I needed to get it out of my system...............

Started by pamsback, August 12, 2009, 09:36:28 AM

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and it's gonna be kinda long but give me a break :) I ain't went on a rant for awhile! LOL

"The secret of success is to realize that the crisis on our planet is much larger than just deciding what to do with your own life, and if the system under which we live the structure of western civilization begins to collapse because of our selfishness and greed, then it will make no difference whether you have $1 million dollars when the crash comes or just $1.00. The only work that will ultimately bring any good to any of us is the work of contributing to the healing of the world." Maryanne Williamson

"Greed: A word commonly used by liberals, low achievers, anti-capitalists and society's losers to denigrate, shame and discredit those who have acquired superior job skills and decision-making capabilities and who, through the application of those job"
Neal Boortz

"What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system"
Milton Friedman

Greed ......unBRIDLED greed that is.....the situation we find ourselves in is caused by unBRIDLED greed.  The greed of the CEOS who raped their companies for their OWN bank balances..... the people who took sub-prime mortgages not to buy a house they could afford to pay for but to buy a huge keepin up with the jones house that fit the image they wanted people to have of them.....the greed of corporations who moved jobs overseas to take ADVANTAGE of people willing to work for pennies on the dollar........the greed of the american worker who thought they just COULDn't get by on less than 40 bucks an hour for workin an eight hour a day 40 hour a week job.......there is enough greed blame to go around.

I have heard the liberals thought processes of spreading it around..."so called socialism". I do not believe in socialism but I DO believe in fair practices that make opportunities available to ALL not just the "priviliged" few.

I believe in "capitolism".....the chance for ANYbody who is willing to work to have the opportunity to profit from said work. Unfortunately, whether anybody wants to admit it or not the chance of somebody makin it very big these days depends more on how much money you alREADY have and who you KNOW than on what you can do. The "boys in the club" have had a stranglehold on american wealth for awhile now and they don't share well.

I know enough of them to still have faith in the american WORKER...the people who do the jobs the upper crust climbers won't can't or don't WANT to do for themselves......like it or not THEY are the backbone of America and they deserve more respect than they get. There are those people in America who are satisfied to build the fancy houses other people will live in..and go home to their little trailer on a few acres......there are those people who are satisfied just to sell the designer clothes the"uppercrust" can't live without while wearin their store labels with class......to do the mowing and gardening......detailing the expensive cars and lovin their old chevy truck :) Watchin their kids, cleanin their houses........basically livin the life they are missin in their greed and pursuit of more better bigger.
Those are the people who count, the quiet heroes of America

The elite CEOS and corporate bosses have screwed, blued and tattooed these people, looked down their noses at them while throwin them a few coins for way too long. Those said bosses need to live with a few less million, spend it on upgrading, refitting, bringing those jobs BACK to America. Making the needed changes to live UP to environmental regulations...it CAN be done and if they were the patriotic American loving capitolists they SAY they are that's what they would be DOING.

ANd make those changes without using the cost to screw the American consumer even harder....."Eliteist" WORKERS need to get over themselves and quit thinkin they are the ONLY ones who can do the job they do and so thinkin they are entitled to MORE pay for LESS work. First thing my Dad ever taught me about workin for somebody else, if you are going to take a mans money you BETTER give him a days work and that means WHatever it takes to get the job done not workin till noon and then comin back tomorrow and milkin it for a week.

The top and the bottom BOTH have responsibility for the shape our country is in and they BOTH need to be willin to step up and do what needs doin. The TOP is gonna have to turn loose of some cash and the BOTTOM is gonna have to do the job they hired on to do.

AND LOSE the POLITICAL agendas folks, cause political agendas don't do anything but twist things up.

Now the healthcare debate......GREED is a major player in THIS one as well. The greed of the insurance companies...the greed of doctors who are in it for the money instead of what they can do for the human race, the greed of nursing homes who charge huge amounts and give sub-standard care to our old folks....the greed of the pharmaceutical companies who make medicines people HAVE to have so expensive they try to live without them.....and now our wonderful government wants to fix it for us.

