Devolving standards of indecency

Started by redcliffsw, July 18, 2009, 06:59:46 AM

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....that the Living Constitution doctrine is a Machiavellian Trojan horse utilized by Democrat lawmakers and liberal activist judges from its creation in the early 1900s through the protean "incorporation doctrine." In the 1940s this treasonous incorporation doctrine greatly expanded with broad interpretations of the equal protection and due process clauses of the Fifth and 14th Amendments, which expanded these amendments' application beyond their original intent of checking and balancing Congress, to almost exclusively be applied to the states. Radical federalism now trumps states' rights.

Here is where the devil is indeed in the details. Liberals love to feign themselves as champions of the poor, women, minorities and the "disenfranchised." Those who disagree with them are castigated by the government-controlled media as idiots, haters and racists. Public Enemy No. 1 to liberals are America's Founding Fathers whom they consider the lowest hypocrites for having slaves and demeaning women while placing themselves in the most favored positions in society.


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