Enough is Enough

Started by Varmit, August 28, 2009, 07:00:52 PM

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Diane, it's time for the mule to kick in. Had I received a PM telling me not to post, you better believe that I would double the number of postings. Just to irritate that forward person who had that kind of nerve. Post away friend, and know that many many folks enjoy having an intelligent discussion to participate in, whether they post or not. I have been assured that this forum is not just for conservative, far right  folks, and I shall continue to operate that way. Let the mule kick in and become flat stubborn. I am always happy to see postings from my friends.  :-* :-*


I'm not in here very much anymore.. I come in to check the data... answer my pm's.. take care of personal items in here for members ..occasionally  post a minor thing and then I leave.
So, my apologies for not keeping an eye on posts etc..

Billy..  ..excellent job moderating..
In any forum.. it is always something that has to be dealt with.
You did a fantastic job..much better than I could have done. If I had said what you said.. I would have had everyone mad at me.. but you hit the nail smack on the head in all areas...and everyone still likes you! ((SHOCKER))  ;D ;D

Everything and I mean everything you said is 1,000 % right on target..
And I am glad you included yourself in there and also in doing that you included me.. ( which is on target too)  :police:

We are all human with different buttons that when pushed ....explode.
Mine have been pushed several times in here and fortunately I have some close friends in here who I trust, that allow me to unload both barrels until I calm down. ( It's not a pretty sight  ;D ;D ) But it does help alot..

But Yes.. I agree with Billy... that if  anyone doesn't like to read certain people's posts.. then overlook them and read the others... That's what I do. Because people don''t change their spots.. It is the nature of the beast.. We all can try to change our habits a little and do things differently ..but eventually  we all creep back to """being who we are"""..
Which is good... But there is always going to be personality clashes with someone somewhere. We all just have to learn to deal with it!
Had an old neighbor of mine a long time ago when I lived in Cedar Vale.  and when I would get all upset about something and talk to him he would say to me, "Honey? If it doesn't directly involve you...Ignore it. Turn away from it and quit bringing it to your own plate! ..*Why feed yourself tuna everyday if you don't like the taste of it?*

Amazing sometimes when things like that crop up to the surface and you remember........and how wonderful that the advice actually works..

Billy.....................job well done.
Thank you~!!!!

Before I posted this I read the latest one from you 6dogs.............
Let me say this..
Posts that chime in to "stir the fire"... are not any help at all either...............
It might make you feel all good and stout to spout off about what you would do here and what you would do there.. but sometimes its better to let the fights die down and help get things back on course ..rather than throw a cup of gas on the fire.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

That's OK, I have a big fire extinguisher.





Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on August 31, 2009, 04:38:14 AM

So, everybody (and that includes myself) grow up will ya?  Personal opinions are one thing, personal attacks are another.  Either use facts, or at least percieved facts, to present and counter arguments, or shut the he$$ up!  Leave the personal attacks out of it.  Afterall, using facts is the best way to confuse liberals.  >:( :P ;D

I can't believe it ! ! ! The POT finally calling the KETTLE BLACK  or JUMPING FROM THE FRYING PAN INTO THE FIRE  ;D :angel:

nonetheless, good, sound advice.



Anyhow, now that thats over with...

Now I am sure that you all have heard the statement made that "Obama won the election, if you don't like it then vote him out in 4 years".  And the people who say that are correct, that is the way that the Constitution provides for the people to change our leaders.  However, I would like to propose a few questions...With their contempt of the Constitution so obviously blatant, where do you think they will stop or pull up short in their violation of it?  Also, why does Obama get a pass when he lies?  Also, should people who are admittedly communists be permitted to occupy seats of power within our gov't?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on September 01, 2009, 07:02:31 PM
Anyhow, now that thats over with...

