Van Jones Unhinged

Started by Varmit, September 01, 2009, 07:10:26 PM

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Beck: American People Stood Up to Bring Down Van Jones

Fox News host Glenn Beck, who led the charge calling for the resignation of President Barack Obama's "Green Jobs Czar" Van Jones said Sunday that Jones is only the first of many radicals in the administration who should be facing questions.

"The American people stood up and demanded answers," Beck wrote in a statement. "Instead of providing them, the Administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness. I continue to be amazed by the power of everyday Americans to initiate change in our government through honest questioning, and judging by the other radicals in the administration, I expect that questioning to continue for the foreseeable future."

Jones resigned late Saturday following mounting criticism over his past statements and associations. The tipping point came when it was discovered that he signed a petition in 2004 supporting the "9/11 truther" movement, which believes the Bush administration may have been complicit in the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

"Much of the credit for Jones resigning should go to Fox's Glenn Beck, who as HuffPo's Ryan Grim notes, has his "first scalp," Politico reported Sunday.

Beck's victory was being lauded by conservative columnists and grudgingly acknowledged by liberals across the country Sunday.

"Face it, Glenn Beck won a big victory for conservative America with the resignation of Van Jones," wrote Yael T. Abouhalkah, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist.

"Beck kept up the pressure, and the mainstream media reported on it. As a result, Jones couldn't really muster any effective counter-attack. He had made mistakes, tried to apologize for them but was too late," Abouhalkah added.

"As scary as this may sound... Glenn Beck might actually have more power than anybody else representing the Republican Party," the Web site Political wrote Sunday. "As the Republican Party seemingly has no leader in their ranks, at least one that can represent the voice of the people. Even though Glenn Beck is an independent, he represents more Republicans than the Republican party."

"The resignation of Van Jones signals that Glenn Beck's words do not fall on deaf ears. The view's of Glenn Beck have been labeled "extreme" from just about everyone on the left. Van Jones views are arguably just as extreme, if not more so," the article continued.

The rest of the article..:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Ya know Varmit, not everybody needs Glenn Beck to verify how they feel about issues. I, for one, could judge how I felt about Van Jones on my own. There was plenty of information about him out there without people having to check in to see how Glenn Beck felt. The man handily shot himself down, he didn't need Glenn Beck to do it. I often do watch him when I have time. When TV personalities have that much influence, or think they do, then it's time to question who is leading whom around by the nose. People should judge for themselves.


Varmit didn't post this.. I did...  :)
and I DO judge for myself.. Glen Beck is just one of the ones I listen to..
And once again.. He isn't a TV personality....  ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Sorry, Teresa, I thought Varmit posted that. I do watch him when I have time. Sometimes I agree and sometimes I don't. Van Jones was a thorn in a lot of sides...on all sides.


The very first thing that comes up on Google under Glen Beck Is television. Hello? Not a TV personality?  ??? ???


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2009, 07:05:01 PM
Ya know Varmit, not everybody needs Glenn Beck to verify how they feel about issues. I, for one, could judge how I felt about Van Jones on my own. There was plenty of information about him out there without people having to check in to see how Glenn Beck felt. The man handily shot himself down, he didn't need Glenn Beck to do it. I often do watch him when I have time. When TV personalities have that much influence, or think they do, then it's time to question who is leading whom around by the nose. People should judge for themselves.

Never said that they did.  I just happen to agree with Beck on alot of issues.  As far as info on Jones, he didn't really come to light in the mainstream until he made that comment about republicans.  Without Glenn Beck commenting on Jones most people wouldn't have known about his past or racism, and the White House would have issused a "well, jones just misspoke" excuse. 

As for TV Personalities having influence, if people that watched them didn't agree with them then they wouldn't watch, for the most part.  Glenn Beck is always telling his audience to "do their own homework" on the subjects he talks about.  That way people can judge for themselves.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Varmit, I don't always agree with Glenn beck, but I do watch when I have time. I want to hear both sides of issues. People should stay informed on their own, and not have anybody else do their thinking for them.  Some do, many don't. I knew about Van Jones from the 9-11 document he signed. Not a good move. Now that he's on the loose, who knows what he will do?   


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 08, 2009, 08:54:17 AM
. Now that he's on the loose, who knows what he will do?  

You got that right...ticking time bomb... they all are..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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