Ameicans Still Embrace Ideals from the Declaration of Independence

Started by Teresa, July 03, 2009, 01:39:03 PM

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Americans are celebrating the nation's 233rd birthday, and the words of the Declaration of Independence will be heard at countless patriotic ceremonies across the land. The core ideals articulated by those words are still embraced by solid majorities of the American public.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 89% of American adults agree that "we are all endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Only seven percent (7%) disagree on that founding premise.

Seventy-four percent (74%) agree with the assertion that "all men are created equal" while just 23% disagree.

Fifty-six percent (56%) agree with the view that governments derive their only just authority from the "consent of the governed." Interestingly, one-in-four Americans (25%) disagree.

Other survey data shows that voters nationwide overwhelming trust the American people to make key decisions more than they trust political leaders. Those who disagree and hold a Political Class perspective represent a small minority of the population.

When presented with a choice of five Founding Fathers, 40% of American adults were able to correctly identify John Hancock as the first man to sign the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Sixteen percent (16%) thought that honor belonged to Thomas Jefferson, the primary author of the document.

Ten percent (10%) thought George Washington signed first, but he was not even present for that event. Washington led the rag-tag colonial army against what was then the world's mightiest power. Finally, in 1781, the British surrendered, and the Declaration of Independence became true independence. It took another six years before the Constitution of the United States became the framework for our government. At that convention, Washington was the chairman, and the Constitution was drafted with him in mind as our first president.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


QuoteA new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 89% of American adults agree that "we are all endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Only seven percent (7%) disagree on that founding premise.

That 7% - what part don't they agree with?  ???   ???   ???


Kinda what I thought when I read it......... ???

But also.. you never know when they say "survey".. just who was surveyed..
But still thought it was interesting.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


If I ever figure out who "they" are, I'm going to make them as miserable as "they've" made me!  >:( >:( :o :o


Here is an interesting side note for you.

Yesterday, Friday July 3, I went to my local hospital to get a blood test.  This hospital is located in a heavily Hispanic area and many Hispanics carry Kaiser Insurance because it is usually cheaper than most other insurances.  So, on any given weekday, you will see crowded waiting rooms, long lines at the pharmacy, and many people waiting in the lab, etc.  The emergency room is usually packed also. 

Yesterday, Friday July 3, I walked into the lab and nobody was in the waiting room.  The receptionist watched me pull a number from the machine, then called the number (I am standing only five feet away from her) and took my co-pay.  She told me to wait that I would be called soon.  After two minutes, my number was called and I did my blood test.

Yesterday, Friday July 3, there were five people waiting in the emergency room that has about 50 chairs and is normally full.  There were two people standing in line at the pharmacy that usually has ten or more and the rest sitting on cushions in the lobby watching the message board for their name to come up.

Where did they all go?  Both legal and illegal people who normally crowd this place were not there.  Where did they all go? 

They are out of town for the three day weekend or they are home bbq'ing dinner for their families.  They are celebrating the founding of our great country and honoring those who made this great country possible.

Yeah, right!  You betcha!  And some of them will even fly a flag, a Mexican flag.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Diane, the way the Kaiser insurance system works is that they have a big hospital about 20 minutes away from me.  Any medical services you need are in this hospital and the medical center across the duck pond from it.  When I was using my wife's insurance coverage (before medicare) I had a Primary Care Physician, an Oncologist and a Vascular surgeon.  Three different Doctors in three different places.  Labs were close by and numerous with one close to my house open on Saturdays. 

Under the Kaiser system, every time you see someone or someone orders a test, or prescribes a medication, it is all in the system.  If you are in the hospital for some reason, there is a computer on a stand in the room and every time anybody comes in the room to see how you are doing or to give you a shot, pills, breathing treatments, etc., it is entered into the computer.  There is little room for malpractice.  The Kaiser PC Doctor is responsible for your overall health and coordinates with the other Doctors that you need to see as to what she feels needs to be done.  Kaiser also has a website that you can enroll in and check your appointment schedule in case you forgot, refill prescriptions, check your BP from your last visit, and even e-mail your Doctor if you have a question about something that you forgot to ask the last time you were there.  This particular Kaiser facility has an emergency room, two labs, three pharmacies (one of which is 24/7), two radiology departments (one does scans and the other MRI's), a wonderful cafeteria, and a gift shop.  If I refill a prescription and don't feel like going all that way, there is a Kaiser clinic 4 miles away with a pharmacy and I can pick it up there.  That pharmacy is only open Monday through Friday 8-5, so if I have a refill that I might have forgot to do in time, I can pick it up at the hospital pharmacy that is open 24/7.

I feel that I get good quality care there at a cost of $95 a month deducted from my SS check.

When my father-in-law was living, he had Kaiser insurance.  I wasn't overly impressed then. Then they underwent a major attitude change and it is now much better. 

I guess I told you more than you wanted to know.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Jo McDonald



Quote from: Jo McDonald on July 04, 2009, 06:51:19 PM
Larry, is this Kaiser offered ONLY in California?

Kaiser Permanente is a private hospital\insurance company.
They operate in the following states:

Washington dc


Thanks David.  I would have had to check that one out, because I didn't know.  I do know that Kaiser is non-profit which is why I pay a little more for co-pays and tests as opposed to my old insurance. 

On another note about embracing and celebrating July the fourth.  I live in an incorporated city which has a ban on fireworks.  Two blocks to the north of me is what is known as a "county island".  These are areas of the county which are not incorporated into any city and go by county laws---------------------------which allows fireworks.  I was outside sitting on the swing when those idiots on the other side of the tracks began shooting off the fireworks that cost them two weeks pay.  I watched in utter amazement at all the fireworks being shot off--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was still sitting there when the sun set an hour later.  My wife asked me how the fireworks looked.  I told her I didn't know because I couldn't see them in the daylight!"  What a bunch of dolts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::) ::) ::)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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