If they would do it right it MIGHT not be a bad idea.....but too many chiefs and not enough indians will turn it into the same fiasco any OTHER government run program turns into. The only thing I don't like is the part about making it against the law not to have insurance of some kind....tell me THAT isn't a big insurance GREED move...I don't have insurance because I CAN'T afford it not because I don't WANT it.....makin it against the law not to is not going to make me any MORE able TO afford it....

All the protests are interestin to watch... I haven't seen people THIS fired up for awhile......too bad about 50% of it is fake as hell......just an attempt to muddy the water by the special interests and an attempt to cause fear by spreading outrageous rumors......like the one about denying old people care just to kill em off. GIVE me a break.....INSURANCE companies have lists of what they will or will not pay for ....at any given time they can deny ANY coverage of ANY treatment long as they can find a loophole and they make sure those loopholes are hid in the fine print....it's ALL fueled by greed.......DO they not know THEY are gonna get old too? Do you REALLY think the human race has fallen THAT far? If you do I am sorry for you. I could go on for days but I'm talkin myself out of steam so guess this rant's over :P I still say what I always say...WE created this monster called Government and WE can turn it back into a lapdog.

Greed is what the problem is........not anything else.....GREED


This is one answer to my rant.......

"So much attention is paid to the aggressive sins, such as violence and cruelty and greed with all their tragic effects, that too little attention is paid to the passive sins, such as apathy and laziness, which in the long run can have a more devastating effect."


Quote from: pamsback on August 12, 2009, 09:36:28 AM

"Greed: A word commonly used by liberals, low achievers, anti-capitalists and society's losers to denigrate, shame and discredit those who have acquired superior job skills and decision-making capabilities and who, through the application of those job"
Neal Boortz

Totally agree with boortz. 

QuoteGreed ......unBRIDLED greed that is.....the situation we find ourselves in is caused by unBRIDLED greed.  The greed of the CEOS who raped their companies for their OWN bank balances.....
Some of them yeah i agree and they get what comes to them too. Usually caught.  CEO's like Lee Iacocca and gates and others were worth every dime paid to them.

Quotethe people who took sub-prime mortgages not to buy a house they could afford to pay for but to buy a huge keepin up with the jones house that fit the image they wanted people to have of them....
And they got what they deserved. 

Quote.the greed of corporations who moved jobs overseas to take ADVANTAGE of people willing to work for pennies on the dollar........
You know can't blame them for doing it.  Its called competition.  if you can't sell a product to the public cheaper than your competitor then you have to do something. 

Quotethe greed of the american worker who thought they just COULDn't get by on less than 40 bucks an hour for workin an eight hour a day 40 hour a week job.......there is enough greed blame to go around.
Well i was one of those folks that got paid 40 bucks a hour and I was worth every penny they paid. I gave them the best money could buy.  And 40 hour week??? ROTFLMBO.  I never worked a 40 hour week.  My weeks were 70 -90 hour weeks.
You don't get ahead financially without sacrificing, preparing for your future through education and making intellegent choices, nor do you get wealthy by working 40 hours.  IF you want to have finer things you have to put the time in to get them. No one owes anyone a living.

QuoteI have heard the liberals thought processes of spreading it around..."so called socialism". I do not believe in socialism but I DO believe in fair practices that make opportunities available to ALL not just the "priviliged" few.
fair practices?  Like?  In the business world there is no such thing as fair.   You either have something to sell that someone wants to buy or you don't.   I sell my services to an employer for what i think i am worth and that employer decides whether or not he wishes to pay for my services.  Nothing wrong with that, nothing unfair about not gettin gthe job if i don't. If i want it bad enough I make the employer a deal he can't refuse.

QuoteI believe in "capitolism".....the chance for ANYbody who is willing to work to have the opportunity to profit from said work. Unfortunately, whether anybody wants to admit it or not the chance of somebody makin it very big these days depends more on how much money you alREADY have and who you KNOW than on what you can do. The "boys in the club" have had a stranglehold on american wealth for awhile now and they don't share well.
Poppycock.  Anyone can achieve what they want to achieve if they use critical thinking skills and proper planning and choosing the path to go down for future opportunities.  IF you don't have an opportunity you take what skills you have and make an opportunity.   IF you dont' have the skills you go get the skills through education or working for free for someone.