Now I am sure that you all have heard the statement made that "Obama won the election, if you don't like it then vote him out in 4 years".  And the people who say that are correct, that is the way that the Constitution provides for the people to change our leaders.  However, I would like to propose a few questions...With their contempt of the Constitution so obviously blatant, where do you think they will stop or pull up short in their violation of it?  Also, why does Obama get a pass when he lies?  Also, should people who are admittedly communists be permitted to occupy seats of power within our gov't?

1. Nothing the administration has done thus far has violated the constitution.  If you think they have, state clearly what they have done, and what article was violated.

2. Nobody gets a pass for lying.

3.  Yes, if they are put there through legal means.  The constitution allows freedom of thought and beliefs systems.  You can't bar people from public office because of what they think or believe.

4.  My youngest brother is really into computer games, and upon reading some of these threads he says "mmmm their tears are salty, qq more"
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Violations of the Constitution by the Obama adminstration..

1.  The targeting of individual citizens with legislation i.e. when they went after AIG executive bonuses, violates due process clause.  As well as Section 9 of Article 1

2.  Taking over private businesses.  Violates the 10th admendment.

Thats just a few off the top of my head.

Obama HAS gotten a pass for lying.  The media and the Left, not to mention congress, has not called him out on several issues.  Balant lies he has told - not knowing Jermiah Wrights stance and views on America, said he didn't really know Bill Aryers, said the stimulus would create jobs, said he would govern from the middle, violates his oath of office by appointing Czars who are answerable only to him and whose core values and principles are in direct violation of the constitution.

Read the Preamble.  It clearly states that one of the reasons for the Constitution is to "...secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..."  How can a communist, who believes that the power of government lies with the state and not the people uphold the constitution?

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on September 01, 2009, 09:41:14 PM
Violations of the Constitution by the Obama adminstration..

1.  The targeting of individual citizens with legislation i.e. when they went after AIG executive bonuses, violates due process clause.  As well as Section 9 of Article 1

2.  Taking over private businesses.  Violates the 10th admendment.

Thats just a few off the top of my head.

Obama HAS gotten a pass for lying.  The media and the Left, not to mention congress, has not called him out on several issues.  Balant lies he has told - not knowing Jermiah Wrights stance and views on America, said he didn't really know Bill Aryers, said the stimulus would create jobs, said he would govern from the middle, violates his oath of office by appointing Czars who are answerable only to him and whose core values and principles are in direct violation of the constitution.

Read the Preamble.  It clearly states that one of the reasons for the Constitution is to "...secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..."  How can a communist, who believes that the power of government lies with the state and not the people uphold the constitution?

Billy, just lol, this is too funny.

1.  When referencing the constitution, you first list the article, then the section.  Article 1 section 9 limits the powers of congress.  Obama is not a member of congress.

2.  Obama didn't take over private businesses.  Bush bought shares of companies with government funds.

3.  Define "pass for lying"  You seem to think that because he tried to enact a policy, and the policy failed, that he's a liar?  Wait a second there, you've never tried something and been unsuccessful at it?  Obama has lied about certain things, but who's given him a pass?  nobody that i'm aware of. 

4.  As far as Czars, they aren't really a whole lot different from any other government appointee.  The executive branch hires employees at their convenience, it's been that way since Washington.  Just because some wacko decides to call them czars instead of secreteries or ministers doesn't make a difference.

5. You really need to do some research on what exactly communism is if you want to use the word properly.  Communism is an economic theory, not a form of government.  Furthermore, the theory was developed to protect the poorer classes from the richer classes, which our system also does to a certain extent.  The US has had a socialist party for over 100 years, and they were at the forefront of the universal suffrage movement.  Their stated goal is

"The eventual goal of the movement was to give control of the means of production to the working class, and, in particular, to transfer ownership of major industries to their respective employees, relinquishing "capital to those who create it." Democratic socialists wish to achieve their goals by winning elections"

They even had 2 members of congress.  Whats unconstitutional about that?  please tell me

6. I like lists, keep using them

7. I'm tired of you pulling "facts" out of your rear that you can't support.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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