The Glenn Beck Show --- Chicago is known for Dirty Politics

Started by Warph, August 16, 2009, 02:29:49 AM

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Glenn Beck Show
August 13, 2009
Rahm Emanuel's Roots
A Look at Chicago-Style Politics

GLENN BECK, HOST: Chicago is known for dirty — Chicago is known for dirty politics, Windy City. Native Rahm Emanuel — no exception to the Chicago way. He was known as the bag man in the Clinton White House. That sounds good. Now, in the Obama administration, his strong-arm tactics are helping make all of Obama's dreams come true. It is scary but true.
Pat Caddell, he is a former Democratic pollster and a FOX News contributor.
How are you, sir?
BECK: It is good to meet you. Help me out here because I think there are a couple of disturbing connections. And I'm all about — I think this whole administration is all about connections.
CADDELL: Absolutely.
BECK: OK. So, it's really not about what you see, it's.
CADDELL: It's everybody connected to everybody else, and the money.
BECK: It's almost community organizing.
CADDELL: In a large way.
BECK: In a large way, yes. OK. Help me out. Where do we start with Rahm Emanuel? Where's....
CADDELL: We start with his role, as you said, in the Clinton White House.
CADDELL: He leaves the Clinton White House and he gets two jobs. He gets put on the board of Freddie Mac, which is the second of the big giant mortgage companies.
BECK: What is his — what is his qualification? Didn't he go to school for dancing?
CADDELL: He studied ballet dancing in college. He was trained for ballet. 
BECK: Freddie Mac doesn't do ballet.
CADDELL: No, that's true.
BECK: Yes.
CADDELL: Now, he gets. The other job he has is that he gets a job with Wasserstein Perella, which is a major Wall Street deal company, and he gets in their Chicago office. And he then made $16 million in less than two years.
BECK: In two years?
BECK: Two years, $16 million is what he makes.
CADDELL: On top of the quarter million taxpayers gave him for Freddie Mac.
BECK: And $250,000. Wait, he was there when — he was there....
CADDELL: He was there when they're cooking the books.
BECK: Yes. He was there.
CADDELL: This is — they were cooking the books there.
BECK: Got it. OK. Sixteen million dollars — how did he make the $16 million?
CADDELL: Paid $16 million basically on one large deal and there's a second one. But a big deal he got it on was he was advising SBC which later grew into the new AT&T.
BECK: That's not really — here's what's interesting about the SBC thing, is, the guy who helped make this deal.
BECK: . took a loss, did he not?
CADDELL: Yes. They had to sell because they bought another phone company, Ameritech. They had to get rid of a security company called SecurityLink. It was $1 billion, $1, $1.5 billion investment. He sold it to a group headed by — an investment group being led by.
BECK: Whitacre?
CADDELL: No, by — this Edward Whitacre was the chairman. He sold it to a group led by Mr. Emanuel for about $500 million.
CADDELL: Six months later — six months later, the investment bank that bought it sold it for $1 billion.
BECK: That's good — that's a good investment!
CADDELL: Not bad.
BECK: That's good.
CADDELL: Now, and he took out a huge amount of money. Now, the president at that time, Whitacre was the chairman of SBC.
BECK: America, does the name Edward Whitacre, the guy who helped Rahm Emanuel make $16 million, does the name Whitacre ring a bell? Pat?
CADDELL: Because, when they appointed the new chairman of G.M., who announced the day of his appointment, I know nothing about the car business, his name was Edward Whitacre.
BECK: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness! It's the new chairman of G.M. 
CADDELL: Well, it gets better. It gets better, because the second name down in the corner, Bill Daley, brother of the mayor, who is the really, the powerful force. I said this on the air in 2008, a person pulling the strings in the Obama campaign was Bill Daley. One of his closest friends, one of his closest confidants (ph) is a person named Jim Johnson. Jim Johnson was the chairman of Fannie Mae. He had been — his qualifications for the largest mortgage company in the world was that he had been Walter Mondale's campaign manager.
CADDELL: And he puts him on the board there.
BECK: Pat, let me ask you real quick because I got 30 seconds.
BECK: Why is no one connecting these dots?
CADDELL: That's what drives me crazy.
BECK: Why is no one.
CADDELL: Corruption is killing this country. It is corruption on the Republican side. It is corruption by the side with Democrats.
BECK: Yes.
CADDELL: It is a — it is a cancer on the society. No one will touch this story. Nobody has made this connection in the media, well, because they have decided they have a new role, which is to serve as lackeys.
BECK: Pat, you are a Democrat. I am an independent. But I am a conservative. Let me tell you something.
CADDELL: Both these parties are in deep trouble.
BECK: They are in deep trouble. And you bring any connections, you keep helping us and I will air the story to my last breath.
CADDELL: There is so much to uncover here. It is like the beginning.
BECK: You stay close to us, sir, and we will uncover it.
CADDELL: Will do.