QuoteI know enough of them to still have faith in the american WORKER...the people who do the jobs the upper crust climbers won't can't or don't WANT to do for themselves......like it or not THEY are the backbone of America and they deserve more respect than they get. There are those people in America who are satisfied to build the fancy houses other people will live in..and go home to their little trailer on a few acres......there are those people who are satisfied just to sell the designer clothes the"uppercrust" can't live without while wearin their store labels with class......to do the mowing and gardening......detailing the expensive cars and lovin their old chevy truck :) Watchin their kids, cleanin their houses........basically livin the life they are missin in their greed and pursuit of more better bigger.
Those are the people who count, the quiet heroes of America
Well you know without the uppercrust the folks that live in the trailers and drive old pickups wouldnt' have a job.  Like it or not, the rich provide jobs. 

QuoteThe elite CEOS and corporate bosses have screwed, blued and tattooed these people, looked down their noses at them while throwin them a few coins for way too long. Those said bosses need to live with a few less million, spend it on upgrading, refitting, bringing those jobs BACK to America.

Won't happen when folks won't pay the price for the products that are being made by americans.  The public is at fault here.  Not the CEO's.  If your wanting american jobs back then quit buying at walmart, dollarstores and other stores that are selling the cheap stuff.

Quote"Eliteist" WORKERS need to get over themselves and quit thinkin they are the ONLY ones who can do the job they do and so thinkin they are entitled to MORE pay for LESS work.
????  You mean like Union workers??

QuoteFirst thing my Dad ever taught me about workin for somebody else, if you are going to take a mans money you BETTER give him a days work and that means WHatever it takes to get the job done not workin till noon and then comin back tomorrow and milkin it for a week.
True i agree there, but i also agree with what my grandpa and my dad used to say.  Work smart not hard.

QuoteThe top and the bottom BOTH have responsibility for the shape our country is in and they BOTH need to be willin to step up and do what needs doin. The TOP is gonna have to turn loose of some cash and the BOTTOM is gonna have to do the job they hired on to do.
You know if folks would stop trying to take it from them, the top would turn loose of some of that cash and OMG they would provide some jobs!

QuoteNow the healthcare debate......GREED is a major player in THIS one as well. The greed of the insurance companies...the greed of doctors who are in it for the money instead of what they can do for the human race,
ROTFLMBO  Doctors don't go into debt to the tune of quarter of a million dollars to give away their knowlege and expertise
Insurance companies don't insure for humanitarian efforts, they are in it to make money. 

Quotethe greed of nursing homes who charge huge amounts and give sub-standard care to our old folks....
I dont' know about that cause my family takes care of our own. WE don't rely on others to take care of our family members.

Quotethe greed of the pharmaceutical companies who make medicines people HAVE to have so expensive they try to live without them.....
Hmm greed huh??  Gotta ask you how you propose that they pay for these new expensive drugs taht benefit people?  I can cite on drug called ranexa. Took a couple billion dollars to develop all paid for by investors.  Shouldn't these folks get their money back with substantial interest??  THey took the risk and came out with a drug that relieved people from pain of angina.   I say its worth every penny i paid for mine.   oh it was 1200 dollars a month.  Gotta say it was worth 1200 dollars to not have heart attack pain.
Anyway they came out with it in 2007 i think.  Drug manufactuerer wholesales it to the pharmacies at 200 dollars for 120 pills which is around 156 million a year.  so its going to take at least 15 years to recoup the R&D costs of the drug.  Whos making the money?  The pharmacies, not the drug companies.

QuoteIf they would do it right it MIGHT not be a bad idea.....but too many chiefs and not enough indians will turn it into the same fiasco any OTHER government run program turns into. The only thing I don't like is the part about making it against the law not to have insurance of some kind....tell me THAT isn't a big insurance GREED move...I don't have insurance because I CAN'T afford it not because I don't WANT it.....makin it against the law not to is not going to make me any MORE able TO afford it....

