Self Defense - Wasp Spray

Started by Jo McDonald, August 25, 2009, 09:29:35 AM

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Jo McDonald

         I received this from a friend today. 

Did you know this?  I didn't.  I never really thought of it before. I
guess I can get rid of the baseball bat

  On the  heels of a break in and beating that left an elderly woman in
Toledo dead, self defense experts have a tip
that could save your life. Val Glinka teaches self-defense to students
at Sylvania Southview High School. For decades, he's suggested putting a
can of wasp and hornet spray near your door or bed. Glinka says, "This
is better than anything I can teach them."
Glinka considers it inexpensive, easy to find, and more effective than
mace or pepper spray. The cans typically shoot
20 to 30 feet; so if someone tries to break into your home, Glinka says
"spray the culprit in the eyes". It's a tip
he's given to students for decades. It's also one he wants everyone to
hear. If you're looking for protection, Glinka says look to the spray.
"That's going to give you a chance to call the police; maybe get out."
Maybe even save a life.

                        Wasp Spray
   A friend who is a receptionist in a church in a high risk area  was
concerned about someone coming into the office on
Monday to rob them when they were counting the collection.  She asked
the local police department about using pepper
spray and they recommended to her that she get a can of wasp spray
instead. The wasp spray, they told her, can shoot up to twenty feet away
and is a lot more accurate, while with the pepper spray, they have to
get too close to you and could overpower you. The wasp spray temporarily
blinds an attacker until they get to the hospital for an antidote.  She
keeps a can on her desk in the office and it doesn't attract attention
from people like a can of pepper spray would. She also keeps one nearby
at home for home protection. Thought this was
interesting and might be of use.

  from: Aiken County Public Schools


 ;D Now, this is some good information ! ! !

Ms Bear

I keep this on hand all the time, I will put a can by the front door and one by the back door.  Beside my bed too.  Will pass this on to some friends.  Thankyou.


I have been doing a little reading about the subject; I include here a blog from Amazon. Something to think about.

   Using any chemical as a weapon (defensively or not) that isn't designed for the purpose you are using it and which may cause permanent harm could place you in a very disadvantagaeous position. Most states have laws that will allow even a criminal to sue you for assault and/or allow the state to bring criminal charges agaisnt you for using deadly chemicals (or chemicals that can cause permanent damage, like loss of eyesight).

So, why would you even consider risking that liability when approved pepper-spray and tear-gas products are readily available in most drug-stores and conveneint stores (and are relatively inexpensive)?

Then there's the more obvious questions of practicality...

I'm not aware of any pocket-size, purse-size or key-ring size cans of oven-cleanear or hornet spray being available... carrying around a 16oz can of those products for personal protection is simply ridiculous. Also, oven cleaner sprays have a widte dispersion spray-pattern when employed and do not have an effective reach of more than a a few inches... making them particularly unsuited for the purpose you describe.

And lastly, it is not uncommon for a weapon of self-defense to be used by the attacker/intruder against the victim. In fact, it is extremely common. That means, statistically speaking, that whatever weapon you choose to have at hand could very well end up being used on you.

Bottom line, self-defense is a serious issue and should be treated as such. Education and training is warranted. Seek out a local course on self-defense or ask your local law enforcement agency if they have a pamphlet ot brochure on the matter.

Sources: common sense 


Warning - Tangent Alert!

We have a problem with ants, it's been wet this year and they just keep coming back.  The type that crawl all over your kitchen counters looking for the slightest hint of a crumb, and turn into thousands when they find one.

I used to reach for the aerosol can of Ant & Roach Killer and give 'em a good whackin'.

Had to be careful not to hit the plates, cups, silverware, etc.

Then I'd have to clean up all the dead ants and the residue from the killer, usually with 409 or something similar like Orange Clean.

One day couldn't find the aerosol, so I grabbed the 409 and thought "what the heck"

Knocked 'em just as dead as the Ant & Roach Killer.  And I didn't have to worry about hitting the plates, etc.


LOL! You have discovered what most home owners already know; that the indoor insecticides are pretty much watered down. You have to spray the little devils and hope they drown. Drowning with one liquid is about as good as another. I highly recommend Terro ant baits, both indoor and outdoor. We were being carried off and they were recommended by a good forum friend; they certainly did the trick. I also used the granules in the yard and as a bonus, I haven't had any fleas this year so far. (I have my fingers crossed)


I've tried the Terro.  Always had good luck with it in Moline.  But not these suckers. :P  They basically take a look at it (the liquid you put on the little squares, and the enclosed stations) and go "Hmpf" and just keep going on their merry way.  I don't know that I'm drowning them, cause all it takes is one pull of the 409 trigger.  When I throw a bowl of them in the sink, they fight through the water to safety if I don't get them down the drain quick enough. >:(  Maybe I have "Mutant Ants". ;D


Please explain to me why I should care about a person that has broke in to my house or business to do harm to me or steal. Believe me wasp spray is not good enough for them. I will just pull my gun and shoot them.


Quote from: Jane on August 29, 2009, 07:11:59 AM
Please explain to me why I should care about a person that has broke in to my house or business to do harm to me or steal. Believe me wasp spray is not good enough for them. I will just pull my gun and shoot them.
I understand your point jane but the truth is that IF you use wasp spray or some other Federally controlled chemical they have specific rules for its use.  IF you use it outside of those rules even in defense, you can be sued by the person And are liable for federal fines and imprisonment for illegal use of that chemical.  Believe me in this day and age that would happen. So my suggestion is forgo the Illegal use of federally controlled chemicals and just send some lead their way.  Theres no misunderstanding in what Guns and bullets are used for and the most you would have to deal with in a court is maybe paying a 50 dollar discharging a weapon in city limits fine.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


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