Van Jones Unhinged

Started by Varmit, September 01, 2009, 07:10:26 PM

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Quote from: Varmit on September 02, 2009, 08:08:55 PM
Quote from: Anmar on September 01, 2009, 09:01:57 PM
Nope, didnt even read it, don't need to read it.  Beck is a liar and has no cred, why would i bother?
Quote from: Anmar on September 02, 2009, 11:14:27 AM
Lol teresa,

In the same paragraph, you call me deaf and blind to facts yet you also to not reading the posts and facts of others.  Also, the day i see a fact fro you is the day that i take anything you have to say seriously.  The fact that you still call me a liberal is only representative of your lack of ability to follow the debates and discussions on these forums.

Speaking of facts, you still haven't answered my question, you said that Beck lied, what facts do you have to support your claim?  Also, for someone who has no "cred"  he has, according to, the New York Times, and USA Today, one of the bestselling books in the nation.  Oh, and one more little fact, he also has one of the largest radio and television ratings in the country. 

I said he's a liar, about a month ago, i showed several videos of Beck lying, and i showed proof.  I'm not going to do it again.  And having a best selling book doesnt give anyone credibility.  Mein Kampf is one of the best selling books of all time.  So is the biography of Mohammed.  In fact, they trash Beck in sales.  So whats your point?

As much as i make fun of Beck,  should really be thanking him, because he helped me and some friends make a lot of money, let me tell you how.  A few months back, the conservative radio hosts started pushing their listeners to buy gold.  They were correct in saying that gold is a good way to store wealth in an economic downturn.  What they didn't tell you was that you need to buy the gold when the price is low, just as the economy starts to enter its downward cycle.  By the time Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and co started encouraging listeners to buy gold, the market had already peaked.  The price of gold started dropping and the smart people were running out of people to sell gold to.  So they hired these radio guys to help them advertise and get stupid people to buy gold as the price was falling.  My friends and i noticed this trend and we short sold.

Lets analyze this.  Who made money?  the people who hired Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity made a ton of money.  The radio hosts made good money, and some opportunists like me made a few bucks on the side.  Where did all this money come from?  we took it from people who were stupid enough to take the advice of these radio talk show hosts and bought gold on the way down.  Do you think Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and co knew that they were selling out their audiences?  you better believe it.

Ladies and gentlemen, i give you conservative talk radio.  It's all about the money.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Oh, i forgot TV ratings.  He's not even top 20 in the cable ratings.  He's actually not even beating out Sponge Bob. 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


ANMAR, you seem to have a problem with what is Fact and what is your opinion, you try to make your opinions fact and that totally discredits you. Have you thought about seeking help, surely in California there is some programs that you could turn to.


ELK@KC, you are certainly right about California having programs that would help Anmar.  We do have a 12-step program designed to help you actually believe what you think is the truth.  It comes with your own personal sponsor available 24/7 to help you in case you begin to think that what you believe may not be necessarily true.  If you start having problems, you can call your sponsor and he/she will tell you that what you are thinking to be the truth, is, and not worry about it. 

Believe it or not.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Anmar, I went back and checked your "facts" about beck lying.  I must admit that when you first posted them I didn't watch them.  The title of the first video you posted "Glenn Beck agrees US needs another Al Qaeda attack to protect us from immigrants?"  is misleading.  It is not that he is "hoping" for another attack, he is saying that it will take another major attack for the gov't to consider sealing the borders.

In none of the videos does he advocate the legalization of marijuana.  He said that we need to either make it legal or enforce our laws.  He was commenting on the differences between Bush (who said he wasn't going to make it legal) and Obama (who said he wasn't going to enforce the law).

As for the "View" controversy, that has been settled.  Yes, Glenn was wrong about who introduced themselves first.  However, Amtrak DID reserve seats for Walters and Goldberg.

I suggest you check your facts.

As for ratings, according to he was beaten only by Bill O'Reily.  This is only a comparison between NEWS programs, not all programs.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


And what is your response to his gold selling scheme?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


That it is not a scheme at all.  Gold, like anything on the market is going to vary on cost and value.  It is a sound, safe investment.  But you can't accuse him or others of a scheme for advertising a product.  Unless of course you are going to call anyone who has ever marketed anything a schemer.  But what I don't really understand is why you would accuse him of taking advantage of people to make money when you were doing the same thing. 

Just a thought, in jan. this year gold was around $850. an ounce, yesterday (9/3) it was at $991. Guess ya'll weren't the only ones to make money. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on September 04, 2009, 12:56:15 AM
That it is not a scheme at all.  Gold, like anything on the market is going to vary on cost and value.  It is a sound, safe investment.  But you can't accuse him or others of a scheme for advertising a product.  Unless of course you are going to call anyone who has ever marketed anything a schemer.  But what I don't really understand is why you would accuse him of taking advantage of people to make money when you were doing the same thing. 

