. We've been to the aerospace museum in Washington several times and saw the modules and moon rocks and the historic old planes .Fascinating stuff. I always bought posters and post cards and things I could use in the classroom too. I wonder what's next.

Judy Harder

Sadly, I had to have fasting blood work in Moline this morning So I missed the launch,( I know the media will retell and show it later.) and then did my usual Friday printing of the church bulletin and when I got home, a gardian angel had left some fresh corn on the cob on the porch and I had to shuck them and decide when to cook and eat them .................LOL ANYIME....................I get hungry.
I did eat in Moline this morning. Only saw a couple people I knew to say hello to.......room is small enough I just enjoyed watching people.

Now, I need to get my posting done and then think this afternoon I will fix a small summer squash to go with the corn and have a vegetarian's meal........can't call it dinner..........how about afternoon tea....without the crumpets........Stay cool.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Quote from: Wilma on July 07, 2011, 01:33:15 PM
The scans were clean as far as being any worse than they were the last time.  I am free for another 6 months.

Glad to hear it, Wilma...That going for checks every six months is a hard thing to go through.  Glad to see your computer is working, too!!  ;) ;)

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