Queen of the World...Spending your money.

Started by Catwoman, July 14, 2009, 12:17:15 PM

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There you go again Teresa, not reading my posts before you reply.

Quote from: Teresa on July 14, 2009, 10:03:27 PM
since I can't use my voice on here .. let me tell you that with this post it is flat and calm and 'exhausted'. ..and totally packed with incredulous disbelief.

You know Anmar.. I'm sure you are a nice lady....  Really! I'm serious.  I'm sure you are...
but you are a card to draw to.............. ::)
And the few who meekly stand behind your dress tail cheering you on is the rest of hand that I wouldn't bet a plug nickel on in a poker game. ...
You said this same entertainment snide remark about Glen Beck...
Because YOU don't think they are journalists... then they are "concocting" stories...
whatever~~~~  ::)

In one of the links, Even Glen Beck admits that he isn't a journalist, so does Sean Hannity, and Olbermann was a sports Caster.  They aren't journalists, even they don't claim to be, so why do you think they are?

QuoteNever have we been so close to our America being gone  as we are now. Never have we been so close to America being a Socialist country as we are now. I could go on and on and on..
I'm not crying wolf.  I'm not making it up.   It's all around you . Only takes common sense of a 7 yr old to know whats going on. But still ... some refuse .. absolutely refuse to see it or admit  what President  has the reins in his communistic evil little hands.
Just frickin' amazing...........

Mostly agree as to the state of the country, and i say this in many of my posts.  But i like to remind people that both parties got us here.  BUSH INSTITUTED THE BAILOUTS FOR THE BANKS AND THE AUTO INDUSTRY, OBAMA CONTINUED THEM.

Quoteas far as "sticking to the issues."
Issues are stuck to. but of course YOU in all your conceited infinite wisdom.. seem to like to spout off to  be the only one that ever does "research"..
You and the people who are excuse makers for what's going on literally wear me out. No matter what anyone says or thinks or posts....... ( unless you say it) .. it is wrong.........

This is the part that shows you didnt read my post.  I point out that others, including Warph, do plenty of research.  As much as i argue with Warph, i have great respect for him because he's very knowedgeable, debates intelligently, and isn't afraid to stand up to his own party when they are wrong.

Quoteso..........................sighhhhhh ....hell I don't even know what to say ...... and what I want to say just takes too much energy that will be wasted on someone who can't or won't see.

I keep seeing that you aren't reading my posts!

QuoteOne more thing for anyone to answer.... show me one thing that is good about Obama's Socialistic agenda.. What has the overspending government takeovers and  the trashing America and the apology tours and the hiring of his 16 or so Czars that we are paying( who have not a clue as to how to manage or run their dept) .. his Acorn minions... his challenging and trying to alter the 1st and 2nd amendments  helped our beloved America?

I'll address this in an upcoming post

Can we get any more corrupt than we are now? When are people going to quit bleating like sheep? What is the matter with people?
Yes, never, television.

Quoteand for those of you who do know me and how I can get when I am upset... . .. well... i'm not that tonight.. my BP is very calm and stable. not even raising my voice.............That too is amazing..  :-X

Just tired of it all. Tired of the weak liberal drivel... tired of the corruption being openly accepted and crammed down our throats... tired of people wanting something for nothing.. and tired of and scared that without those of us who  refuse and will not follow the path of socialism.. that my precious grandchildren will not be old enough yet to stand and protect themselves, by themselves, before that son of a bitch gets done destroying our Country.

Glad to see that you aren't upset  :P

P.S.  I'm not a lady,
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Anmar, just a few things I'd like to point out...

1 - No one here, that I know of has ever stated that glenn beck or others is a journalist.
2 - Talk about not reading posts, this goes way beyond the Bailouts...
3 - As far as research goes, would that be in line with your "Please, don't make us smart people do the work for you" comment?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I think you have mistaken me for someone who cares what you post.............

you know.. personally I don''t care if you are male female or an it... you can sit on your high little pedestal that you have built for yourself all day long and tell yourself how smart you are and talk yourself into oblivion.

you are a double talking exhausting piece of work. you will argue that black is white and then double back and say no one reads what you meant.......

Like I said before.. whatever floats your boat....

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I guess it is a natural thing when an original idea such as Catwoman's post about our First Lady turns into something totally different altogether.  But, then that is the nature of the beast.  Most original posts turn into something to argued about here in the Politics section. 

However, in reading this post, it made me look and "research."  One point brought up was that Beck, Hannity and Olbermann were not journalists.  In reading, I saw that Beck and Hannity are considered entertainers, authors, etc., but not journalists.  Keith Olbermann does have a B.S. in communication arts, but I am not sure that makes him a journalist.  He wasn't much of a sportscaster here in LA.  Both Beck and Hannity did attend college but dropped out. 

Teresa, I can sympathize with your feelings about some posts.  Being in the position that you are, you are, as you said, obligated to administer this blog.  With that position you can moderate who and what you feel is allowable here.  And, you respect our right to post our feelings, either the dumb ones or the smart ones without prejudice for the most part.  So, if you want to "bite your tongue"  for a while, it's okay.  I feel you and Kjell do a wonderful job in maintaining this site and I really enjoy being a part of it.  So take a rest from Politics, at least, enjoy the other entries and remember we all want to hear from you.

Getting back to Catwoman's original post, I would like to find out about all this money being spent because of her and maybe do a little research on my own and get facts from others on this subject.


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


YOu know honestly the way i feel about obamas wife getting to jetset all over the world and shopping in paris and all that, is he ought to support his own wifes activities. I had enough trouble supporting mine when i was married and I don't see why i have to pay for his wifes pleasures.  Thats his job not mine.

If she wants to go shopping then pay the costs including security and transportation costs out of his own pocket.

And furthermore, when he's sitting up there on whitehouse grounds, telling Americans times are tough and were going to have to sacrifice to get through it, then why the hell isn't he telling her that she has to sacrifice as well. 

And i would say the same thing about Mrs Bush if we were in this shape too when they were in office. 
Hmm i don't even remember if she went on a 100k shopping trip in paris did she???
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


 Ok dude don't pass out but I totally agree with that. If we can treat them to a shoppin trip in Paris then we all oughta get one wherever we want to go.


Larryj, let me know what you dig up...Because I didn't post what I did to dis O's wife...I posted it because we have too many wives who are either layed off (or married to someone who is)...Too many wives who are watching their standard of living being either impacted or dessimated...Too many wives, fathers, couples, single parents, etc., who are slowly being strangled economically while this Marie Antionette clone goes flitting about, spending the taxpayers' money like it was pocket change.  I might like her, as a person, if I knew her previous to what she was doing presently...But, given her present actions (while the common American bleeds), I wouldn't even give her the time of day, much less permission to continue her course of action.

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