
Started by Maude, July 17, 2009, 06:57:05 PM

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Maxine and I have received the last two weeks of the P Star and have been watching the forum to see what the schedule was in case we get a chance to come. Gee I could only find it on the Kansas State web site. What is interesting is that, as much as we would love to see David. It is on Sunday night and we have to be home early.Also was is the indoor judging?
Maude and Maxine

2009 Howard Elk County Fair
Schedule of Events
Monday, July 13
6:30 p.m. Horse Show
Wednesday, July 15
9:00 a.m. Clothing Construction and Fiber Arts Judging ‐ West Elk High School
10:00 a.m. Fashion Revue Judging ‐ West Elk High School
7:00 p.m. Supporters and Friends of 4‐H Picnic ‐ West Elk High School
8:00 p.m. Public Fashion Revue ‐ West Elk High School
Friday, July 17
10:00 a.m. 4‐H Foods Judging ‐ Extension Meeting Room
6:00 ‐ 6:15 p.m. Weigh Market Steers
6:15 ‐ 7:00 p.m. Weigh Market Lambs
7:00 ‐ 7:15 p.m. Weigh Meat Goats
7:15 ‐ 8:00 p.m. Weigh Market Hogs
8:00 p.m. Williams & Long Rodeo Company
Saturday, July 18
8:00 ‐ 10:00 a.m. Indoor Exhibits, Bucket Calf, Rabbit and Poultry Exhibits Accepted
10:00 a.m. Judging of Indoor Exhibits and 4‐H Consultation Judging
11:00 a.m. Fair Parade ‐‐ Downtown ‐ Sponsored by Howard Chamber of Commerce
11:45 a.m. Turtle Race ‐‐ Fairgrounds ‐ Sponsored by Lanning Auto Supply
1:00 p.m. Family Fun and Games @ Grandstand (Added money in memory of Kenny &
Pauline Smith)
5:30 p.m. 4‐H Sheep Fitting & Showing and Judging of Sheep followed by 4‐H Goat Fitting
and Showing and Judging of Goats
7:00 p.m. Free Watermelon Feed ‐ Sponsored by Southern Kansas Insurance Agency &
Dave's Enterprises ‐ Dave Helsel
8:00 p.m. Williams & Long Rodeo Company
8:30 p.m. Adult Round Robin Contest
Sunday, July 19
9:00 a.m. Community Church Service
12:30 p.m. 4‐H Beef Fitting & Showing and Judging of Beef and Bucket Calves
3:00 p.m. Judging of Rabbits followed by Judging of Poultry
3:00 ‐ 6:00 p.m. P.T.O. & Jaws of Life Demonstrations and Ice Cream Social Sponsored by Elk
County Farm Bureau
6:00 p.m. Community Choir Performance
6:30 p.m. 4‐H Swine Fitting & Showing and Judging of Swine
7:00 p.m. Entertainment & Food Auction ‐‐ David Oakleaf
Monday, July 20
9:00 a.m. Round Robin
1:00 ‐ 2:00 p.m. Check out ALL entries (except sale animals)
6:00 p.m. Free Barbecue
6:30 p.m. 4‐H Trophy Presentation Ceremony at Show Arena
7:00 p.m. 4‐H/FFA Livestock Premium Sale
K‐State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Maude and Maxine thanks for posting this information. That looks like a fair that I would love to go to and enjoy. Good job Elk folks. See how much you can learn from the cartoon pages. (Maude and Maxine is a cartoon). By the way I am not the David mentioned by Maude. I hope you "girls" post more often/ ;D


Fair Parade.. 2009

Hope this comes through ok.. Understand that ( since I was the one taking the pictures) my family is in these too.  :)

Thought you all might like to see how nice the parade was. Seemed to be a lot of people there this year. Weather helped a lot! 80 degrees and beautiful .

We're sorry.

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Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Excellent - Thanks!



Great Pictures!  I think it was a wonderful parade!  You have a pretty good looking family too!



Wonderful job, Teresa...The pic of Jo was wonderful!!!!  What a classy lady...Just like her daughter.  ;)

Clubine Ranch

Don't know how you did this, but even on my pokie slow dial up those pictures just blinked right on! Neat parade with lots of fun floats and people in it. Thanks for sharing. Ya just gotta love a small town parade!


Great pics! Thanks!  :D


This afternoon a few of the fireman volunteered to bring the Jaws of Life equipment to the fairgrounds to demonstrate the use of it, by showing everyone how they cut a car up to get a person out after a car wreck.

Derek Cookson , Todd Wincher were the main cutters.  Helpers were Danny Signer, John Robertson, & Sam Oakleaf. ( and Lucy the mascot dog)  ;)
This was very interesting and is really an asset to this community that we have this tool and the people who have learned to use it. Derek handed it to me and I couldn't hardly lift it! it is THAT heavy. I heard him tell Danny Signer afterwords," you hold this thing and cut a car down like we just did and it's a hell of a work out". By the sweat that was soaking them afterwards I believe it!
Would be a work out for me to  even get it up to the door to cut. :P

Afterwords ice cream was being served to a long line by our own Indy Gal...She and her helper was scooping as fast as they could... and looks to me like there wasn't anyone complaining about the job they were doing either. Yummy!

The kiddies got to play on all the blowup stuff. That looked like so much fun. If no one had of looked at me funny..I would have loved to be right on those with the kids sliding down..  ;D

Anyway.. hope you enjoy the pictures.. :)

We're sorry.

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Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


What a great slide show...Please, post more of them!  :laugh: :laugh:

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