More from Rev Manning

Started by redcliffsw, July 13, 2009, 08:40:49 PM

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It's been several months since we've heard from the Rev Manning.


Thanks, i needed a good laugh this morning.  Gotta love fake reverends with fake degrees.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


So, Anmar, how do you know he is a fake reverend and how do you know his degree is fake?  Does his lack of a degree make him a fake reverend? How many reverends/pastors are there who  don't have a degree. Many, I would suspect.  Did you read that he is a fake reverend with a fake diploma? If so who wrote that he is fake? Where and how did you get the knowledge to make such a statement.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Great post Sarge and great questions.

Here is some information on Manning:
James David Manning (born February 20, 1947) is chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church on 123rd Street in New York City. Manning grew up in Red Springs, North Carolina, and has been at ATLAH since 1981. ATLAH stands for All The Land Anointed Holy, which is Manning's name for Harlem.[1]

Manning graduated from The College of New Rochelle with a Bachelor of Arts degree and continued on to Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York where he was awarded a Master of Divinity. Manning also holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from his own ATLAH Theological Seminary, an unaccredited educational institution.[2]

Anmar, is so full of itself and if you notice it's opinions are always fact  and everybody else's is wrong. I think ANMAR could be an "O" spy on the forum.



He's got a PhD in philosophy from a university that he created, and is not accredited.  Imagine you or I creating our own school, then granted ourselves a PhD.  In fact, i'm not happy with my degree, so as of this moment, i'm creating the University of Anmar and Sarge, and i'm giving us both PhD's.  Congratulations doctor, it was an honor attending school with you.  Surely his undergrad is legit, but not his PhD.  As for where i got it, that's pretty simple, it's on his website.

I'm not saying a degree is required to become a reverend, i don't think many of them have theological degrees, but surely they would have to undergo some theological training.  You know, the kind where you would have to read the bible.  Because anyone who read the bible would know that Harlem isn't the holy land, that would be Jerusalem.  Oprah isn't the antichrist, and a real reverend probably wouldn't run around labelling other christians as "whores."   I also don't think a real reverend would be such a racist as Manning is.  If you don't think he's a racist, look at what he has to say about Obama's mother.  What would this kind of man have said about Mary, mother of Jesus, or Mary Magdelane.

Let me just add that Manning is no better or worse than Jeremiah Wright.  It's funny that you will support one and trash the other, just because one of them happens to agree with your choice of presidential candidates.  by the way, Manning said before the election that God spoke to him, and told him Hillary would win the election, he sure nailed that one.

Ooo i like how i'm an "it" now.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Manning graduated from The College of New Rochelle with a Bachelor of Arts degree and continued on to Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York where he was awarded a Master of Divinity.

Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York is a preeminent independent graduate school of theology, located in Manhattan between Claremont Avenue and Broadway, 120th to 122nd Streets. The seminary was founded in 1836 under the Presbyterian Church,[1] and is currently affiliated with nearby Columbia University.

ANMAR, you mentioned racist, I don't know anyone anymore racist than Obama's lifelong minister and mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
I labeled you an it because I don't know if you are a he or a she, I normally don't read your post so I didn't know what you are.


Frawin, perhaps you should read my posts before you start to label and judge me.  I'm not an Obama fan, nor am i trying to defend Wright.  Both wright and Manning are despicable men and racists in my opinion, and they should be treated the same.  Also, please go back and read my post, with regards to fake degrees, i'm speaking of his PhD, not his undergrad work.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


ANMAR you said and I quote,"Thanks, i needed a good laugh this morning.  Gotta love fake reverends with fake degrees".



Please read my second post in this thread, k thanks.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


In your opinion, Anmar, why is Manning a racist?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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