Glenn Beck

Started by Teresa, July 06, 2009, 10:52:55 PM

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Glenn Beck When Things Go Bad, The Jews Become Scapegoats

Glenn Beck Clips -6-22-09 Obama Stills Thinks He Can Bargain With Iranian Dictators

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Glenn Beck "Explains" Iran's Power Structure & Takes Swipe At Obama

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Glenn Beck  Fun Survey in Liberal Park About Glenn's Book 'Common Sense'

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6-23-09 New York Times Poll Results For Barack Obama's Universal Healthcare Plan,

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ACORN Changes It's Name, Keeps the Plantation Mentality

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The Great Coming Revolution

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Wisconsin court decision that allows police to attach tracking devises to private vehicles regardless of probable cause.

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This was back in February...

Revolution and Depression; R&D. And the Fairness Doctrine

Bill O'Reilly doesn't seem to get it. This was back in February and her it is july.. and Bill O'Reilly is eating his words.. It IS happening!!

Bill O'Reilly thinks the depression will give Obama and the other Democrats, I mean Socialists, more power, not less. Is O'Reilly losing it? Glenn Beck really let it all hang in this discussion, and I'm glad he did. He is a breath of fresh air; he speaks from his brain, not his heart.

I don't know what the future is, but it doesn't look rosy to me. I have asked before, and I will ask again - can someone please explain to me how we are going to get out of our financial mess? And if you say that we will just raise taxes enough to pay off our debt, I will call you crazy. If you raise taxes higher, you will just end up hurting our economy more, and as a result of that, we will collect less revenue, and then the problem will just get bigger. The only answer is to cut spending, and to give power back to the States where it belongs.[/b]

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What would a socialist America look like? A socialist's perspective.

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