Just a thought, in jan. this year gold was around $850. an ounce, yesterday (9/3) it was at $991. Guess ya'll weren't the only ones to make money. 

Billy, i always thought you the type of person to call a spade a spade.  If i post multiple clear cut lies that Glen Beck has told, will you simply label them as "misunderstandings" or will you ever admit that Glen Beck is a liar.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I am the type to call a spade a spade.  However, you didn't post anything that showed Beck lying.  What you did was post a small segment of Beck and tried to twist it.  Much like MSNBC when they showed a man at a healthcare protest with an AR.  They did close up shots of the rifle, and then when on to say that the only reason people were protesting was because the president was black.  However, when the shot was pulled out, it clearly showed that the guy with the gun was a black man.

As for the gold scheme that you accuse him of...if you look at the prices of gold over the last ten years it has showed a steady increase in value.  In Sept. '99 gold was around $300. an ounce, now it is pushing $1000.  Yet, you say that Beck, Rush, Hannity, and others are duping people into buying gold.  So...with your vast University of Jordan education maybe you could explain something to me.  How could investing in a commidity that has tripled in value and continues to show a pattern of growth (espcially since the value of the dollar is dropping, which will drive up the price of gold even more) be considered stupid?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on September 04, 2009, 10:58:32 AM
I am the type to call a spade a spade.  However, you didn't post anything that showed Beck lying.  What you did was post a small segment of Beck and tried to twist it.  Much like MSNBC when they showed a man at a healthcare protest with an AR.  They did close up shots of the rifle, and then when on to say that the only reason people were protesting was because the president was black.  However, when the shot was pulled out, it clearly showed that the guy with the gun was a black man.

As for the gold scheme that you accuse him of...if you look at the prices of gold over the last ten years it has showed a steady increase in value.  In Sept. '99 gold was around $300. an ounce, now it is pushing $1000.  Yet, you say that Beck, Rush, Hannity, and others are duping people into buying gold.  So...with your vast University of Jordan education maybe you could explain something to me.  How could investing in a commidity that has tripled in value and continues to show a pattern of growth (espcially since the value of the dollar is dropping, which will drive up the price of gold even more) be considered stupid?

Lol, first of all, I don't generally argue economics with someone who doesn't understand economics.  Second, I went to the university of Jordan for 1 quarter, the rest of my time was spent at Cal at which i majored in Business with options in Corporate Management, Entreprenuership, and Finance.  So yes, 1 quarter is vast indeed.  Where did you study economics?

Now, if you want to fact check my argument, please look at the 1 year chart.  Nobody cares about what happened 10 years ago in terms of commodities trading.  Here's the link

Now you see back in early 2008, when the economy was just starting to tank, the price of gold steadily started to rise.  Thats because Gold protects against inflation, yadda yadda.  You'll then observe that around march of '08 gold broke the 1000 level and immediatly crashed.  This happens because people who had been investing in gold suddenly needed cash for other things and notticed that the price was unusually high.  You see, the smart money buys things when they are cheap, and sells when prices are high.  At that point in time, the real estate bubble had just burst and there were forclosures everywhere.  The stock market was also tanking.  Stocks and real estate were cheap, and Gold was high.  Naturally, you sell the gold and buy the cheap stuff.  So by late 2008, early 2009, the price dropped to below 800.  At this point, the people who still haven't sold gold are starting to worry.  They came in a little late and they missed out on the 1000 price, so they are hoping that the price will go back up.  The problem is, who is going to buy gold when the price is high?  Enter your buddies, Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity.  They help advertise gold to create excess demand.  When there is excess demand, the price rises.  Just like oil a few years ago, people went crazy and kept buying, no matter how high the price got.  Eventually the bubble bursts when the smart money decides to leave the market.  The early movers, who are generally much more sophisticated traders, make all the money while the average joe (the guy who looks at 10 year charts) loses his shirt.   You see, the average joe might look at the 10 year chart and say "hey, the price of gold tripled in the last 10 years, it's can't possibly decline in the next few years."  To that i say, look at the 30 year chart.  You see, back in the late 70's early 80's,  the price of gold hit 850.  When you adjust for inflation, thats almost double what the price of gold is now.   Look at the 2 years after gold reached it's peak, look at how quickly it crashed.  Imagine how poorly all the fools did, the ones who thought they were smart and bought gold at 700, thinking it would go back to 850 and beyond.  The price didn't reach 700 again for another 27 years. 

You say that gold is awesome because it's now pushing 1000.  My friend, that is exactly why gold is not awesome.  Always remember, if you want to make money, buy low and sell high.  These people are trying to get you to buy high.  Look what happened the last time gold hit 1000, it fell 300 points in less than a year.

As for MSNBC, i don't watch it much, so i don't know what they said about the guy with the AR15, but i'm sure they twist things also.  I'll post Beck's lies in a bit, but remember, when i do, you agreed to call a spade a spade.  ;D
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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