Obama's Health-Care Bill

Started by Warph, August 05, 2009, 05:58:05 PM

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i am not scared  or worried  about anything  because  the  only  people  left when it  gets  that bad  is  the  people  who are  ignorant and  open minded to  the  fact that it  couldn't  get that bad. Those  who us  that aren't  sheep are  gonna  do what we  gotta  do to survive . its  the  ones  who stay with the  flock who will get screwed. so those  of  you  who like  to feel safe  with the  flock go ahead. we  have  let  them take  our  rights sooner  or  later  it  will be  time  to take  back. so you  be  a  good  sheep and  let the  farmer  do ya. but  i won't 


Clean up your insinuations, and learn how to spell and use punctuation!  We have been having civilized discussions and debates on here lately, post something intelligent or don't post at all!


oh now  we  got  the  spelling  police  on me  or as i like  to call them DOUCHE BAGS


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the computer just ate my POST!


so are  you insinuating  i'm not  intelligent?


Damn it was a good one too :P pffffffffffffftttttttt

EASY bubba....

ANyway I was TRYING to post about Fed freedom taking.........the gist of it was they TRY....with the north american union project....if they DO pass a law making it mandatory to have insurance.....crap I lost the rest of it...basically if the Feds want something they don't come at you straight on they come at you sideways and convince you it's best or scare you into accepting it....just ask any native.

SOme on here have the impression I think this health thing is a good deal....I DON'T.
Do I think they will do SOME version? Yes whether we like it or not because they got the bit in their teeth and the ones in power ar throwin their weight around.  JUST like the republicans would be doin if they were.


ok pam if  ya  want  me  to be  good  i will lol


Lol we need a little fire in here every once in awhile !


"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Poppa is rough and really DOESN'T care what anybody thinks....or whether or not they LIKE what HE thinks.....He can be rude and crude but make no mistake he is a very intelligent guy and a good guy.

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