All the protests are interestin to watch... I haven't seen people THIS fired up for awhile......too bad about 50% of it is fake as hell......just an attempt to muddy the water by the special interests and an attempt to cause fear by spreading outrageous rumors......like the one about denying old people care just to kill em off. GIVE me a break.....INSURANCE companies have lists of what they will or will not pay for ....at any given time they can deny ANY coverage of ANY treatment long as they can find a loophole and they make sure those loopholes are hid in the fine print....it's ALL fueled by greed.......DO they not know THEY are gonna get old too? Do you REALLY think the human race has fallen THAT far? If you do I am sorry for you. I could go on for days but I'm talkin myself out of steam so guess this rant's over :P I still say what I always say...WE created this monster called Government and WE can turn it back into a lapdog.

Greed is what the problem is........not anything else.....GREED

No greed is not the problem, ignorance is.  We have allowed the stupid people to breed and they get to vote.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteGreed ......unBRIDLED greed that is.....the situation we find ourselves in is caused by unBRIDLED greed.  The greed of the CEOS who raped their companies for their OWN bank balances.....
Some of them yeah i agree and they get what comes to them too. Usually caught.  CEO's like Lee Iacocca and gates and others were worth every dime paid to them.

99.9% of them AREN'T

Quotethe people who took sub-prime mortgages not to buy a house they could afford to pay for but to buy a huge keepin up with the jones house that fit the image they wanted people to have of them....
And they got what they deserved. 

Quotethe greed of corporations who moved jobs overseas to take ADVANTAGE of people willing to work for pennies on the dollar........
You know can't blame them for doing it.  Its called competition.  if you can't sell a product to the public cheaper than your competitor then you have to do something. 
BIGGER profit margins was the reason

QuoteWell i was one of those folks that got paid 40 bucks a hour and I was worth every penny they paid. I gave them the best money could buy.  And 40 hour week??? ROTFLMBO.  I never worked a 40 hour week.  My weeks were 70 -90 hour weeks.
big wup....we ALL have worked those kind of hours

Quotefair practices?

the big guys make it impossible for a little guy to start up if they can and EVERYbody knows it.

QuoteWell you know without the uppercrust the folks that live in the trailers and drive old pickups wouldnt' have a job.  Like it or not, the rich provide jobs.

surprise surprise...you missed the point my POINT was SOME people have realized that more better bigger DOESN'T make them any happier so they don't play the greed game

QuoteIf your wanting american jobs back then quit buying at walmart, dollarstores and other stores that are selling the cheap stuff.
I spend half my time shoppin lookin for the made in AMerica label, it is VERY hard to find, I have always bought american if it was to be found so bite me.

QuoteYou mean like Union workers??

some of them yeah.

QuoteYou know if folks would stop trying to take it from them, the top would turn loose of some of that cash and OMG they would provide some jobs!
blah blah blah  :P

As for the rest of your answer.......the pharmaceutical companies don't DO it because they are great humanitarians....they do it because there are BIG bucks to be made off of sick people. There is NO money in curing people. Don't make me laugh. Well the pharmacies are just practicin that good ol capitolism yall are so fond of so what's wrong with that? Yeah too many stupid people DO breed....guess what SOME of them are republicans and independants and SHHHHH.....don't tell anybody this but SOME of them are actually conSERVATIVES!!!


Quote from: pamsback on August 12, 2009, 01:04:12 PM
QuoteGreed ......unBRIDLED greed that is.....the situation we find ourselves in is caused by unBRIDLED greed.  The greed of the CEOS who raped their companies for their OWN bank balances.....
Some of them yeah i agree and they get what comes to them too. Usually caught.  CEO's like Lee Iacocca and gates and others were worth every dime paid to them.

99.9% of them AREN'T
Really would you like to show us some documentation that proves that?
Contrary to saturday daytime cartoons that have played for years, corporations are not evil and government rushing in to save the day is not good.

