Town Halls Gone Wild

Started by ELK@KC, July 31, 2009, 07:05:33 AM

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Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on August 01, 2009, 08:39:08 AM
Tell me about it, I have been debating with it since I have joined this forum.

Quote from: Maude on July 31, 2009, 04:39:01 PM
Not only that she lives back east not even in the area.

Ignorance depends on which side of the "debate" (and I use that term loosley to describe some of the crap that's been goin on in here lately)a person thinks is "right" .

As for whether or NOT DIane lives in the "area" I was under the impression most of the topics in here deal with NATIONAL politics NOT Elk county or any OTHER "locality".

When I joined about a year ago there were MANY diverse discussions goin on and some intelligent things were posted AND argued,discussed and people agreed to disagree without bein a**holes about it. I hate to break it to you all but you just keep repeatin the same tired bitchfests and the same tired insults to try to run off anybody who doesn't agree with your close-minded view of the "way things are supposed to be". Have you noticed that FEW people post ANYthing anymore?

We got it or at least I do, all you want is somebody to agree with you and tell you how "right " you are and pat your heads and say good little conservative. Well you seem to be in the right place for that. I see people complaining on here about how elk county is so far behind and has none of the progress to make it a more competitive place, well, you have nothin to blame but the same closed-minded "well that's the way we always did it" attitudes you all reveal in your posts.

Guess what..."the way we always did it ain't gonna work anymore. Nothin has changed for the BETTER in greenwood or elk county either one in the last 50 years. Severy was a great town when I was growin up, "the way we always did it" people killed it. Now it's a friggin ghost town.

So you all just keep on bein smug and judgmental and then wonder why tryin to get anything better is not happenin. A lot of good people who could have done those things either left out of frustration or disgust with "the way we always did things" or just gave up, then listen to people bitch and shake their heads cause they KNOW.


Darn all you people and your "facts" coming in here and trying to use your  "facts" to make "arguments."   Pshhhh.

With regard to ignorance, it's here, we have it.  I'm not going to point fingers, but I'll just say that a lot of people get misinformed by the media, and then post that misinformation here on these forums.  Either the posters of this information knowingly pass on false information, or the do so unintentionally, which happens out of ignorance.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


OK Maxine and I will put a happy face on :)Now what we need to do is look at how Obama got in office. The east coast and the west coast. As far as Severy going to Shit, Pamsback did you stay in Severy to help the town from going to pot? And how can someone in Delware help Howard. Max and I  live close and we went to the Longton  Fair. Maxine and I have given to the fireworks in Howard and the clock in the court house. What have you done for Severy?
Yes we all have the power of freedom of speech and Max and I are ones to use it, only when we feel we have something to say. Not just to voice our opinion but when we feel someone has stepped on the toes of people in Howard.
Thank you ELk@KC We only want to give our thoughts as Howard is full of good people and we hate to see it as depressed as it is.
Max and I are to old to do anything but maybe there are some youngins will take the lead and carry on.
Maude and Maxine to old to care and to young to give up.


QuoteAs far as Severy going to Shit, Pamsback did you stay in Severy to help the town from going to pot?

Yes actually we stayed until 1999. Then we left. AM I sorry? Yes AND no. Would I go back? Even tho it would mean being broke, yes, if it was still home. It's not. It's where I came from. What we do for Severy is visit relatives on a regular basis and spend money there.

I post to get other peoples ideas and to find out how they think. I don't give a shit if they agree with me or not. Not agreeing with somebody is how you LEARN NEW THINGS...a revolutionary concept I realize......

I didn't see anybody steppin on toes...specially Diane. If you think what I said was steppin on it again. There are good people there who would do anything to get things movin again but they get tired......

This is me..... young enough to care...old enough to know WHEN it's time to move on.


Welcome back Pam! FYI M&M, Diane has roots in Howard and I do believe that she has donated to the fireworks fund etc, etc in the name of her family. I have never known her to be nasty in her posts nor is she disrespectful. Yes, she is an intelligent outspoken woman; much like our own Pam. God bless 'em both! I too enjoy hearing multiple views and because I take a view from the democratic party viewpoint, I have often been villified. That's okay since nobody forced me to express my views; but I often get a peek at the narrow minds here, and a lack of education. Too bad, especially these days when education is just a google away. Some think that education means subscribing to a few newsletters that fall along the lines of their narrow viewpoint. How sad for them, for they are easily led. If it is far right it is alright, right?


"lack of education"----Sixdogsmom

I don't have a LACK of Education. WHO are YOU to call ME stupid? Or ANYONE on this forum stupid...AND before you jump, I know you didn't call ME stupid directly. I am sick and tired of everytime no one has anything better to come back with, they scream "LACK of Education!" I don't see Ph.D. behind YOUR name. I don't see you as being given the award for Most Brilliant Person on Earth either (me neither). So, since you don't know me and I don't know you, YOU can't possibly call ME stupid. Lack of education has been brought up at least 2 times that I can remember. In this thread and directly to me in another thread. If you're so smart why aren't you CEO of Citibank or GM? Why aren't YOU President?

Narrow mind? Maybe if that's what you want to call me. Passionate about certain things I CAN'T change? HELL YES! STUPID? Definitely NOT! Opinionated? Damned straight! Gonna sit idly by and allow people (including myself) to be picked on? HELL NO! Going to sit idly by while my country gets run down by the foreigner in the White House? NOPE.

All I can say to some of you who have been more than catty and crappy to everyone on here lately (including to Teresa) is that you better be glad I don't moderate this site. You wouldn't be getting shitty with anyone anymore. Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one. No one's opinion is ANY BETTER than ANY ONE else's. So, having an opinion that disagrees with others on this forum does NOT make you STUPID!

I guess that's enough for now. I've been in the sun at the fair today and I'm just SICK of the useless BS that goes on on here and haven't been posting lately because of it! SO now let the bitching begin again!




Hang in here Maude and Maxine I totally agree with what you have to say.


Same here, I thought I had given you some good planters advise Jane. Too bad.  :'( :'(


here I go again and I said I was not going to post anything else in Politics, but by damn this has gone far enough.  Yes, KsHillbilly, opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one, however some are bigger than others.  Diane, you just keep on being on.  I, for one, do appreciate all your donations to causes in Elk County that will not benefit you personally, but knowing you helped someone else means a lot ( to most of us anyhow ).  Name calling, be-littleing someone, or making snide and hateful comments has no place in our society, or on this forum.  We must respect each other and the opinions of others.  I don't think I have read anywhere on this forum that we are all to agree on any particular thing.  Like a**holes, we each have our opinions and are free to express them, but that doesn't mean that we all have to jump into the same pot.  Now, "our country being led by a foreigner in the white house" is more fiction - Those that don't like Obama need to get over it.  LIke it or not, he is our President, duly elected by the majority, and is here to stay until his term is up.  So now, sling all the shit at me you want cause I'm a good ducker.  And I just might be the one that comes out smelling like a rose.   :-*  :angel:


1. "kshillbilly, when it's time for you to be judged, may God have mercy on your hate-infested soul."--Flo    ( :o )

2. "Name calling, be-littleing someone, or making snide and hateful comments has no place in our society, or on this forum.  We must respect each other and the opinions of others.  I don't think I have read anywhere on this forum that we are all to agree on any particular thing"--Flo  ( :angel: )


Bush was duly elected by the majority for TWO terms so maybe those that hated him need to "get over it". I will jump on the birth certificate bandwagon. If he's a LEGAL citizen, show me the certificate. If not, get out of the White House.



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