It's All Just Fear Yall

Started by pamsback, July 14, 2009, 10:39:36 PM

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 I read every day on here even tho I'm not postin much unless something really gets to me or I'm home alone and bored as I am tonight.......I see all the doomsdaying....and all the rainbows and butterflies.......all the attacking of anybody who doesn't agree with what the "popular" concensus is (which is why I don't post much) BUT............(oh shit they say) All I see is fear. Fear of various and many things.....fear of change.....fear of the status quo.....fear of a black president with an arab name.....fear of a different America....fear of the SAME America.........fear of all this DEBT......fear of government period.....fear of NO governemnt... I mean come ON.

It's not just on here either....the news media uses fear......Obama uses fear.....EVERYbody with an agenda USES fear.....special interest groups use fear.....churches use fear.....We USE fear to control people...our spouses...our kids....our friends..our neighbors...

So why do we buy INTO the fear? What's the worst that can happen really? Death...and I got news for ya..that's gonna happen sooner or later anyway.  My theory is that if we STOP letting the fear control us we can change do be ANYthing.

Without fear the government can't shove ANYthing down ANYbodies throat. Without FEAR Obamas "agenda" (or lack of )
is dead in the water. So to put an old saying politely.....screw em and feed em fishheads....I ain't scared.


Don't mistake anger for fear.  Sticking your head in the sand and not seeing the stormclouds on the horizon doesn't make them go away.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


  Seeing heat lighning and freakin out doesn't make it a tornado either.


Have a good rest of your evenin yall.


well Pam.. like you ........ I am going to bow out of the forum for awhile. My give a damn with people is busted and I'm afraid I will break my own rules where respect and niceness is concerned. ( I feel the redneck bitch creeping out of me and it isn't a pretty sight.)   :-\

unlike members, I can't just  take a leave of absence .... .. I have to maintain  all sections of this site and still do about an hour or so ( at a minimum) of work in here every I can't divorce it.. .. or even not look at it every day.  :P

About your post in this thread..
You and I have a lot on common in some areas.
...But where government is concerned..we're ..for the most part on different worlds and planets . ...and that's okay...but I'm so tired of arguing the facts that I'm just not going to for awhile.

Wish I could say Never.. but I love my country too much to not be involved for too long.

I will continue to work from a grass roots level  in the many organizations I am involved with ( as I have been doing) and will probably leave the forum posting to others for awhile. .

If anyone needs anything done special on the forum boards.. ( that I have missed or haven't done in a timely manner ..please e-mail me personally and I will take care of it for you...  :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, you hang in there.  To quote Rocky.."it isn't about how hard you can hit, its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward".  Remember that when "they" have you surrounded and out manned, thats when you have them right where you want them, and they can't hide.  I will leave you with this to ponder....Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking.
--Ferdinand Foch-- at the Battle of the Marne
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Oh, I'm hanging in there .. No way will I ever stop.  But just not in here for awhile.
sorry.. I know myself too well... and I need a breather.
When I get to this point, it's time to slowly click that safety button back on and quietly lower the weapon.
Not giving up.. just repositioning myself in another area.
That's the thing about being the responsible owner of a public domain.
I have to play by the same rules that everyone else does.. I made the rules for good reason and I have to go by them.
((unlike our government))
One of which is......being nice and respectful.
Right now, I safely can't do that. ...
But have no doubt, I'm still in the field cocked, locked. loaded and ready.................. :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa...we are NOT that far apart...not near as far as yall think. Do you remember that poll you posted right before the election (or somebody did) about how conservative or liberal your politics were? I believe you were a little right of center and I was barely left of center. Yes I have some "liberal" leanings but the person/ people I am on a different planet than are people like Nancy Pelosi ( that chick makes my skin crawl), and more than one member of Obamas bunch, Rush limbaugh, extreme either side politicians. ANd yes Obama.

I vote for people like Ross Perot and Ron Paul, hell I'd vote for T Boone Pickens! I vote for people who talk nuts and bolts.

I'm not interested in all the "wonderful things" my government is "going" to do for me someday. I'm not interested in signin up for Obamas health care or being FORCED to sign up for it. I'm settin here like everybody ELSE HOPIN to HELL they don't do it!

I believe politicians should not be paid above the minimum wage they see fit to set for everybody ELSE! Let em get a real job and scrammble around down here with the REST of us.

I DON"T need the government to be my MORAL compass either. That's like lettin the preacher you saw raisin hell at the bar on Saturday tell you you're goin to hell on Sunday...kind of stupid :P I get hit in the face damn near EVERY day with the fact that people are stupid that it boggles my mind sometimes. I listen to them and just sit there with my mouth hangin open because it just blows my mind. Oh hell I'm startin to ramble :P

My POINT is I am TOTally disillusioned with our government...but I am NOT sittin here with my head up my ass...and I'm not callin it quits. I refuse to be stampeded , I don't push well at all. I belong to a couple of good organizations myself so I can stay abreast of the matter. I'll hunker down for awhile but I don't RUN for shit. Not for ANYbody.

You can unload on me anytime you feel like it, cause I think we are friends. We don't HAVE to agree on everything  ;D

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