Judy here about Mom

Started by Judy Harder, August 18, 2009, 01:16:52 PM

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Our prayers are with you and your mom, Judy.  May the good Lord bless you and keep you. 

Larry and Dianne j
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Judy, my prayers are with you and your mom.  My mom was hit by a car a few years ago and even now that she is sill living I was left with a mom that is unaware of the world around her. There is so much I wish I had said to her before the accident. I have to agree with Jo make sure you tell her I love you Mom. My prayers are with you.

Love and prayers



I am so fortunate; after my sister was killed in a car accident my Mom was stricken with the realization that she did not say that she loved her the last time she saw her. After that, I never parted from my Mom that she didn't say I love you as I was leaving. Even after her stroke, before the disastrous brain swelling occurred, she told me she loved me as I was leaving the room. Therefore her very last words to me were 'I love you', a priceless memory. And David I am sorry about your Moms' tragedy, there is nothing anyone can say to relieve the pain of losing your Mother.

Judy Harder

Thank you all so much for your prayers. This has been the toughest battle I have ever done.
Cancer was a walk in the park; I have been reliving my son's death and I don't know which is
the worse, losing a son or saying good bye to my mom.
If I had my choice, neither would occur.

But, I don't know God's will.........I do know my family are believers. I had always has my doubts.
This has sure brought out the good in my family; and some times the not so good.
Emotions are just about bottomed out.

Mom (as of last night) was placed on comfort care. All the tests show that altho if she were 50 and the cancer
could be treated, with all mom's health problems and her being 88+ it just wouldn't be nice to prolong her death.

She has been in and out of a coma for the past two days, she hears (and we can read her face) but she can't move or talk
and to cap it off she has had either a stroke or the cancer is in her brain. We are not doing any more tests.
So all tubes have been removed except the pic-line and the catather..............and they are just keeping her comfortable.

We don't know how long God will leave mom here...but we do know it is His time.
My dad is going to pieces. He is standing strong......but as he is a very bad arthritis and athasm patient...........he stands or leans
on the side of mom and isn't resting.........or eating.
We all have lost weight.

So, I am heading out to the hospital in a little bit. Oh, want to hear a piece about a country gal in the big city. First night I went the wrong way on a one way street.....thank God no one was about (9 at night) the next night I could not get out of the garage, I kept going around and around. Then yesterday morning going to the hospital, I ran a red light and a nice young police man was at that corner and gave me the prettiest ticket.

First one in my life, EVER and altho he was polite and nice, he still game me a ticket that will take 169 out of my pocket. The money is growing tighter and tighter.
My brother and sisters just shake their heads and wonder just who I am..................."just a redneck sir" just a redneck. I waited this morning till daylight  maybe that will help.

Ok, I need to get. Thank you for the prayers..........and please if you will pray that I don't wind up in jail or ?????
God bless you all.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Jo McDonald

Bless your heart, Judy.  Stay strong, and know that we are all praying for you and yours.
This brings back so many memories for me.  My Mama was 33 days away from being 88 years of age, and had laid in the hospital
in a coma state for 5 days.  Per her wishes we took off all life support and God gave us 5 days with her, so we could tell her over and over how much we loved her and how wonderful she had been to us all of our lives, then he took her home.  I miss her every day.
  Blessing be to you.


Diane Amberg

Judy, I feel so badly for you. So many of us have gone through something similar with parents that you have lots of people who know and care very much. I truly believe God is holding her hand now and will give her a little tug one of these days to guide her home, to meet up with those who have gone before. Palliative care is a wonderful thing. I suspect they will give her just enough morphine to keep her pain free, although every case if different. You know to talk to her and hug her and tell her she meant something in your lives.
       When Al's Mom was in a similar situation she was at home, and when the time was close, Al's father held her hand and told her it was alright, she could go. He said he would be OK and she slipped away. All of you, please try to eat and try to keep up your strength. Don't let the traffic ticket get you down. But, try to concentrate on your driving if you must drive.You might be a little distracted. ( ya think? ) We don't want to have anything else happen! You all remain in our hearts and prayer. Keep in touch when you can.
   Al and Di


Yes Judy.  Diane put it so well and I won't repeat, but we are keeping you in our prayers.


You are so very much in our prayers.

It is also a blessing that you are able to be there. The pain is intense right now, but you will reap the benefits in years to come.


My heart is filled with pain for you.  My prayer is that the mightiest angels come to wrap your family in their wings, to give you all strength during this sad time.   

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