Elk County Employees

Started by Wilma, May 10, 2009, 06:31:07 PM

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I just reviewed this thread from the beginning and I invite everyone else to do so, too.  I do not find one word of complaint about the road department in it that I wrote.  On the other hand, I started it with a post of sympathy for the employees of the road department in particular for the low wages they work for.  There are no complaints about the condition of the road yard either, although on another thread which is titled "Wishes That Will NEVER Come True" I expressed a wish that the road department would plant flowers across the street from me so that I could have something pretty to look at from my kitchen window, since I couldn't see my own pretty flowers.  This was immediately taken as a complaint.  In no way did I intend for the road department to take the time to do anything, but they did.  They cleaned up some piles of trash and you wouldn't believe the difference it made in the way the whole yard looked.  Then the next morning there were some wild flowers blooming in the yard.  That was enough for me.  They didn't bloom for long and a couple of days later, a couple of the workers sprayed the entire yard, which took care of the weeds going to seed and spreading.

I believe that I said on this other thread that some of the old cars in the yard were there when I moved here.  Janet hasn't been sheriff here since the beginning of 2005.  I moved here June 29, 2005.  Some of the old cars were here when I moved here and more have been added.  Even if Janet left some, the current sheriff has had more than 4 years to do something about them.  This is just an example of how something that someone says is jumped on and changed and ragged on until it becomes something entirely different.  For the people that feel they are being criticized because they are expressing their opinion, if they wish to desist, fine.  But it isn't fair to take someone's remark and make something else out of it.  This isn't being done with only my remarks, but with almost everybody else's.  Just review some of the threads, especially in the Politics section.


That is true, that this thread was started with empathy. Then it all went downhill. The other "wish" thread is a dead thread so I just combined some of your thoughts from it into my last post on this thread. I don't believe I was the only person that ended up combining the thoughts from both posts. I will NOT be leaving this forum. I've had several pm's from members asking me not to go as well as a few on certain threads asking me to stay. I will take Kjell's advice in learning to agree to disagree. I know that I will never change people's minds, but I certainly will never back down from my thoughts and opinions either. I'm sorry if I have upset you Wilma. Many people on here have upset me too.



Diane Amberg

KS...now you're cookin' I didn't mean anything about the Yo Momma other than it was very funny. I don't usually bother with common typos, but the funny ones.... Well, I just can't help myself sometimes. It's a disease!


Good for you, KS.  We don't want anyone to leave, but things do get hot sometimes.  I think we all need to take the time and really think about what we are writing instead of just putting our thoughts into print.  I will try to do better if everybody else will, too.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: kshillbillys on May 31, 2009, 04:45:26 PM
Yep...For the most part any posting done on this forum under this name is ME, Jennifer Walker. Yes, a female. But, the comment Billy is referring to was made by my husband!

Janet, yes Mr. Hillbilly does work for the county road department. I on the other hand, drive 27 miles one way (and back) every day to INDEPENDENCE. I don't HAVE to drive out of town to get my groceries or prescriptions. I'M ALREADY THERE!

Not that it is anyone's business as to how much money I make, if you read the profile on here you will find I work for the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. So, yeah, I do just fine in the money making.

Well, isn't this interesting?  You tell me who you are, but I still don't know you.  Apparently, you know me though or at least you think you do.  Hummmm.  Very interesting.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: kshillbillys on May 31, 2009, 05:00:38 PM
Janet, most of those cars were there when YOU were sheriff.


Nope.  None of those cars were put there by me.  Everything that is there was put there by the current sheriff.  And, all he has to do is have an auction and Waa Laa, cars are gone.   (Now that's a fine thought.  A sheriff having an auction.)

Diane Amberg

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