State Worshipping Churches

Started by redcliffsw, August 29, 2009, 12:19:28 AM

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What's orgainized religion?  Like the ones Diane mentioned?


Quote from: pamsback on August 30, 2009, 10:36:08 AM
This part of this conversation TOtally exhibits the reason I have no use for organized religion. Y'all really think what you have to say about whether or not Ted Kennedy repented to YOUR specifications has ANY bearing on whether or not he is in heaven or whaerever?
Well actually it isn't my specifications.  It's the good lords specifications. :)  Just repeating what he said.
you wish to argue with the specifications, then argue with him.  :)

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

QuoteWhat Catwoman said is RIGHT on.

Some of the most UN-caring statements I have ever heard made were by "good" church-goin front row settin hypocrites.

NObody and I mean NObody knows what's in a mans heart or between him and God exCEPT him and God. Nobody else even counts....
That is true, BUT....
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Now we know that of the above things, Mr kennedy Probably did not commit witchcraft, maybe not Adultery but that is a kennedy trait though.  And quite frankly most politicians do the above things.  Note that it says they will not go to heaven. :)

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteWhat's orgainized religion?
Any group of self-righteous people who think they are qualified to judge the state of another persons soul. ANY

QuoteAnd quite frankly most politicians do the above things.  Note that it says they will not go to heaven.

well quite frankly...most of us on HERE have done been guilty of some of guess we ain't goin either huh?

As for what it takes.....all it takes is acceptin Jesus as the Son of God  period.....worst SOB in the world can go to heaven long as he accepts Jesus before he kicks...THATS the good Lords specifications.


Quote from: pamsback on August 30, 2009, 08:23:29 PM
QuoteWhat's orgainized religion?
Any group of self-righteous people who think they are qualified to judge the state of another persons soul. ANY

QuoteAnd quite frankly most politicians do the above things.  Note that it says they will not go to heaven.

well quite frankly...most of us on HERE have done been guilty of some of guess we ain't goin either huh?

As for what it takes.....all it takes is acceptin Jesus as the Son of God  period.....worst SOB in the world can go to heaven long as he accepts Jesus before he kicks...THATS the good Lords specifications.

But a apple tree bears apples, pear tree bears pears and the fruits of the flesh are that fruits of the flesh. IF your savd then your fruit changes.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteIF your savd then your fruit changes.

If you get "saved" 30 seconds before you kick it ain't gonna give you a whole lotta time to convince the people who think they KNOW where you are goin LOL. My POINT is.........what YOU all or ME or ANYbody else thinks about where Kennedy(or anybody ELSE for that matter) is or isn't now that he is gone doesn't make a hill of beans worth of difference and the fact that so many seem so sure he went to hell when they have NO idea makes me want to puke. I hope he has a front row seat in Heaven myself JUST because I ain't wishin or judgin Hell on ANYbody...........I hope we ALL get front row seats each and every one of us. Just the fact I'm havin this conversation makes me feel judgmental.

Diane Amberg

You mean there really isn't just room for 144,000 people in heaven, as I was once told? ;)


Quote from: pamsback on August 31, 2009, 10:43:07 AM
QuoteIF your savd then your fruit changes.

If you get "saved" 30 seconds before you kick it ain't gonna give you a whole lotta time to convince the people who think they KNOW where you are goin LOL. My POINT is.........what YOU all or ME or ANYbody else thinks about where Kennedy(or anybody ELSE for that matter) is or isn't now that he is gone doesn't make a hill of beans worth of difference and the fact that so many seem so sure he went to hell when they have NO idea makes me want to puke. I hope he has a front row seat in Heaven myself JUST because I ain't wishin or judgin Hell on ANYbody...........I hope we ALL get front row seats each and every one of us. Just the fact I'm havin this conversation makes me feel judgmental.

I don't know where he went and i said that before.  But if i were to base it on his life and actions, then i would have to say he sure didn't go up.  Sure he could have had a deathbed confession, but honestly thats very unlikely at his age. Shrug its just the nature of the beast. As far as wishing hell on anyone i wouldn't wish it on anyone, just accept that Most people will end up there by their own choosing.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2009, 10:49:12 AM
You mean there really isn't just room for 144,000 people in heaven, as I was once told? ;)

That is the JW's doctrine, not the christian doctrine.  It also pertains to the Jews only, not the gentiles. 
it is 12,000 jews from each tribe of israel, that are marked by the mark of God while the rest of the world is marked with the mark of the beast. those 144,000 will survive the tribulation and go on to his kingdom while the rest die and are sent to hell.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Hell.............. hmmmmm    :-\   interesting concept...

I wouldn't talk religion with most people if you paid me in Gold...
but I do find this conversation somewhat ahhhhh .. not really humorous.. but interesting........ :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on August 31, 2009, 02:36:51 PM
Hell.............. hmmmmm    :-\   interesting concept...

I wouldn't talk religion with most people if you pad me in Gold...
but I do find this conversation somewhat ahhhhh .. not really humorous.. but interesting........ :)

Well i have no problem talking about it, for the most part theres far too much garbage that is spread.  WHen i talk about it, i have the exact quotes and verses to back up what i post.  :) 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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