Rush (Limbaugh) to Judgement

Started by Warph, July 25, 2009, 01:51:22 AM

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Okay.... It pains me to admit that Barack Obama is not a  stupid man; megalomanical maybe, narcissistic most definitely... but not stupid.... tho', at times I make him out to be.  With that said, if one considers the incredible damage that Obama has done to our current and future economy and capitalism as a whole, in just six short months, is it out of the question that he actually wants to blow the whole thing up and start again?  No matter how much suffering and damage it causes for We, the People....?

Rush Limbaugh was asked the other day by a caller if he thought Obama was destroying our economy on purpose, and he knocked it out of the park with his answer.

Check it out:

RUSH: Steven in Acme, Washington, it's nice to have you on the program, sir. Open Line Friday, hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. Thank you for taking my call. First thing. As a fifth generation veteran and two soldiers in the family presently, thank you very much for what you're doing for veterans.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: We appreciate it. God bless you, sir. Do you think Obama is making the decisions and the stuff that he is, because he's in over his head and doesn't know what he's doing, or is actually doing it on purpose to destroy our country?

RUSH: Well, I don't think he thinks he's destroying it, the country. I think he knows he's destroying a system that he thinks is unfair, unjust, and he doesn't like. He is destroying capitalism. That's his objective. He wants to destroy capitalism. He wants to establish a very powerful socialist government, authoritarian. He's an intellectual. They want control. He wants control of the economy; he wants it for his party as well. They don't think they're destroying America. They think they are America! See, these people think their way is America. We're the ones un-American. We're the ones that stand for capitalism, which is unfairness. To them, capitalism is greed. It is selfishness. And they are the good people, and they love to think of themselves that way. In truth, what Obama's doing is cruel.

What the Democrat Party has done is cruel. What they have done is cruel in the guise of compassion. .... and they've done it for 50 years, and they get away with it because of their "good intentions." They only want to help. Somehow the unintended consequences end up really damaging millions of people and families. It's never reported that way because the assumption is they're full of compassion and love, and they're "just trying to help." So no, he's not trying to destroy America. He thinks he is America. He thinks he represents the America that's been getting the shaft for 200 years. He represents the America that's on the wrong side of every deal.

They get the raw deal, the rotten deal. They have been screwed. They have been shafted. They've been taken advantage of; they've been discriminated against. It's time to make it right! It's time to show these people that have been doing these evil things to people exactly how it feels. So you want to find out what it's like on welfare when you don't care people are on it? Here you go, here's your unemployment check. You want to find out what it feels like to be scared to death? Here you go. This is about revenge, a little vengeance. It is about theoretical capitalism that they despise 'cause they can't control it and again because they think it's unfair and unjust and unequal. No, no, no. They're not in their minds trying to destroy America. They're trying to rewrite it.

The only problem they've got is that liberalism doesn't flourish in the free market which is why Obama has to go out and sound like he's Ronald Reagan, promising socialism. He couldn't be getting away with this -- and this point, ladies and gentlemen, is crucial. He couldn't and wouldn't be getting away with this were it not for a totally compliant press. If it weren't for the Drive-Bys in effect being his PR agent each and every day, he would not be getting away with this. If there were a genuine vetting of Barack Obama during the campaign and prior to it -- if there were a genuine vetting of his administration, all these plans -- he wouldn't be getting away with any of this. But he has not been vetted and he has not been challenged. He has not been investigated. He has not been questioned. He's not been doubted for going on three years. Well, that's a lot of solid time to propagandize people. That's where we are.

Now I realize that Limbaugh is a lightning rod becuase he is a master at satire who is not afraid to say something controversial to hammer home his point.  But that knife cuts both ways....  the very same Democrats who think slash artists Michael Moore and Bill Maher hung the moon go postal when the tables are turned.  Yep, Limbaugh makes fun of Democrats and what they do, and this drives them NUTS!.

But the thing is.... and the reason why Limbaugh has been so successful, I think.... is not merely his ability to integrate biting criticism, satire, and humor to bear against the Left's strawmen.... shoot, let Sir Charles K. quote him  " is rather his (Limbaugh) substantial intellect coupled with his ability to articulate the truths of Conservatism in a manner that makes the complex easy to understand."   Well said, big guy....  Now, If only the Republican Party could field someone as capable.... it obviously had the right formula with Reagan and his two landslides....  but since then the Republicans have lost their way... they have neglected the principles that gave them those landslides.  Reagan's communication skills were great.... but it is the combination of communication skills COMBINED WITH principle which made him so formidable and popular.  ...amen.

"With an articulate, but dangerous Marxist President who literally may be trying to destroy the greatest economic engine the world has ever known, we have never needed more urgently candidates who could clearly articulate and communicate the principles that have made the United States a magnet for those dreaming of a better life everywhere on earth."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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