New Elementary School Plans

Started by Mom70x7, July 10, 2009, 04:59:55 PM

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These are the plans that were presented at the school board meeting Thursday night (7-9-09).
They show the new elementary school being built on the northwest corner of the current junior high / high school.
Those of us present thought it was a good plan.

It includes a FEMA safe room (the gym), enclosed playground, a separate bus drive, the high school front door on the east, etc.

No action was taken on the plans - that will come later, possibly at Monday's school board meeting, maybe at the August meeting.

If you want more information, contact a school board member or come to the meetings.
There were about 2 dozen at Thursday's meeting.


It sounds like a good step forward.  Hopefully many citizes will attend the meeting on Monday!


This appears to be an ideal use of existing space. 


I've not been able to attend any of the recent meetings, so I give a big thanks to Mom70x7 for posting this. I think it looks good and much more efficient than the first design. Could you share some info such as building materials? Cost?

Rudy Taylor

Thanks Mom70x7 for the good information.

I'll try to attend Monday night's meeting and write a good story for Prairie Star.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Sword with a double edged'll cut you either way.


Diane -

I don't know if it will be "sprinkled" or not. If it was mentioned, it wasn't one of the details I remember. I don know they didn't want to do a direct addition on the current facilities. If they did, we'd have to retrofit the current building with sprinklers.

Same situation with the building materials - I remember parts of the discussion. There will be brick up the sides, probably 8 feet high.

The roofs are not flat roofs, they're all slanted slightly.

Several ways were mentioned about the building being "green." I don't remember them. Some of the other attendees probably remember that information better.

Average size of the classrooms is 30x30 - definitely larger than current classrooms, but we're combining classrooms, so the need for the larger size is very justifiable.

Financing - one of the discussions at an earlier meeting was about 20-year verses 25-year bonds. That discussion included the lower tax increase per year with more interest paid because of the longer time frame. I don't remember the specifics.

I repeat - come to Monday's meeting (and future meetings) or talk to a school board member. The members have been very open to discussion and different ideas. I feel they're really trying to get a sense of what the school district patrons want.


THe diagram is hard to read, is this correct,

they have set up

2 Preschool rooms, 2 Kindergarten rooms, 1 1st grade room, 1 2nd grade rooom, 1 3rd grade room, 1 4th grade room, 1 5th grade room, 2 6th grade rooms, 2 resource rooms, a title 1 room, Music room, Gym

Anything else?


Quote from: DolphinsLEM on July 12, 2009, 07:47:10 PM
THe diagram is hard to read, is this correct,

they have set up

2 Preschool rooms, 2 Kindergarten rooms, 1 1st grade room, 1 2nd grade rooom, 1 3rd grade room, 1 4th grade room, 1 5th grade room, 2 6th grade rooms, 2 resource rooms, a title 1 room, Music room, Gym

Anything else?

The gym will be a hardened community FEMA shelter with bathrooms.  The labels for the rooms are just to identify them.  If we have 50 1st graders we will certainly have more than one first grade room.  The plan allows for two more rooms than we are using in the current enrollment.   It allows for expansion but not more than the enrollment that we had ten years ago.
Don't read too much in to the details.
The image you are viewing is just a preliminary sketch.  The number of total square feet is the only thing you should be concerned with at this point.  Every thing on the plan is just for design dollars and scope of work.  The layout and details are too be done after the bond issue is passed. 

The issue right now is are we willing to build 30,000sq ft of school for about $150 a square foot.  We are trying to design the building now only to find out how much building we can build for our dollar.

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