What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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They are flying on Jet Blue which provides a flight status on-line.  At about 9:30 Howard time, a few minutes ago, they flew over you.  There is a big storm in Northeastern Colorado and the plane is going around the south end of it.  It will take me about 45 minutes to drive to Long Beach, so I will have to leave soon.  Long Beach airport has a off-site parking area commonly known as the cell phone lot.  You park there for free and wait until your arriving passengers collect their luggage and move out to the sidewalk to be picked up.  Once there they call you on your cell phone and then you go in and pick them up.  Pretty neat system.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Hey now, that's great idea. I wish other airports would do that.  Say hello from all of us!

Bonnie M.

I imagine a lot of the airports do that.  San Diego does, and as Larry said, it's very handy.  I like following the flight on-line, also.  It's amazing, this modern technology!  (And, I am so far behind on "everything!)  Some of our friends flew to Boston today, she sent a message from her phone saying it was 92 degrees and humid, she wasn't enjoying that at all.  Her sister died, and they flew back for her funeral in New Hampshire.  Or Maine.  Or, back there somewhere!


Miss Bonnie Bell,
For excitement today I paid your cousin , Farmer Joe a visit. I got him distracted then snuck into his sweet corn patch and stole 15 dozen ears------and that doesn't count the 12 dozen I stole yesterday---------------and I will be going back for more tomorrow. OK, I did sell 13 dozen ears for him ,of today's picking, but still undecided on whether to give him his cut.  :D

Bonnie M.

Don't take all of Joe's corn!  There's a "slim" chance that Mark (as in, my son, Mark) might come by and get some corn sometime soon!  I didn't know if it was ready.  Is it "good as always," and, does he have LOTS of it?  We can only hope that the answer is "YES!"


Miss Bonnie Bell,
Farmer Joe's feeling will be hurt if he finds out you even question if his corn is "good as always". Has that lad ever grown bad corn? I love that ambrosia he plants. As of this morning we were still picking in the field south of his house and the north patch was untouched. He told me to go check it but I declined. I'm afraid he has a punji pit dug between the rows. He has some white corn that is not even close to being ripe. He said with the heat the corn will be too hard in just a few days so tell Mark to come'a run'n.

Diane Amberg

Bonnie, I didn't know about the cell phone parking lot business.That really sounds convenient. When we travel we are going and coming from a hotel, so I didn't know about that. We usually take a hotel shuttle to and from.


It is quite convenient.  I believe I heard that LAX also has a similar lot.  My friends and family tend to fly into and out of Long Beach as opposed to LAX because it is smaller and less crowded.  The cell phone lot is across the main street from the entrance to the airport.  It takes about maybe five minutes to go from the lot to the passenger pickup area.  Before they had the lot, I used to try to arrive about 20 minutes after the plane had landed in order to give the arrivals time to get their luggage and get outside.  If they weren't ready, then I would make the circle around the airport several times until they could get out to the sidewalk.  Last night, I just pulled into the lot, listened to some oldies, and watched all the traffic on the main street.  As this is California, and you can see just about anything anytime, there was a young lady parked in a SUV about 50 feet from me who had pulled in and proceeded to get out of her vehicle, reach into backseat and retrieve an article of clothing, and then while standing in close proximity of the street light, changed her top.  Just when I thought she was going to change the rest of her clothes out there is front of God and everyone else, my wife called and said they were ready to be picked up.  The wife does have an amazing sense of timing! 

I fixed my granddaughter pancakes this morning.  She was up early as she had slept on the plane.  As she sat at the table and ate, I asked her about her trip and she was all animated about describing the hotel, going up on the roof to watch the fireworks, going to American Girl, going to two different plays and just being in New York.  We have cereal here that the kids like and we have frozen waffles to fix for them, also, but this morning she wanted "Papa's pancakes" which means I have to mix it and fix it.  I guess I should have been flattered, but I was trying to read and write on the forum and didn't have time for such chores! 

Today is my son's wedding anniversary and it's hard to believe it has been four years already.  Where does the time go? 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: larryJ on July 07, 2011, 09:59:17 AM
  As this is California, and you can see just about anything anytime, there was a young lady parked in a SUV about 50 feet from me who had pulled in and proceeded to get out of her vehicle, reach into backseat and retrieve an article of clothing, and then while standing in close proximity of the street light, changed her top.  Just when I thought she was going to change the rest of her clothes out there is front of God and everyone else, my wife called and said they were ready to be picked up. 

I know what you mean...I spent all last spring, waiting out in the parking lot for my kid to come out of the Middle School, and got treated each day to a bunch of exhibitionists from the High School who were changing into their baseball gear before the practice would start.  They would strip down to their scivvies and then get dressed, right there in front of all of the middle schoolers getting out of school.  I would turn my head, so as to not embarrass myself.  In my day, the boys would change before they arrived at the practice field.  Whatever happened to those days?  ::)


I'm back and I am in better shape than my computer is.  The scans were clean as far as being any worse than they were the last time.  I am free for another 6 months.

My computer isn't faring as well.  They got rid of a virus, but I am still not able to do everything that I could do several months ago.  It might still have to be new computer.

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