Thumbs up for Arizona and Constitutional rights

Started by srkruzich, August 18, 2009, 06:43:47 AM

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Diane Amberg


Quoteyou can stand on your side with your "smart" people.. and the rest of us will take our sides.. whichever they will be....

Not sure but I THINK YOU been included in that "smart" group a time or two. So has Billy so has Red so as usual MY side will be over here....listenin to EV ERYbody and stayin as far away from "GOVERNMENT" ANY form of government as humanly POSSIBLE.


Quote from: Teresa on August 25, 2009, 08:28:31 AM
I will lock the damned thing!

Then why don't you rename the whole Politics Category what it really is, the "Ultra-Right Thought's Only Board, No Others Need Tread, Except Anarchists."  Because by the above statement, that is what you are saying.  

Why don't you trample on the First Admendment a little more.

Not everything and everyone that goes against the views from the far right is leftist, and I'm tiried of being told by a bunch of self-rightous demagogues, in various forms of the press (this one included) of how I and others like me are just "sheeple".

Well guess what, there's another name for us sheeple - "THE SILENT MAJORITY"

And this one has gotten tired of being silent.

From the CENTER,



This is so funny. "don't trample on my 1st amendment rights ".Then I refer back to the 'obama Health Care Bill ' thread and reply # 70 tells bigpoppapeck---and I quote--"We have been having civilized discussions and debates on here lately,post something intelligent or don't post at all" unquote. I guess ol bigpop dosen't have the same rights as others.


Never said I'm perfect, there isn't a person on this Earth that is.  Yes I can say things that are hypocritical.  And I will own up to it when it's presented as such.  bigpoppa riled me up with "so you  be  a  good  sheep and  let the  farmer  do ya"  and I got a little turked off. 

From the Center



I found this thread to be totally annoying.I did find myself reading all of it though. By what I consider a very fair grading scale; only 3 posts or about 7% of this thread is on topic. The rest fit in the category of I just needed to blow off some steam. Thanks Steve for the original post, and to Warph and Kjell for your posts. I know we all argue and get off topic so I am not trying to lecture anyone here. Just stating my off topic opinion and getting something off my chest.



Easy Flint ole' boy........... ;)  Teeter in the center too long and you'll be likely to fall on one side or the other and hurt yourself. But there is lots of people who ride the fence and if you are comfortable there..then by all means stay there.
No one is asking that you put on your muzzle...
Knock yourself out and snarl and bark at the moon all you want. I sure as hell do.. Sometimes it bites me in the ass.. and sometimes it doesn't..
I haven't seen me or anyone else tell anyone here on any side of the lines that they can't voice their opinions..
We don't have the same beliefs.. but we DO have the same rights.

But politics ( and I think even more than religion) is over the top passionate. And right now, with all that is going on that is so against's not going to get better as far as tempers, passion and the huge urge to give someone a permanent ..'swirly'.  ;D

Generally people seek out forums where they share common bond.. ( Guns, Scrap booking, Genealogy, Farming, Horses, Cars... etc)   Most forums as in our other websites the Down Range and CasCity Shooting websites, you have like minded people.... and even if you disagree you still have that knowledge that you are on the same side.. Hense the comradeship and bond. 

Not so in a forum like this when it is basically a coffee shop where you have a stew pot of mixed everything with very different diverse interests going at one time.. And in the case of discussing Politics...There will be sides taken. And those sides will be strong.

I say this to you all and also to myself...  I get waaaayyy too emotional and upset sometimes for my own good which is the main reason I stay away from this forum for the most part. My choice.... as it is all of yours, to do and be where you enjoy being.
But if we are going to be stuck in here together, we have to try to play nice.

 I realize that we all have a breaking point.. (I won't let anyone trash my friends) so  I've hit mine on several occasions..but still as Kjell 'my internet boss'  **I hate publicly acknowledging  he's my boss)  :P  points out to me... and I quote:
       " It is a public forum and unless you want it to become a lower class website, then you have to remain in control of yourself and make sure that threads do not get too far out of hand. If they do, it is your job Teresa to put your own feelings and opinions aside and as the moderator, make sure that they get back on tract or lock the abusive thread and allow it to cool off..and to make sure that YOU are cooled off also".
Spoken like someone who has been at this a long long time... :)

Come on people....We all know that it's obvious that everyone is convinced that they are correct in all that they believe. I don't think that anyone is going to change anyone else's mind on anything in this section. You couldn't budge me on my convictions  and I don't think I'm alone .  So state your opinions in as strong a manner as you can.. but Please... lets all leave the sandbox tantrums home.

And David.. there are a lot of things I find on this forum annoying... but once again.. we are a hodgepodge of different people with different backgrounds and beliefs. Sometimes it's refreshing...and sometimes it's annoying..  We just have to all deal with it.
Hopefully we will be able to carry on in here and address the topics and not the personality's..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: dnalexander on August 25, 2009, 11:21:10 AM
I found this thread to be totally annoying.I did find myself reading all of it though. By what I consider a very fair grading scale; only 3 posts or about 7% of this thread is on topic. The rest fit in the category of I just needed to blow off some steam. Thanks Steve for the original post, and to Warph and Kjell for your posts. I know we all argue and get off topic so I am not trying to lecture anyone here. Just stating my off topic opinion and getting something off my chest.


I don't care if a topic goes off topic, its the way it goes.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: flintauqua on August 25, 2009, 09:12:40 AM
Quote from: Teresa on August 25, 2009, 08:28:31 AM
I will lock the damned thing!

Then why don't you rename the whole Politics Category what it really is, the "Ultra-Right Thought's Only Board, No Others Need Tread, Except Anarchists."  Because by the above statement, that is what you are saying.  

Why don't you trample on the First Admendment a little more.
LOL Uhmm flint,  the first amendment doesn't apply in this forum.  :P  Teresa owns it and the 1st amendment only applies to the people in dealing with government.

QuoteNot everything and everyone that goes against the views from the far right is leftist, and I'm tiried of being told by a bunch of self-rightous demagogues, in various forms of the press (this one included) of how I and others like me are just "sheeple".
And my views are neither far right nor far left!  :)  Their libertarian views.  Constitutional views.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on August 25, 2009, 12:18:12 PM

LOL Uhmm flint,  the first amendment doesn't apply in this forum.  :P  Teresa owns it and the 1st amendment only applies to the people in dealing with government.

I do own it Steve.. but 1st amendment still applies..  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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