Are You "In or Out"?

Started by redcliffsw, August 31, 2009, 08:09:35 PM

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Quote from: srkruzich on August 31, 2009, 10:54:18 PM
Quote from: pamsback on August 31, 2009, 10:47:50 PM
What about all the killin, rapin and pillagin that's gonna have to happen to get it done? You reckon that's gonna be worth it too? What if somebody decides they don't like YOU and decides YOU need to be one of the ones that has to go? That gonna be cool with you? You still gonna think it's a good idea? What if it's a member of your family? Or a really good friend? YOUR teacher? YOUR preacher? What if they don't like YOUR politics? YOUR religion? You gonna let all that YOU hold dear go down for "the good"? Or is it just if what they want to get rid of doesn't really AFFECT you all that much?
You know what!  Welcome to the horror of war.  Don't you think that happend in the civil war when the north raped pillaged killed murdered and destroyed the south!?   Sherman and his men slaughtered men women and children, but not before raping the women and burning everything from chattanooga all the way to savanah!   

This is the reason the forefathers instituted the constitution to HOPEFULLY avoid war.  But just like our forefathers said in the late 1700's, freedom ain't cheap, from time to time it is kept by the spilling of blood.

Steve what you say is true. The South did the same raping pillaging. We have not exhausted the remedies given to us by our forefathers in the Constitution. We are no where near the point where armed conflict is warranted in my opinion. We have it way better than during the Revolutionary War or the Civil War for that matter. Let's not jump the gun.



Quote from: dnalexander on August 31, 2009, 11:03:15 PM
Quote from: srkruzich on August 31, 2009, 10:54:18 PM
Quote from: pamsback on August 31, 2009, 10:47:50 PM
What about all the killin, rapin and pillagin that's gonna have to happen to get it done? You reckon that's gonna be worth it too? What if somebody decides they don't like YOU and decides YOU need to be one of the ones that has to go? That gonna be cool with you? You still gonna think it's a good idea? What if it's a member of your family? Or a really good friend? YOUR teacher? YOUR preacher? What if they don't like YOUR politics? YOUR religion? You gonna let all that YOU hold dear go down for "the good"? Or is it just if what they want to get rid of doesn't really AFFECT you all that much?
You know what!  Welcome to the horror of war.  Don't you think that happend in the civil war when the north raped pillaged killed murdered and destroyed the south!?   Sherman and his men slaughtered men women and children, but not before raping the women and burning everything from chattanooga all the way to savanah!   

This is the reason the forefathers instituted the constitution to HOPEFULLY avoid war.  But just like our forefathers said in the late 1700's, freedom ain't cheap, from time to time it is kept by the spilling of blood.

Steve what you say is true. The South did the same raping pillaging. We have not exhausted the remedies given to us by our forefathers in the Constitution. We are no where near the point where armed conflict is warranted in my opinion. We have it way better than during the Revolutionary War or the Civil War for that matter. Let's not jump the gun.


Well i'm not saying we are at this point, the article is a good piece in that it poses a theory that could possibly happen.   IF obaman and congress did attempt a coup, this would necessitate the action of war.  There would be no more remedies available.  And i responded to pams post with the facts.  This is what will happen, there will be brother against brother, son against father, friend against friend. That is the cost of war.  But if freedom is at stake and no remedies are available other than war, then the blood of patriots will be spilled.  And that article does a good job of pointing it out what will happen. 

THe author is trying to wake up folks especially Washington. THey have gotten so confident in their power, that they think they can do anything.  Look, the first war this country had was over taxes and a whole list of other grievances not unlike those we have today.  The civil war was fought over states rights, and the taxation and unfair tarrifs that the north forced upon the south.   

So its not that farfetched to think that we could have another civil war just over the policies.  Remember the Civil war didn't happen overnight.  They warned the congress for decades that it was coming if they didn't stop overstepping their constitutional authority.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


  You know what....I had a REAL firebreathing answer wrote and then I erased want to know why? Because the guy who wrote that article is an idiot. Period. People who think that sounds like a good idea and don't see the hypocrisy involved when we have sent our armies to fight and die against people who were doing the VERY same thing this guy is saying are idiots too.

People are never gonna learn from the s*&^ they screw up.......they'll keep havin the same "revolutions" for the same reasons till we are all gone. All  it takes is one idiot with a nuke....................


QuoteIF obaman and congress did attempt a coup, this would necessitate the action of war.

George W. Bush added a directive to the Patriot Act which would give Obama or WHOEVER to TAKE over in the case of an armed innsurection like this guy is talkin about. Don't believe me? Go look it up for yourself.

Coup is overtaking a government right? How does the government stage a coup on itself? (just in case......this is SARCASM) not an actual question.


"The chief source of problems is solutions"



The info on your website that you posted on this thread is provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
If I recall, this SPLC bunch had more than $150,000,000 in its fund about 3 or 4 years ago.  They have a better racket
going than TV preachers.     

You must look very favorably to the SPLC to post their info on this forum.  Could you be more liberal than you want us to know?

Read on:

By the way, what do you have against the United Daughters of the Confederacy or any other of the listed organizations on
your website that you posted? 



Red, I went back and reread the article.  You were right in hoping that this never happens.  Personally, I think that if it were to happen it would be the end of this nation.  Other than the time-line being way to optimistic, I think that the "rebuilding" process the author imagines is far fetched.  I don't think there would be a rebuilding on a national level.  I think that the country would be splintered among various groups of one ideology or another.  Lawlessness would, in effect, be the law of the land until a group of patriots could become large enough to control an area big enough to sustain an army.

One thing that the author overlooks is the lack or organization, networking, and a command structure of the various patriots groups.  That would be the first obstacle to overcome.  Until the Patriots can present a united front that in the long run offers real solutions they won't have the support they need from the population to even begin to stage a revolution.

As a side note, you're right on about the SPLC
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: pamsback on August 31, 2009, 11:26:14 PM
  You know what....I had a REAL firebreathing answer wrote and then I erased want to know why? Because the guy who wrote that article is an idiot. Period. People who think that sounds like a good idea and don't see the hypocrisy involved when we have sent our armies to fight and die against people who were doing the VERY same thing this guy is saying are idiots too.

People are never gonna learn from the s*&^ they screw up.......they'll keep havin the same "revolutions" for the same reasons till we are all gone. All  it takes is one idiot with a nuke....................

Why do you think our forefathers placed the 2nd amendment in our constitution?  It sure ain't for hunting!  It is there to secure our freedoms, and make sure that we have the ability to what is espoused in this article.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: pamsback on August 31, 2009, 11:35:15 PM
QuoteIF obaman and congress did attempt a coup, this would necessitate the action of war.

George W. Bush added a directive to the Patriot Act which would give Obama or WHOEVER to TAKE over in the case of an armed innsurection like this guy is talkin about. Don't believe me? Go look it up for yourself.

Coup is overtaking a government right? How does the government stage a coup on itself? (just in case......this is SARCASM) not an actual question.

They don't have the power to overthrow the people. :)  THe Constitution does not grant them that power and the patriot act cannot grant them that power either.  If they tried, there will be quite a few folks that would just roll over and let it happen.  The rest will however, say enough.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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