I posted this back in February so this will give you a little background on RahmBo... Warph

Does anybody know this Clown???
« on: February 19, 2009, 02:03:20 AM »

Rahm Israel Emanuel (born November 29, 1959) was a lousy U.S. congressman, now Barack Obama's main bully, White House Chief of Staff, the inspiration for a West Wing character, and a huge, huge back-stabing Clown.

Emanuel's clownishness in Washington has been widely reported not only by those who dislike him, and believe me, most do, but also by those who actually consider themselves to be his friends and allies, which cannot be more than three or four idiot savants...  (Elmer Fudd, Chuckie Schumer, Chris Dodo and Pinocchio Joe come to mind).  This is likely because clowns are entertaining and helpful people to be around so long as they are being clowns to somebody who isn't you.  This is best summarized by the phrase, "He might be a Clown, but he's OUR Clown."

The most common phrases used by fellow Democrats to describe Rahm Emanuel are "combative style," "take-no-prisoners attitude," and "attack dog."  All of these, of course, are euphemisms for "Rahm-Bo, the White House Clown!."

Growing up Rahm-bo
Rahm Emanuel (aka: Rahm-bo, "רם עמנואל," Evil-Eye Fleegle) was born in Illinois, although, to look at him you would swear he came out of Dogpatch, USA.  His first name means "high" or "lofty" in Hebrew, but in Dogpatch-ese it means Guttersnipe, which made it almost impossible for him not to grow up to be an egotistical back-stabing Clown.

Rahm-bo's mother, Mammy Emanuel, was a civil rights activist and his father, Pappy, was a Jerusalem-born member of a militant Zionist group that operated during the British Mandate of Palestine.  You can see how young Rahm-bo might've grown up to be a tad aggressive.  Also fueling the fire was an incident in which Rahm-bo severely sliced his right middle finger while working at an Arby's, resulting in the digit's partial amputation.  The most painful part of that experience, which still haunts him to this day, was working at Arby's.

Rahm-bo's brother Ari (aka:: EarthQuake McGoon) Emanuel is a big shot Los Angeles talent agent who inspired the clownish Ari Gold character on HBO's Entourage, giving Jeremy Piven enough fame to pick-up 20 year-old models despite his obvious hair plugs.  Not to be outdone by his little bro, Rahm-bo himself was the inspiration for the clownish Josh Lyman character on The West Wing, played by Bradley Whitford.  With the amazing ability of the Emanuel Dogpatch family to inspire cultural clown icons, it would not be surprising to learn that Rahm-bo's older brother, Ezekiel inspired the Keith Olberclown character on MSNBC's Countdown w/ K Olberclown.  Unfortunately, Zeke's just a totally lame oncologist and bioethicist.

Rahm-bo: The college years
Seemingly defying all clown conventions, Rahm-bo studied ballet in high school... (sounds like a weenie to me).... and was even offered a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet.  Then again, if you think about it, ballet dancers are actually kind of clownish in their own way.  After pirouetting away from a career in the world of classical dance, Rahm-bo found a second position at Sarah Lawrence College, where he détournéd himself a bachelor's degree in 1981.  He then pliéd his way to a master's degree in Speech and Communication from Northwestern in 1985.

One of Rahm-bo's first jobs in politics was campaigning for Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's reelection, where he raised a record number of donations.  His strategy reportedly included calling campaign contributors to say he found their offers so low it was embarrassing, then hanging up on them, shaming them into calling back and contributing more.  People started noticing that Rahm-bo was not just clownish, he was clownish like a fox.

