Myth of Mount Rushmore

Started by redcliffsw, July 07, 2009, 08:48:18 PM

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Such is what Lincoln accomplished through the War Between the States. The South was forced to remain "loyal" under the yoke of the federal government. He preserved the "union," but not the union of the Founders. It was a union of Lincoln's and the Republican Party's creation.


Interesting article and a good read.  I wonder if lincoln hadn't been assasinated, would he have reversed some of the policies that he implemented.  A biography i read about him said that he didn't feel comfortable with amassing such a large and powerful federal government, but he felt he had to out of necesity to win the war.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Environmentalists scaled Mount Rushmore on Wednesday and unfurled a banner along President Abraham Lincoln's face challenging U.S. leaders to stop global warming.

Eleven people were charged with trespassing and the misdemeanor crime of climbing on Mount Rushmore National Monument, U.S. Attorney Marty Jackley said. They pleaded not guilty and were released on their own recognizance.

The environmental group Greenpeace said three of its members hung the banner on Mount Rushmore while other activists blocked access to the site. The climbers, using rock anchors that park service workers use for occasional cleanings, went up the back of the monument, Greenpeace said. Then they rappelled down its face to unfurl a 65-by-35-foot banner reading, "America honors leaders not politicians: Stop Global Warming."

Jackley said he could not confirm Greenpeace's account.

Mount Rushmore Ranger Nav Singh said security warnings and tourists alerted officials when the banner was unrolled. Park workers removed it about an hour later.

"You can't create any security system that's 100 percent fail-safe. There's just not enough resources for that," Singh said. "Determined individuals that are properly equipped and willing to do damage to government property can do this sort of thing."

Twelve people were taken away in handcuffs and foot chains. The 12th was released without being charged, Jackley said. He would not say why.

The National Park Service said its staff and security detected the activists early and responded "within minutes." Visitors were not in danger, authorities said.

Park service staff remained at the mountain Wednesday to assess damage to the sculpture and security systems. When asked about possible damage, Jackley said the activists had not been charged with property damage, but he noted that the investigation is continuing.

The 60-foot-high faces of four U.S. presidents — Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt — are carved into the granite on the southeast face of Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Together, the faces extend 185 feet.

A number of demonstrations have taken place at Mount Rushmore over the years. In the early 1970s, American Indian Movement members tried several times to occupy and deface the monument. In August 1970, AIM members hung a banner with the words "Sioux Indian Power" on the monument.

In October 1987, Greenpeace activists tried unsuccessfully to unfurl a banner shaped like a gas mask over George Washington's face. That banner said, "We the People Say No to Acid Rain."

Security measures were beefed up after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

The 11 activists charged Wednesday were from eight states: California, Connecticut, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, and New York. A trespassing conviction carries up to six months in prison and a $5,000 fine, prosecutors said.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I would like to reccomend to greenpeace that they fire whoever they have doing their enviromental research for them.  If they took the time to notice they would see the global temp.'s have actually fallen during the last decade.  I would also like to point out to them that climate change is a naturally occuring thing.  If the are the nature and enviromental lovers that they claim to be then why are they trying to stop something that is natrual?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I'm quite familiar with the area surrounding Mt. Rushmore and I'm surprised as hell that they were able to make it to the top, carrying a rather heavy and cumbersome banner, without being detected by sensors mounted around the top area.... someone was definitely asleep at the wheel!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on July 09, 2009, 08:17:33 PM
I would like to reccomend to greenpeace that they fire whoever they have doing their enviromental research for them.  If they took the time to notice they would see the global temp.'s have actually fallen during the last decade.  I would also like to point out to them that climate change is a naturally occuring thing.  If the are the nature and enviromental lovers that they claim to be then why are they trying to stop something that is natrual?
Actually, if you were to examine the ice core samples that have been extracted at the poles and out of the various glaciers that still exist, you'd recognize the fact that global warming preceded each ice age...Yes, it is cyclical...More like a yo-yo.  The temps on the face of the earth have bounced up and down repeatedly and then settle for a time on one or the other (warm or cold).  We have been in an extended warm period, exaserbated artificially by the greenhouse gases that man has poured into the environment within the last 50 years.  While this has been proven to be a problem because of heat being trapped and not allowed to escape, it is also a problem because it causes the melting of the glaciers, releasing mega amounts of fresh water that dilutes the salt water, thus quite possibly causing a cessation of the flow of warm water to the north pole which is in turn sent back south as a cool flow (does anyone know the technical name of this water flow?  I used to know it in my younger years...NO COMMENTS ON AGE RELATED INFIRMITY, PLEASE), which would in turn then thrust us into a permenant weather shift in both the US and Europe...Which would then have catastrophic effects on the ability of these nations to grow crops.  Yes, the earth has a cyclical approach to its weather...But man has created artificial circumstances which the earth isn't able to mediate...We are seeing effects (that would normally take a century to see happen) occur within a mere two to three decades (watch the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet or The History Channel...They all have shows that come out periodically on the various ice ages that the world has experienced).  While I'm not an environmentalist by occupation, I am very aware of the changes that man has wrought, both the good and the quite possibly very bad.  The bad thing about the previous ice age (known as The Little Ice Age...Happened at the time of George Washington...That's why the painting shows ice chunks in the Delaware, which, according to the experts, doesn't normally have ice chunks in the water like that in the winter) is that it happened like what the ice cores show about previous ice ages...They don't come gradually...They come within a matter of a few short years and then they stick around for awhile.  I guarantee you that GreenPeace (and The Sierra Club and all the other tree-hugger groupie gatherings) do indeed have experts who are very well versed in this area. 