Quotethe people who took sub-prime mortgages not to buy a house they could afford to pay for but to buy a huge keepin up with the jones house that fit the image they wanted people to have of them....
And they got what they deserved. 

Then why complain about them if they take a subprime mortgage and lose everything.??

Quotethe greed of corporations who moved jobs overseas to take ADVANTAGE of people willing to work for pennies on the dollar........
You know can't blame them for doing it.  Its called competition.  if you can't sell a product to the public cheaper than your competitor then you have to do something. 
BIGGER profit margins was the reason
And The problem with that is??  Thats what all businesses are in business for.  To make a PROFIT!  Not a loss.

QuoteWell i was one of those folks that got paid 40 bucks a hour and I was worth every penny they paid. I gave them the best money could buy.  And 40 hour week??? ROTFLMBO.  I never worked a 40 hour week.  My weeks were 70 -90 hour weeks.
big wup....we ALL have worked those kind of hours

No we all haven't worked those kinds of hours.  I doubt 95% of the public has worked 80 hour weeks much less 90 hour weeks.  You only have 160  hours in a week and you spend at least 40 of those hours sleeping.

Quotefair practices?

the big guys make it impossible for a little guy to start up if they can and EVERYbody knows it.
Again i don't know what your talking about.  Whos making it impossible to start up what??

QuoteWell you know without the uppercrust the folks that live in the trailers and drive old pickups wouldnt' have a job.  Like it or not, the rich provide jobs.

surprise surprise...you missed the point my POINT was SOME people have realized that more better bigger DOESN'T make them any happier so they don't play the greed game
Well thats their choice.  :)  Thats what it is all about. IF they choose not to play the game then thats their perogative, but don't complain when joe has more than they do..

QuoteIf your wanting american jobs back then quit buying at walmart, dollarstores and other stores that are selling the cheap stuff.
I spend half my time shoppin lookin for the made in AMerica label, it is VERY hard to find, I have always bought american if it was to be found so bite me.
Bite you??  That was pretty snotty.  If you buy made in china, or made in mexico, then your choosing to keep the jobs in those countries.  The problem is you don't want to pay the price for american made.
Same as everyone else!    You can find american made. Its pretty easy.  You won't like the prices though.

QuoteYou know if folks would stop trying to take it from them, the top would turn loose of some of that cash and OMG they would provide some jobs!
blah blah blah  :P
ITs proven fact that if a employer isn't taxed into oblivion that they will provide jobs.  I lived through one of the most taxinest presidents and congress ever in the late 70's.  Income taxes were in the 70% range.  My dad was paying 72% of his income out in taxes and jobs were few and far between.  This country hasn't seen unemployment like that since president reagan cut the tax, redid the entire code and stopped the hemorage of money out of the taxpayors pockets.

QuoteAs for the rest of your answer.......the pharmaceutical companies don't DO it because they are great humanitarians....they do it because there are BIG bucks to be made off of sick people. There is NO money in curing people. Don't make me laugh. Well the pharmacies are just practicin that good ol capitolism yall are so fond of so what's wrong with that?
I don't see a problem with a pharmaceutical company making money. Thats why they are in business. They don't owe you or i anything, unless we're stockholders.   Thats a entitlement mentality to think they owe us something.  They took the risk, they were the ones smart enough to come up with a solution to a problem and by God their product is a result of their ingenuity and they should be rewarded for that. 

QuoteYeah too many stupid people DO breed....guess what SOME of them are republicans and independants and SHHHHH.....don't tell anybody this but SOME of them are actually conSERVATIVES!!!
Most believe that corporations and taxpayer owes them something more than the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  IF they can't achieve those three things on their own, then tough.   Nothing is guaranteed in life. 

