
Started by Jane, July 04, 2009, 06:43:23 AM

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Yes, we got some rain and storms last night... and again this morning.  Light sprinkles here now, but looks like we'll get more in a bit.  According to weather news last night... expect rain until Friday!


OK, I was wrong, it did not rain, it was a monsoon. I left for work at 5:15 am got about half way to work and had it rained any harder I was going to pull off and wait until it slowed down  it was a little foggy so that did not help. I hate driving in weather like that. They gad 6 inches of rain in Topeka but we only had a little over an inch here in Wakarusa.


 :) ;) ;) :) My rain siad 2 inches.with more forecast.

Clubine Ranch

We had a total of three inches of much needed rain yesterday and today. Things sure look a lot greener already. :) Really nice and cool. No AC for two days and it is great with the windows open once again!


It looked by radar Howard received a lot more rain. We received another 3/4 of an inch. How much rain did you get and did you get a lot of wind?


My rain gauge says we got another 1 inches from 5 P.M. till 6 A.M. For a total of 41/2 inches this week.


Sounded like Longton had some tornadic weather?  Everyone OK in that area?


I saw that Tornado Warning, and then got awakened by our tornado sirens about 3:00 am, as basically the same cell/line of storms came though here.  If you drew a line from Hutchison to Gentry, Moline would be almost exactly half way.  So if there's storms at Hutch at 4:00 p.m. and moving through Elk County around 9:00, then I can usually count of them getting here around 2 in the morning.



 :) I don't know about the rest of you but I would like to see winter get no colder then it is this morning. It has been great the last couple of evenings with the way it is cooling off. We have been going out side to have our morning coffee to start the day off.
Jane 8)


Jane, I agree, it was upper 50's here this A.M.  We enjoyed coffee on the patio and watching the hummingbirds!  We have several feeders and lots of flowers; it is so entertaining to watch them!  We sometimes have breakfast out there too!  Had our grandkids last week and they spent hours out there watching the birds (several other species as well).  Good entertainment for them (6 & 10 yrs. of age).  I agree, if we could keep the weather like it has been for the past few days, it would be wonderful year 'round.

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