Cat, even many republicans realize that there is a problem with our climate.  But there are some people that just choose to put their heads in the sand, and ignore the real issues.  I mean really, we are trashing the place that God gave us, we are killing off its creations, (plants animals and men) and we are the most wasteful nation in the world.  We look at our poor and tell them "pull yourselves up" and at the same time we feed the greed of our wealthy and then to top it all off, the same people who push those policies want to say that we're a christian nation.  I'm reminded of a joke i got in my e-mail awhile back.

QuoteOne day there was a preacher giving his sermon when all of a sudden it started raining really hard! After about an hour of non-stop rain, the congregation started evacuating the church because the whole church was flooding. But the preacher just stood there in the ankle-deep water. A guy in a car drove up to him and yelled. "Preacher, Preacher you better get in here before you drown!" But the preacher just replied "Don't worry God will save me." The man then said "Whatever!" and drove away.

The water was now knee-deep and a guy in a raft came over to the Preacher and said "Preacher, Preacher you better get in here before you drown!" Despite the second warning the Preacher just stood there and replied "Don't worry God will save me." The man then said "Whatever!!" and rowed away in the orange raft. The water was now waist-deep and a guy in a power boat came to the Preacher and said "Preacher, Preacher you better get in here before you drown!" Despite the third warning the Preacher just stood there and replied "Don't worry God will save me." With that the man said "Whatever!" and jetted away in the power boat.

Finally the water was now neck-deep and a guy in a helicopter came and said "Preacher, Preacher you better get in here before you drown!" The man still just stood there and replied "Don't worry God will save me." And with that the man said "Whatever" and flew away. The water then got so deep that the Preacher was sucked under and drown. When he opened his eyes he realised that he had died and gone to heaven. He then saw God and asked with great concern "God! Why didn't you save me from that horrible flood?!?"

God replied, " I sent you a car, a raft, a power boat, and a helicopter! What else did you want me to do?!"
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


exaserbated by greenhouses gasses???  You're right, they have less than 1 degree, 0.72 of a degree.  and the so-called "experts" that greenpeace uses, I wonder if these are the same experts that predicted a coming Ice Age in the 70's.  Seem to me that they can't make up their minds what is going to happen.  And, why is it that they can't seem to link global warming to the incresed sunspot activity that was seen in the 90's.  An occurance proven to raise temptures on earth? If you look at the sun's activity during the last 9 years, sunspots have decrease, and so have overall temptures here on our little planet.  And as for scientists agreeing with the global warming myth, for evey one that does, there are 10 that don't.  

The problem with our climate is that our gov't is trying to control it.  They have entered into an agreement with a few other nations in europe to limit our "carbon footprint".  In doing so they have crippled our industry, which will weaken our ecomony, drive our dollar down even more.  Yet, they place no restrictions on countries like china.  Who by the way, are ramping up their industry.  And all based on the flawed premise of global warming.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I'm not a Republican, never have been and never will be one.

Even so, I'm not believing there's global warming.  There's plenty of experts
saying there's no global warming.

By the way, the History channel and Discovery are in error much of the time.


I would also like point out something about the "glacier melting" thing.  We were warned that this would cause an increase in sea levels by about 20 feet.  What happened?  Wheres the rise?  If glaciers are melting that would mean that temptures are rising, however Greenland retains its ice sheet, (just like it has for the past 100,000 years) and Antarctica has been cooling for the last ten years. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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