Rahm-bo's first job in national politics was working for Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign, where he helped the little-known saxophone-playing non-inhaler raise a then-staggering amount of $72 million.  After financing Clinton's ride into the White House, Rahm-bo became his senior advisor where his aforementioned "take-no-prisoners attitude," and "combative style" earned him the nickname "Rahm-bo."

The nominees for Best Rahm-bo Moment from Emanuel's stint in the Clinton administration are:
• The time Rahm-bo mailed a rotten fish to a former coworker who made him angry.
• The time Rahm-bo told then-British prime minister Tony Blair, "This is important. Don't (using the F word) it up," before Blair made an appearance with Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
• The time Rahm-bo stood up at a campaign '96 victory dinner and began screaming out a list of Clinton betrayers, stabbing a steak knife into his table and shouting, "Dead! ... Dead! ... Dead!" after each name.

As everyone knows, there's no money in government jobs, but there's a whole clownload of money in the private sector after you've served in a government job.  That's why Rahm-bo left the White House in 1998 to become an investment banker, promptly making $16.2 million in just two years.  (I wonder how many dead bodies that took to put that kind of money together).

After lining his clown coffers with cash, in 2000 Rahm-bo was named to the Board of Directors of government-run mortgage lender "Freddie Mac" by his old friend Bill Clinton.   Rahm-bo's short time on the board resulted in several campaign contribution scandals, and the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight accused him and the board of having "failed in its duty to follow up on matters brought to its attention."  In 2001, after resigning from Freddie Mac in SHAME, (hmmm.... that sounds familiar) Rahm-bo sought out the only type of employment suitable for a millionaire clown of questionable integrity: He ran for congress.

Rahm-bo II: Return to Washington
In 2002, Rahm-bo won or bought (nobody knows for sure) a U.S. House seat in the 5th District of Illinois and immediately started being a clown by supporting the Joint Congressional Resolution authorizing the Iraq War.  In case there was any question of his clownishness, Rahm-bo further explained that he supported President Bush on Iraq.

He put another feather in his pointy clown cap when he was named Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman and lead the party to gain 30 House seats in the 2006 elections, capturing the majority for the first time in years.  This victory was not without any clownish drama, however.  Rahm-bo frequently disagreed with DNC Chairman and fellow big-fat-mouth clown, Howard Dean about Dean's "50 state" strategy versus Rahm-bo's strategy of focusing attention on key districts.  Tales of the epic clash between these two miserble clown Titans will no doubt be passed down for generations to come.

Still close to the Clintons, Rahm-bo declared in April 2006 that he would support Hillary Clinton should she pursue the presidency in 2008.  However, when he realized Barack Obama had a much better chance of winning, Rahm-bo dropped the Clintons like they were ballet and joined Team Obama instead.  If Hillary was at all surprised by this, she knows even less about "stab-U-in -the-back" type clowns than Bill says she does.

Rahm-bo's strategic betrayal worked out perfectly, and on November 6, 2008, he accepted the position of President-elect Obama's White House Chief of Staff.  Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner criticized the choice, saying, "This is an ironic choice for a president-elect who has promised to change Washington, make politics more civil and govern from the center."  What he actually meant by that was, "Really, you're gonna make me deal with that SOB clown for the next four years??"

Rahm-bo fun facts
• In his free time, Rahm-bo competes in triathlons, a common endeavor for over-achieving clown jocks who still feel the need to prove themselves despite their long list of accomplishments.
• Because clowns stick together, Rahm-bo was the top House recipient in the 2008 election cycle of contributions from hedge funds and private equity firms.
• When Dick Cheney claimed his own office did not fall within the bounds of the executive branch, Rahm-bo suggested cutting off the $4.8 million the executive branch provides for the Vice President's office.  Cheney must've have admired that move on some level.
• Rahm-bo was so intent on passing Congress's $700 billion bailout bill that he got a special waiver from his rabbi to work through Rosh Hashanah.  It is not known if he has a special rabbinical waiver to be such a huge insufferable clown all the time, like the king of all the clowns, Harry Reid. 

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
---Rahm-bo Israel Emanuel
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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