You know its odd, i don't take welfare but probably could get it but its the principle of the thing.  If i sell my soul to the welfare office, then i am no longer free.  taking from others is not my thing. If i can't do it myself i just don't do it. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


As to your first point......Nowhere did I say government was the answer or that corporations are Evil...I said they are greedy. They are.

as to number two.....because they took the rest of us WITH them.

as to number three.....there are profits and then there is GREED. Seriously.....how many million dollars a year does it take to make somebody happy?

number 4.......I'll put it THIS way....99% of the people I know have worked those kind of hours.

number 5.........you are just being obtuse....sqeezing out the competition is the great American way....we don't share and live and let live...we take em out and then step on em on the way up.

number 6........I wasn't complaining about anybody having more than anybody, I was trying to make the point that greed gets you absolutely nowhere you can't go without it. But go ahead and refuse to see what I'm saying I don't really care....

number 7........yeah it was snotty...but I meant it.....I pay the price for american when I find it.....period.

number 8.......again duh. I don't care who does or doesn't get welfare to be quite honest and I don't care about whether or not YOU do.

That was not the point of this.....the point was GREED raw unbridled greed has been "GOD" in this country too long and those who have chosen to live beyond their means so some gomer somewhere will think they are to be envied is what has caused this whole stinking mess. STUFF has been worshipped too long and at a cost yet to be realized......
Let me make this perfectly clear...Personally I don't care what anybody else has....I have what I need....I live where I want....I live HOW I want,
I was voicin thoughts about what I hear OTHER people complaining about every day....we have become a country of lazy let somebody else do it people.....An AWFUL lot of people don't do for themselves anymore...they don't know HOW...and then they want to bitch and moan about what it costs to have somebody ELSE do it and want the government to force em to do it for free.
I'm all FOR makin a living and making a profit but I am against the policy of screw em till they scream that MOST people think is "good capitolism". There IS such a thing as fair business...there IS such a thing as REASONable profit. If you ain't happy with ONE million 50 ain't gonna make you ANY happier.


Quote from: pamsback on August 12, 2009, 04:10:57 PM
As to your first point......Nowhere did I say government was the answer or that corporations are Evil...I said they are greedy. They are.
again i don't know what the problem is with their making money.

Quoteas to number two.....because they took the rest of us WITH them.
No they didn't take us down the dems took us down with them by screwing around with the regulations that would have prevented it.

Quoteas to number three.....there are profits and then there is GREED. Seriously.....how many million dollars a year does it take to make somebody happy?
What does happiness have to do with it?  If a man goes out and uses his abilities and intellegence to start a business and it makes money and a lot of money, then its his money, not yours not mine not anyone elses money, to do with as he so chooses. Who are we to decide for him how he spends his money?  We haven't risked anything, nor have we provided anything towards his success that warrants us deciding how he gets to spend his rewards that he has reaped.
My kids used to tell me dad i need 50 bucks.  I told them get a job. they said why you have money, and I told them yeah and i worked for my money.  They finally after having to suffer a little by living in crappy housing, walking to their min wage jobs that hey if they improve themselves they can make money too and NOt have to walk to work, nor live in crappy houses, and they might get to enjoy a steak every now and then.

Quotenumber 4.......I'll put it THIS way....99% of the people I know have worked those kind of hours.
Well good for them. They keep it up they will succeed and if they use critical thinking skills and educate themselves constantly they will be able to retire at an age when they can enjoy the fruits of their labor.

number 5.........you are just being obtuse....sqeezing out the competition is the great American way....we don't share and live and let live...we take em out and then step on em on the way up.

Quotenumber 6........I wasn't complaining about anybody having more than anybody, I was trying to make the point that greed gets you absolutely nowhere you can't go without it. But go ahead and refuse to see what I'm saying I don't really care....
Actually greed does get you everywhere if your the one making the money.  Its feast or famine. when the money rolls in you make it and stash it.

Quotenumber 7........yeah it was snotty...but I meant it.....I pay the price for american when I find it.....period.
Well here ya go.  http://www.lehmans.com/ 
You can pretty much find just about anything you want here that is American made. I think they do have some import stuff but not very much. 
But i was dead serious when i said that its the publics fault that jobs went overseas.  why do you think  Chevrolet and chrysler and ford were bankrupt.  They put out crap for one thing, and charged more for it. Then comes along foreign companies that could produce quality for half the cost and its a no brainer.
I myself ain't going to pay 40,000 for a pickup truck when i can get one better made for 25,000. 
But the automakers problems are more union problems than consumer problems.  I think that if the unions were out of the auto business, that they could make a good quality product for half the cost and compete with the foreign companies and employ american workers to do it.

