The Power of Dis-Information

Started by Warph, July 15, 2009, 01:16:40 PM

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That's the (liquor) spirit: "To put it simply, America cannot win the war in Afghanistan. It certainly can't win it with bombs and bullets...." --CNN's Michael (man, do I have a hangover!) Ware

Redefining judicial activism: "This week's hearings on Judge Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court represent the opening skirmish in a long-term struggle to challenge the escalating activism of an increasingly conservative judiciary." --Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne (cough... cough... sorry, must have been a hairball)

From the cheerleaders: "To Democrats, Sotomayor is the perfect nominee. That a child of the projects would progress through Ivy League schools and later a 17-year career as a federal judge makes hers an all-American story." --CBS's Wyatt Andrews
(....Hip, Hip, Hooray, D-Rats)

(Where's my Violin):   "It's going to be very hard for Senators to vote against this wonderful life story that this woman has who was raised by a widowed mother and went on to be the first Hispanic woman to be nominated." --CBS's Bob Schieffer (...and I used to like this guy)

Cheap shot: "There was some consensus. The nations unanimously agreed to try to keep the average global temperature from ever rising higher than 3.6 degrees above what it was a hundred years ago. And some leaders said they're relieved that President Obama is here instead of President Bush." --CBS's Chip Reid at the G-8 summit, who, reminiscent of John Kerry's 2004 endorsement by "foreign leaders," failed to state specifically which "leaders" actually made that statement. (hmmmm.... maybe it was China and India, the world's two biggest polluters)

Non Compos Mentis: "Barack Obama has been president for nearly six months now and our big question today, does his temperament strike you as more like a radical like FDR who changed everything, who wanted radical change or like a true conservative who wants to basically find a smooth course and retain what's valuable?" --MSNBC's Chris Matthews
(That 'shiver' that went up Matthews leg has finally hit his pea brain... 'not sound of mind' is definately correct!)

Quite a high view of themselves: "The military keeps us safe but the press -- which informs the American people -- keeps us free." --Jurassic-era journalist Helen Thomas ( auuggh.... it was a hairball)

and then we have this:

The "tolerant" Left: "A majority of young people still approve of Obama's job performance, but a majority of seniors over 64 now don't (54%). Maybe they'll die before the next election."--Los Angeles Times blogger Andrew (Grim Reaper) Malcolm

LarryJ.... see why I put the LATimes on my 'disinfo' list.  You wouldn't know this guy Malcolm, would you?  Obit editor?  Sounds like he's been hanging out at too many funeral parlors.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Nope, I don't know him or of him.  I seem to be having browser problems this morning so I will have to look it up after I am off the forum.  I thought that the blog, "Grim Reaper" sounded familiar, but in checking a LAT blog list, it is not there.  I will get back to you, or not, since I really don't pay much attention to what the Times says anymore. ;D

Am I reading in this post that you are against Sotomayor?  I really haven't been paying much attention to that either.  Let me know what you think.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Okay, Warph, research is in.  Andrew Malcolm's blog is a LAT blog and entitled, "Top of the Ticket."  As it is quite a huge blog I didn't take the time, no, didn't want to take the time to read most of his comments.  As I said before, I don't read the Times (print edition) nor do I look at their website (rarely) because the paper as I knew in the old days has changed and not for the better. 

However, for your entertainment, or, amusement, or info, or whatever, here is the 411 on Andrew Malcolm.

Andrew Malcolm's immigrant parents repeatedly stressed the importance of active participation in a democracy. Early lessons included learning the alphabetical list of states by watching televised roll calls of national political conventions. That childhood exposure led to a lifelong fascination with politics, including 40-plus years of covering them and a brief stint practicing them as press secretary to Laura Bush in 1999-2000. A veteran foreign and national correspondent, Malcolm served on the Times Editorial Board and was a Pulitzer finalist in 2004. He is the author of 10 nonfiction books and father of four.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For more you can, if you really want to, go to LosAngelesTimes.blogs and look for the title, "Top of the Ticket."

Or not. 8)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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