Obama being called a fascist now … on Air America

Started by Teresa, August 22, 2009, 09:25:28 AM

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Its starting to look bad for "da Left's Messiah"   . Yep....... AIR AMERICA is making the case for BHO being a fascist and are calling him out for his closed door deal with the pharmaceutical industry to keep drug prices high.
What a piece of pig doo.......... :P
Some are only beginning to see what a lot of us have seen from the beginning.

Video here (4:10 Mark):
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


What concerns me here is that, just like with Slick Willie, we may end up having O re-elected for a second time.  I don't think our country has enough funds to support O's spending habits.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 22, 2009, 09:34:07 PM
What concerns me here is that, just like with Slick Willie, we may end up having O re-elected for a second time.  I don't think our country has enough funds to support O's spending habits.

What probably will happen is that next year, the public will change the power base in congress to the republican base, and shut down obamas agenda.  He can get re-elected again but won't do him a bit of good if the congress is mostly republican   That is his primary reason for shoving everything through as fast as he can cause he knows he only has 1 year to get it in place before the people see what he is up to and vote the bastards out.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


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