Town Halls Gone Wild

Started by ELK@KC, July 31, 2009, 07:05:33 AM

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  This has gone just about far enough.  >:(

Quote2. "Name calling, be-littleing someone, or making snide and hateful comments has no place in our society, or on this forum.  We must respect each other and the opinions of others.  I don't think I have read anywhere on this forum that we are all to agree on any particular thing"--Flo by kshillbilly

Ks, I don't know if you and Mom ever talked it out like you and I did BUT the fact she made one comment that was harsh does not diminish the MERIT of THIS one. No truer words are on here. Mom has a temper just like the rest of yall, she's ALSO NOT stupid. SHe speaks her mind.....shes my Mom....I'm here for her.

I don't know WHY yall started attackin Diane and SDM........Diane is always askin as many things as she tells. SDM is just of another political preference than the ones of you that have been most VOCAL lately. Yall seriously need to step back and see whats goin on here.

As for this deal about Obamas birth certificate that is causin all this hate and discontent on here, THINK, in this world of ours in THIS day and age do you REALLY think that if there was a piece of paper out there that said Obama was NOT an American citizen that the people who wanted it could not GET it?!? GIVE me a friggin break!! There would be people LINED up with COPIES of it OR the ORIGINAL if they had enough money to bribe somebody to give it to them at the WHITEHOUSE front door with PITCHFORKS and TORCHES for Christs sakes.

IF you want to think that there is a big enough conspiracy that somethin like that could be HIDDEN in this day and age...KNOCK yourselves OUT but show the people who DON't the SAME respect you expect THEM to show YOUall (as in EVERYbody on EITHER side )

I seriously don't give a shit if anybody likes what I say...I've resigned my membership 3 times now today but have been signin back in to defend people I think are gettin a raw deal. Somethin YALL don't realize is that I would be just as likely to defend any ONE of you for the SAME reason. I probly WON"T resign again...they may throw me out for speakin my mind on this but se la vi whatever happens happens.

I've been quittin instead of standin up and I ain't proud of that. I also am not stupid enough to butt my head against a brick wall more than 50 or 60 times lol. So I may post I may not...but when I do it will because I mean what I say and will say what I mean.


Quote from: kshillbillys on August 01, 2009, 09:52:18 PM

Bush was duly elected by the majority for TWO terms so maybe those that hated him need to "get over it". I will jump on the birth certificate bandwagon. If he's a LEGAL citizen, show me the certificate. If not, get out of the White House.

Which other president's have you demanded for a birth certificate?  The supreme court has thrown out challenge after challenge on this subject.  State officials from Hawaii have confirmed NUMEROUS times that they have his cert on file but state law doesn't allow them to release it.  A certificate of live birth has been issued.  A newspaper clipping announcing his birth has been released.  He has given plenty of proof that he is a legal citizen, yet people still demand more proof.  It's there, its all over the place.  

Stick to real issues   ::)
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Ohhh Pluuuease...  ::) ::) ::)

I think I'm gonna be sick!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


And now Back to our regular programming!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You know, I think it is kinda funny that conservatives get accused of being "narrow minded" when they disagree with others.  Whatever happened to that diversity and tolerance the left is always talking about??  For those of you who think that all "we" want on this forum is people patting us on the head and telling us what good little conservatives we are, I urge you to look at the threads that covered topics like abortion, religion, the bible.  You'll find that we "conservatives" have varying opinions on those. 
At times a debate does get heated, but no one is trying to run any one off of here.  As for name calling, most of that has come from left of center.  My advise...don't be so thin skinned. 

As for the Birth Certificate...yes, it is a dead issue.  obama has seen to that by spending a huge amount of money to seal those records.  Frankly, I think that it is a ruse, a smoke screen to keep folks occupied so they don't notice what else is going on.  At one point, I was a "birther" myself.  However, he is not going to be stopped with that issue.  Instead, I like the idea that Glenn Beck came up with.  That is, look at the people obama has surrounded himself with, look at the structure he is setting up with his plethora (I love that word) of czars.  Not just how many he has but who these people are and what they stand for.  Talk about them with your neighbors, coworkers, children...anyone who will listen.  Start writing your congressmen, state legislators, and let them know that if they continue to back this tyrant, they will be replaced.  Don't get caught up in trying to keep tabs on every little thing this administration puts out.  Remember how they work.  They try and throw so much at you that it is impossible to keep up.  Get together with your neighbors and friends, talk about what is going on and what is coming.  I don't mean just this forum or through emails, but physical "get togethers".  I'm not talking about forming "overthrow the government militia" groups, but rather just ordinary citizens that are concerned about this country.  I am kinda getting off topic here (like that has never happened before ;)) but I just think that we are focusing on too many individual trees and not noticing the underbrush that is choking out the forest. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


This is a great post, Billy, I couldn't have said it better.  I agree with you 100%.  Name calling and insults don't belong here and they always cloud the issue anyway.  Thanks again.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


QuoteFor those of you who think that all "we" want on this forum is people patting us on the head and telling us what good little conservatives we are, I urge you to look at the threads that covered topics like abortion, religion, the bible.  You'll find that us "conservatives" have varying opinions on those.

That was a rhetorical observation. For those of you who group every person who has a "liberal" idea as big government loving, abortion supportin, far left commie radical.........the same thing applies.

Quotebut I just think that we are focusing on too many individual trees and not noticing the underbrush that is choking out the forest.

QuoteI think I'm gonna be sick!

this subject makes me a little nauseaus myself.

I think people need to wake up to the fact that this country is deep in debt and gettin DEEPER in debt everyday to places like CHina! You barely get a blip of a report about all the "reassurances" OUR government has to keep making to China that their "investment" in America is still solid to keep them from deMANDing their money or the SECURITY for that money. You want to worry about America becoming a communist country THAT's what we need to be paying closer attention to and gettin out from under because if China calls in our note that's what we will be in about 30 seconds Obama or NO obama.

I didn't vote for Obama...I don't like him...I didn't vote for Bush EITHER time...I didn't like HIM.... his Moms kinda cool tho....I didn't vote for the FIRST Bush.....I have just kept on keepin on thru every one of them tho and I will KEEP on keepin on just like a billion OTHER people who didn't vote for any of the above...may have learn to speak chinese now but I'll STILL keep on keepin on....I always vote for the UNLIKELY ones who never even make it to the final ballot most of the time but I do make my preference known. LOL, the very first time I ever voted when I turned 18..I voted for Hubert Humphrey LOL because he seemed to me like he had common sense. There is no point for this ramble....just ramblin and rememberin out loud.....guess I'll get off here and go find a chinese phrase book just in case :P Yall have a good Sunday now yhear?


Pamsback, that means you were born in 1947 as I voted for Nixon in 1968  :)


No Lol I was born in 1959. Humphrey ran for the nomination right after I got old enough to vote and never even made it on the final ballot.


If we talking about the same Hubert Humphery, he ran for president in 1968 and lost to Nixon, died in 1978. So you were able to vote when you were nine years old???

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