Enough is Enough

Started by Varmit, August 28, 2009, 07:00:52 PM

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So now you are say that being truthfull about the way I feel is rude. I am telling you I would to love to over look her comments and opinions but  once again how can you to that when she is on every thread. Please how can you know everything about everything even if you are a Teacher!!!!!! The rest of you let her know how feel but I can"t. What happen to FREEDOM OF SPEECH.??????


Ma'am, don't you understand that liberals and socialists think themselves to know a lot of stuff?


Quote from: redcliffsw on August 30, 2009, 12:09:22 PM

Ma'am, don't you understand that liberals and socialists think themselves to know a lot of stuff?

Red that is just too funny coming from you.


Diane Amberg

Jane, apparently your freedom of speech has bumped heads with mine. If there is a limit to the number of posts an "outsider " can make, I didn't know it and I  apologize. Apparently you know, so please enlighten me. A far as a rule that we can only check out the forum from our HOME computer, I didn't know that either, please tell me where that is posted so I can check it out. My fire house has lots of computers and it is quite common for people on duty, who have finished their house assignments, to check out forums, play games, and talk to friends. I didn't know I had to clear it with a few of you. I don't know what I ever did to make you hate me so much. And yes, you did let a cat out of a bag. Because the exact same words were used, I know who you were talking to recently. I have cut back on my posting, to the sadness of some, and went back and deleted 'most everything I wrote for nearly a year. There are at least 10 threads I never comment on, and there are some that I simply add a thank you, or a smiley or a word of encouragement. I don't know why everything I say rubs you the wrong way, but at least you are talking to me today and not whining to someone else behind my back. I will not apologize for the education that my parents worked hard to pay for, the very educational traveling I've done, or the intelligence God gave me. If that intimidates you, or whatever it is that bothers you, that's your problem.  What does being a teacher have to do with your obvious anger? I do know a lot, so what. That sure doesn't make me perfect. I'm not intentionally "flaunting" anything. If you are trying to chase me completely off here, too bad, I'm not going unless I'm banned.
  Sometimes I don't think you even realize you are being rude, but if rude is the only way you can be truthful then I guess I'll have to put up with it, as I suspect there is more hissing ( sorry Cat) to come.  Up until I finally had enough, I tried to be honest   ( big mistake) and respectful to everyone and just have conversation or debate. Some of you still don't know how to debate issues without anger and name calling and several have learned and do very well at it now. A few still deliberately ask leading questions or mix issues to try to back someone else into a "have you stopped beating your wife" corner. That just isn't my style. I suspect we could be good friends if we ever met, and yes, I have plenty of them and plenty of "other things to do." For people who are retired or older or disabled, this forum could be big part of their lives, why would anyone want to spoil that for them? As far as your wanting to "look over" my comments and opinions, pardon me if I am very skeptical about that. Questions do come up on here that I do know the answer to.... from now on I'll keep silent and hope that the people who didn't get answered by someone else will forgive me. Even if most of MY questions to a few of you go unanswered. I'm asked a leading question and I answer it, but if I ask the same question of them....silence. Is that the right thing to do? Phooey,and on Sunday no less.
I did not proof read this, so pick away all you want.
Red, that comment is so typical, but should be beneath you. That would be like someone saying that extremists are all possessed by the devil. Gotta love those labels..... Poppy cock


As far as I know FREEDOM OF SPEECH is alive and well,but rude is still rude.


OH...MY...GOD...I swear, if you "children" don't stop your nitpicking I'm going to pull this car over!!! 

Jane, if you don't like Dianes comments, then don't read them.  Period.

Greatguns, no one appointed you "manner police". 

Red, everybody thinks themselves to know alot of stuff.  I for one have a plethora of useless information jammed packed right next to my vast knowledge of the universe and everything in it.

Diane, don't be such a victim.  Regardless of what others say, you have just as much right to post as anyone else.  Just because some folks don't want to play by your rules that doesn't mean you have to stomp your feet and start crying.

So, everybody (and that includes myself) grow up will ya?  Personal opinions are one thing, personal attacks are another.  Either use facts, or at least percieved facts, to present and counter arguments, or shut the he$$ up!  Leave the personal attacks out of it.  Afterall, using facts is the best way to confuse liberals.  >:( :P ;D
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


OMG ! ! !

I'm agreeing with Billy! ! !

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D

Well said. As usual, no beating around the bush! :o


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Billy, sometimes you amaze me with your three S's-------------------Sensitivity, Selflessness, and Sound Advice!

Diane, you and I don't tangle because we usually agree on most things and the ones I don't, I shut up.  Please continue to post no matter what anyone else says.  If someone here is unhappy with your opinions, they should know not to read them.  As far as your comment on those who are retired, yes, I am and I have things I could or have to do with my day, but reading this forum and drinking my morning coffee are the first and foremost things I do every day.  I am pretty sure it makes my day a lot better.

And to the rest of you, everyone has a right to say what they think, what they feel, what they know, or think they know.  So do you!!!  BUT--------finger pointing and back stabbing and name calling tend to show me that you are not as smart or as nice as I thought you were.  It only diminishes the value of the posts that you put here and I tend not to read them.

So There!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

I am not having a pity party nor am I crying. Have any of you received a PM basically telling you to shut up? I DON"T  have the same rights as you and I'm not supposed to post freely, so what am I supposed to do? I have cut back and back and back. I wouldn't have posted this but my name came up...again as a criticism. I'm not sure I have any cheeks left to turn.  I try to debate ISSUES. I have never called anybody stupid, because you aren't.  I'm sorry I finally popped my cork, but when I'm pushed I finally say"enough already." So now I'll finally be judged by different rules than the rest? I can't even stand up for myself? After a very obvious frontal attack? Only ONE political thread was ever started by me....and nobody was interested. Oh well, carry on.   

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