QuoteI was voicin thoughts about what I hear OTHER people complaining about every day....we have become a country of lazy let somebody else do it people.....An AWFUL lot of people don't do for themselves anymore...they don't know HOW...and then they want to bitch and moan about what it costs to have somebody ELSE do it and want the government to force em to do it for free.
You what i don't disagree.  I know your right on this! 

QuoteI'm all FOR makin a living and making a profit but I am against the policy of screw em till they scream that MOST people think is "good capitolism". There IS such a thing as fair business...there IS such a thing as REASONable profit. If you ain't happy with ONE million 50 ain't gonna make you ANY happier.
I'm sorry but what is this concept of fair profit?  A fair profit is what the market will bear.  supply and demand. 
If i make something and the market will pay 100 dollars for that item and it only costs me .50 cents to make it, you can bet i'm going to sell it for 100 bucks.  Then when joe blow comes up with a cheaper costing item that is like my item, i'll drop my price to beat his. It still costs me .50 cents so i am not losing anything.   Eventually enough people will get into the game and drive the prices to the bottom and I'll take my money and go home and leave the rest of the latecomers to fight over the crumbs.
Thats business.  LOL.  Look i' dirt poor as a churchmouse, but darn it i do not envy anyones money for any reason and the only thing i think about their profit is how can i make that kind of money so i look at them and try to imitate their success.
if i am successful, and i make 50 million i'll make 50 million and continue to use that 50 million to make me another 250 million.  why stop there if i make 50 mill i won't stop til i have several billion.   Happiness has nothing to do with making the money.  I can live on 14,400 dollars a year and if i made that kind of money i would probably buy everything i needed, and a little that i want, and live like i was on a 14,400 budget after that. 
The whole thing is that its not our place to envy others success.  The politics of envy has shattered this country and will destroy it if we don't get control of it.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: pamsback on August 12, 2009, 04:10:57 PM

number 5.........you are just being obtuse....sqeezing out the competition is the great American way....we don't share and live and let live...we take em out and then step on em on the way up.

ROTFL.  uhmm if that were the case then there would be no competition.  Most companies don't squeeze them out they buy them up.  simpler and more efficient.
the big guys lets see good example is IBM  they had the market on computers in 1980.  Guess what, little guy called bill gates bought IBMS software called dos and turned it into a multibillion dollar enterprise.  dell computers, gateway computers, Kaypro, Apple, all started from little guys going up against the behemoth.   They became behemoths themselves. 

If your going up against a big guy, then  your going about it the wrong way. YOu don't go head to head with a goliath, even david didn't kill him on his own you know.

It takes business sense and business savvy to make a business fly.  It also takes hard work and sacrifice to get it to survive.   I started this apiary here with money that i saved from cutting back on groceries.   I got the bees.  The hives i make are almost free because I am salvaging materials from buildings that are being torn down and utilizing the resources available to meet my need.   Ingenuity, critical thinking skills, a little luck and a whole lot of sacrifice, and i will have a thriving apiary in 2 or 3 years. 
Most beekeepers lose money at it.  I think i can make money at it because i am filling a special niche in the market.
No one is going to squeeze me out, if i fail thats on my head not someone elses.  IF any business fails that means they didn't do it right.  Even walmart can't squeeze out everyone in a town itmoves into.  that has been proven time and time again.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


It appears both of you needed to get it out of your system. Please continue.  :laugh:



Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2009, 06:01:35 PM
I've been very interested in what has been said on both sides. Bees....and what kind of society do they have that works so well for them?  Interesting thought.  ;D 
Bees have different jobs.  Some jobs are cushy like the one the queen has, some suck really bad like the drones job which is breeding the queen and then they get kicked outof the hive to die.  :)  your lucky if you get queen duty in the winter months cause you live longer than 2 months.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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