HEDGES, Myra (Gove) (Vancil) - b. August 9, 1858 - d. March 19, 1910

Started by Janet Harrington, September 22, 2006, 09:43:22 PM

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Janet Harrington

  Myra Gove was born in Douglas county, Kansas, on August 9, 1858.  When a small child her father died and her mother afterward married Andrew White of the same county and with them she resided until 1876 when she was married to Izra B. Vancil.  They moved to Osage county soon after, where they resided until 1881 when they moved to Elk County locating eight miles east of Howard there residing until Mr. Vancil's death in 1887.  Then she leased the farm and visited with relatives and friends in Illinois, Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas.
 On December 25, 1900, she was married to George M. Hedges.  She proved an inspiration to Mr. Hedges and his family and one had only to visit them to learn the beauties of the home life which they enjoyed.  She was a mother indeed and in truth to Mr. Hedges children and was loved and adored by them as such.  She has always been a mother to the writer of this article and in her death he feels that he has lost a treasure.
 I believe that I can say with the approval of all, that none who knew her could say that their lives had not been made better by knowing her.  She has passed from us but the memories of the beauties ofher good and noble nature will linger with us until we pass to that great beyond where we hope to see her with all the blessings of which she believed would be given to those who live this life in the true service of God.
 She had always had a desire to take a trip to the west and last fall Mr. Hedges, Leona and she took a trip which proved a delight to them all.  Owing to her poor health she remained in California for the winter and intended to return home about April 15th but death came to her on Saturday March 19th and on Saturday March 26 her remains arrived in Howard and the following day, Sunday March 27, was taken to the Lima church where a beautiful service was conducted by Elder Gilbert Park.  After the service the remains were followed to the cemetery at Longton where a beautiful memorial service was held conducted by the Eastern Star.
 The family have the deepest sympathies of all who know her. - Howard E. Hupp.


I have done a little more looking and came up with an 1880 census record that tells me that "Israel Vancil and his wife, "Mira" were living in Ridgeway twp. of Osage County, Kansas on page 189-B, while I find that Howard Hupp is living with the family of John M. "Eagon" (that may not be the correct spelling).  The members listed are as follows: John Eagon (self), wife- Kate Eagon, then the children's names, MARIA HUPP- MOTHER, Charles Hardenburgh, other, Howard Hupp-nephew.  They are on page 188 -C same township-same county.    Since both households are pretty close together on the census, my hunch is telling me they are related somehow. Oops! I just discovered I have this on the wrong board! Drat!  I don't know how to move it either.

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