Be Good Followers and Display the Partys Symbol

Started by Kjell H., August 23, 2009, 12:21:32 AM

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Kjell H.

Regardless of your stand on the current health care debate, this is a little scary.

Here's the latest from the supreme leader...You are encouraged to "display" your support.  On this web page there is a link which will help you add the "official" party symbols to your web page.

Including this nifty little symbol.

What is it about this design that disturbs me?
Not only does that symbol show up on his page it's the ONLY symbol on the DNC's homepage.
Its called, "Personal Branding". Personal as in "Obama", not the President for the United States, but "Obama".
The ONE... The Narcissistic Self Absorbed One".   

PJTV did a vid on the 'symbol'.

There is a 30 sec advertisement at the beginning, then watch the video.  It will make you 'think' everytime you see the symbol
Marshal Halloway

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