Van Jones Unhinged

Started by Varmit, September 01, 2009, 07:10:26 PM

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Just a little something I thought I'd share...

From high above Times Square, this is the third most listened to show in all of America. Hello, you sick twisted freak. I want to take another look with some new audio now that I swear to you I cannot believe that there is no one in this country that is willing to take on this audio, that is willing to ask the tough questions. I cannot believe that I am alone. I know you are there, too. You must feel the same way. Where is everyone? I want you to hear some new audio from the green jobs czar, specific adviser to the president for green jobs, or whatever they want to call him. What I want you to do is give me ten minutes. I need you to take a good hard look at who Van Jones is. I told you, well, for the last couple of months that this guy is an avowed, self avowed radical revolutionary communist.

More of story and video....

Glenn Beck Rocks!!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I opened the link, and upon seeing that it was glenn back, rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself.  Then i saw something interesting. a big headline that said Sarah Palin Bikini pictures.  I went to that, and sadly i was dissappointed yet again.  Why is Glen Beck writing about Sarah Palin in a Bikini and why are articles more than a year old still appearing under his top stories?  oh right, he's not a journalist, just an entertainer.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Just a few thoughts...

1.  You didn't need to open the link to see that it was glenn beck.  The link is clearly labeled

2.  Did you read the article on Van Jones?

3.  The Sarah Palin Bikini Pictures is not a "big headline".  It is a link to a piece he did about searches people were conducting at time it was announced that she would be running for Vice President.  It also goes into why the Left attacked her the way they did and still do.

4.  You're right, he is not a journalist, he's a commentator.  Thats his job. 

And the most important point I'd like to address

5.  Why is it that the Left/center, when faced with evidence against them, will try and change the subject, or shift focus to someone else?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Nope, didnt even read it, don't need to read it.  Beck is a liar and has no cred, why would i bother?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


What exactly did Beck lie about? 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Glen Beck is an idiot. He's trying to play on fear like it's a two dollar guitar.

QuoteAll we do is take out the dirty power system, the dirty power generation in a system and just replace it with some clean stuff, put a solar panel on top of this system. We don't deal with how we are consuming water, we don't deal with how we're treating our other sister and other brothers' species, we don't deal with toxins, we don't deal with the way we treat each other, if that's not a part of this movement, let me tell you what you'll have. This is all you'll have. You'll have solar powered bulldozers, solar powered buzz saws, and biofuel bombers and we'll be fighting wars over lithium for the batteries instead of oil for the engines and we'll still have a dead planet. This movement is deeper than a solar panel, deeper than a solar panel. Don't stop there. Don't stop there. No, we're going to change the whole system. ~ Jones
The changes in our energy DO need to go WAY deeper than a sloar panel here and there. We DO need to deal with toxins, the way we treat each other, AND the planet.

QuoteVAN JONES: And our Native American sisters and brothers who were pushed and bullied and mistreated and shoved into all the land we didn't want, where it was all hot and windy, well, guess what, renewable energy. Guess what, solar industry. Guess what, wind industry. They now own and control 80% of the renewable energy resources. No more broken treaties. No more broken treaties. Give them the wealth. Give them the wealth. Give them the dignity. Give them the respect that they deserve. No justice on stolen land. We owe them a debt.


QuoteWhat about people who come here from all around the world, who we're willing to have out in the fields with poison being sprayed on them, poison being sprayed on them because we have the wrong agricultural system and then we're and we're willing to poison them and poison the Earth to put food on our table but we don't want to give them rights and we don't want to give them dignity and we don't want to give them respect?
Corporate farms, genetically engineered food, heavy use of chemicals and pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics.......Organic is the only way that's not dead. Would YOU pick fruit and vegetables after they've been sprayed with some of the toxic chemicals that are used?

The Tuskeegee thing, the reference to Manifest Destiny, more than a grain of truth there too.


You know.. I'm so much happier when I stay the heck out of this forum..
But here I am ... really wanting to delete this whole post I have written.. but yet wanting to say it too..
Glen Beck is not an idiot!..nor is he considered and "entertainer"..  far far from it..
He is extremely intelligent.. his ratings more than prove that.
He nails  the truth right  square on the head so much that the left is about to crap all over themselves..
including the idiot we have in the White House.. He would love to shut up Beck and Hannity and the people who aren't actually afraid to speak the truth! Oh I forgot.. he and his Nazi regime are trying to do exactly that.. Shut the truth seekers up! :police: Wonder why?

