History of Lies

Started by redcliffsw, September 04, 2009, 08:18:03 PM

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Quote from: Varmit on September 04, 2009, 10:26:15 PM
Even if they weren't outright lies ( I tend to think they are) you'd think by now they would learn to "overestimate".  Common sense is to budget for more than you actually need.

Budget for more, be frugal, and spend less.

Billy Dr Williams from Reds article got you a gift. (Sorry Red for side tracking your post a little)

Proclamation of Amnesty and Pardon Granted to
All Persons of European Descent

Whereas, Europeans kept my forebears in bondage some three centuries toiling without pay,

Whereas, Europeans ignored the human rights pledges of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution,

Whereas, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments meant little more than empty words,

Therefore, Americans of European ancestry are guilty of great crimes against my ancestors and their progeny.

But, in the recognition Europeans themselves have been victims of various and sundry human rights violations to wit: the Norman Conquest, the Irish Potato Famine, Decline of the Hapsburg Dynasty, Napoleonic and Czarist adventurism, and gratuitous insults and speculations about the intelligence of Europeans of Polish descent,

I, Walter E. Williams, do declare full and general amnesty and pardon to all persons of European ancestry, for both their own grievances, and those of their forebears, against my people.

Therefore, from this day forward Americans of European ancestry can stand straight and proud knowing they are without guilt and thus obliged not to act like damn fools in their relationships with Americans of African ancestry.

Walter E. Williams, Gracious and Generous Grantor



do you accept your social security check and medicare? or do you reject those social programs also?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: dnalexander on September 05, 2009, 09:30:14 AM
Steve that certainly would do the programs in, but the flaw is the programs would be gone and our taxes would still be the same. Quite a conundrum we have gotten ourselves into, isn't it?


TAxes??  WHo would be paying taxes if everyone is on the govt teat??

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Anmar on September 05, 2009, 10:50:13 AM

do you accept your social security check and medicare? or do you reject those social programs also?
You know what, years ago I tried my damndedst to get out of social security program.  When i was signed up for social security, i  never signed up for it.  My grandparents signed me up for it when i was a minor.  Social security is "voluntary" according to the SS charter.  So if it is voluntary then you should be able to say no more and leave it right!??  But Nooooo.  Social security says one you volunteer your screwed for life.
Well being that i never signed the ss forms, i shouldn't have to be a part of it and no one can sign a contract for you creating a debt.  But according to SS, they do it all the  time every day.  They claim you can't use your children for deductions on taxes if you don't have one yet thats totally untrue.  You can refuse to allow them to be signed into the program, and file for a RTIN number for your children.

But back to what i was saying, I woke up long ago to the fact that my money was being flushed down the great socialistic commode, and tried to get out.  They refused to let me out.  I told them even to keep what i had paid in, they said no way, you can't get out you have to pay.   

So that leads me to what i am fixing to say about your statement anmar.  Since i was forced to pay into that system, that is legally voluntary, but mandatory because they control the employers that take it out of your money, then by God i will collect every red cent PLUS whatever i could have made in a reasonable interest bearing account i paid into the system.  Now my SS earnings statement says i have paid into the system 180,000 dollars over my work years.  and all i get in return is 14k a year.
What is owed to me in that is 225,000 in interest at 5% interest, as well as the initial 180k.  so 405k will give me 28.5 years of income at 14k and at that rate, i will be 76.5 years old.  I should be dead by then, and paid back what i paid in.

As far as medicare goes, i pay for it every month in a premium. Plus deductible plus 20% of the bill plus i paid every paycheck while working to cover me.  So essentially with my premium i was paying out of my paychecks along with the second premium i pay each month I don't owe a thing out of it.  Sorry but thats the way it is.  Now IF i had not paid a dime into social security or medicare, then it could be called a social program or welfare but since i did pay into it, its my money that was taken from me by force.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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