Glen Beck is the TOP show listened to.. and People ARE listening and they ARE finally waking up and seeing whats actually going on. Anyway those that are really interested in facing what the  REAL truth is where our government is concerned. 
((I have to take a big deep breath here))

Anmar ..I don't know what your silly game is..and I don't care... its people like you who.......................................
You know what? ? I'm not even going to waste my breath.. You will never get it.. it wouldn't matter if Jesus told you himself what a destroyer of America Obama is.. you wouldn't believe it! You would twist it until it suited your Liberal purpose. So you can spout off your fabrications and BS all you want..  I for one will not be reading it anymore...Its one thing to talk to an opposing difference of thoughts...That's refreshing... but you just are off the chart...
It's like trying to talk to a deaf blind mute...give you facts and you blink 3 times like you never heard it  and come back with something so twisted its almost pathetic! Show you black and you would say its white..
(It's impossible to converse and exhausting to boot. Reminds me of my ex husband who I was married to for only a year)  ::) The more you talked facts with him..the more he gave you that smug smirk ..right before he gave you this off the wall lie that was a direct opposite of what was going on...when the  truth was right there!
Its creepy really ...
but  honestly for the life of me , I don't realize how people can not see what is going on? Is there really that many people who love the taste of the governments Kool-aid that they refuse to quit drinking it? You really can't see what is happening to our country in the short time since this administration?

But fair is fair.. Its an open to the public of any nationality..any color.. any sex.. so you're in girl. fill the page up with your fantasy's.......
..... If everyone else wants to try to beat their head against the wall to converse with you.. have at it.. You can post whatever you want to in here as much as you want.. That's your  prerogative.. just as its mine to totally ignore you. 
Enjoy your time in the forum..   :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Pam, how is telling the truth playing on fear?

As far as our enegry policies go, you're right, we do need to find alternative sources.  However, this adminstration refuses to allow us to to do that.  Until viable alternatives can be found we should utilize what resources we have such as coal and oil.  Not only would this provide much needed jobs and economic boost but it would also cut our dependence on foregin resources.  But no, we can't do that because its harming the enviroment with those evil greenhouse gasses.  Even though scientist can't seem to agree on the global warming issue we are going to try and pass a Cap & Trade bill.  Which by the way, according to the president himself, will cause electricty rates to skyrocket.  Given that we are trying to pass a healthcare bill based on the idea that people can't afford to buy insurance, what makes him think that they will be able to pay $100 or more a month additionally for electricty?  Maybe we will just have to nationalize that as well.

Just curious, when was the last time we drove "natives" off their land?  Owe them a debt??  I don't think so.  No one is forcing them to live on reservations.  No one is saying that they can't still hold their traditions.  Well, actually that is not true.  Our Constitution did away with slavery and gave women the "right " to vote and such.  Maybe we should take on more of the Native traditions, afterall, I'm sure that their are husbands out there that would love to notch the nose of unfaithful wives.  Espcially the husbands that BOUGHT those wives witha few ponies and a beverskin.

Organics the only way thats not dead??  Get serious.  Non-organic farming has fed more of the worlds hungry population than any other means.  I know...I know...we should have let millions of people starve to death in the interest of saving the planet.  I mean, lets just forget the fact that those evil insecticides have been used to control mosquitoes that carry diseases like malaria and west nile, have drastically cut populations of boll weveals thus increasing plant yield.  By the way, YES I would not only pick fruits and vegtables that have been sprayed with chemicals, but I would also wash and eat them. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


   You know what........  I don't know if you meant Anmar or me cause I'm the one that actually posted an answer.

I think Beck is a turd stirrer who gets ratings playing on peoples fears. Personally I don't listen to ANY shows like his, they are personal opinions not the gospel and subject to the bias of the person giving them. Kinda like this forum.......

Billy, try to find a treaty made that was honored by the government. I'm not going to argue with you about this. When and IF you find one compare it against the number that WEREN'T.  My native ancestors may have done those things, my white ancestors used to consider THEIR wives property to be beaten, mistreated and done with as they please what makes one worse than the other? One gave ponies ,whatever for his wife...the OTHER had to be paid by the brides family to TAKE her it was called a dowry and if she didn't have one she was screwed.What makes one worse than the other? Give me a break..that was a lame comment.

As for dead food.......try eatin homegrown organic which I'm SURE there is plenty of around there and then go buy yourself a tomato from the store. Which one tastes more "alive"?

Nowhere in anything I wrote did I make reference to "global warming" I'm talking about POLLUTION which is a PROVEN thing. Chemicals, mining waste and a whole HOST of other things can and DO pollute the land AND the water...even if it happened years ago it's STILL in the dirt..take Picher Ok. and Treece, Ks as examples of that...Granby Mo. and many OTHER places. I get tired of people who immediately trot out "oh global warming" is a myth as an answer to ANY mention of pollution. Maybe it is maybe it isn't...either way it ain't gonna affect anything for a hundred years or so.....the pollution I"M talkin about is affecting YOU ,YOUR KIDS and will affect your GRANDKIDS

Just because somebody you DON'T like says something that's true does NOT make it any less true. If Beck said somthin that was true I'd admit it and listen to it.

I don't CARE if anybody likes what I say and I'm not spoutin off about my "free speech" rights. I'm not gonna go along and give lip service to things I don't believe just to get along with people.

I could keep goin but the sayin "there are none so blind as them that won't see" goes BOTH ways.


Lol teresa,

In the same paragraph, you call me deaf and blind to facts yet you also to not reading the posts and facts of others.  Also, the day i see a fact fro you is the day that i take anything you have to say seriously.  The fact that you still call me a liberal is only representative of your lack of ability to follow the debates and discussions on these forums.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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