Ron Paul: Obama's 'Goal' Is Economic Collapse

Started by Warph, July 01, 2009, 05:40:46 PM

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I am surprised that no one on the forum picked up on this article by Ron Paul.  Most of us are used to hearing what he has been saying about the economic collapse, unwise spending and corporate control, but now he's starting to call Obama out on what many of us already believe, that he's here to make sure the economic collapse goes off just as planned.  The level of ignorance many Americans seem to be willing and proud to possess concerning our history, our rights, the economic crisis, and the role of the Federal Reserve, the big banks, corporations, media and wall street in regulating our everyday lives and oppressions is really frightening.  The real question is what do WE do about the problem.  I have lost all confidence in our elected officials since Reagan left office.  I doubt that they would recognize common sense if it smacked them in the head.

Ron Paul, to me, seems to be a very special individual at the moment.  Some call him an alarmist... some, a Patroit.  In these times so many voices are lost and it is hard to find a true, and I mean a TRUE Patriot, not a person who caters to the psychological manifesto that is being pushed by several elitist individuals.  I for one, think he is a man that we can trust.  Whether this is proof positive, we can all only hope. 
Show me an uncorrupted government that acts genuinely in the interests of its constituents...  because BIG government has shown it is inherently corrupt, and unrepresentational.  Ron Paul seems to be keeping the illusion alive, and comes across as genuine, but I cannot help but ponder his role in the bigger machine, voluntary or otherwise.  He offers a small flame for the American Dream.... but as George Carlin so eloquently put it:

" Ya know why they call it the American Dream?"

"'Cause you'd have to be asleep to believe it!"

Ron Paul: Obama 'Goal' Is Economic Collapse
By: Rick Pedraza -[/b]
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, says he was dismayed that Congress passed the war supplemental appropriations bill so easily last week.
"An economic collapse seems to be the goal of Congress and this administration," Paul said during his weekly radio address Monday.
"Washington spends with impunity, domestically bailing and nationalizing basically everything they can get their hands on," Paul said.
Mocking the idea that Obama was a "peace candidate," Paul pointed out that hisadministration will be sending another $106 billion it doesn't have "to continue the bloodshed in Afghanistan and Iraq without a hint of a plan to bring American troops home."
Paul noted that many of his congressional colleagues who previously voted with him in opposition to every war supplemental request under the Bush administration seem to have changed their tune. He maintains that a vote to fund the war is a vote in favor of the war.
"Congress exercises its constitutional prerogatives through the power of the purse," Paul said. "As long as Congress continues to enable these dangerous interventions abroad, there is no end in sight: that is until we face total economic collapse."
Paul noted that, as Americans struggle through the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, the foreign aid and International Monetary Fund appropriations in the spending bill passed last week can be called an international bailout:
The emergency supplemental appropriations bill sends:
$660 million to Gaza
$555 million to Israel
$310 million to Egypt
$300 million to Jordan
$420 million to Mexico
$889 million to the United Nations for so-called "peace-keeping" missions
$1 billion overseas to address the global financial crisis outside U.S. borders
$8 billion to address a potential pandemic flu, which he said could result in mandatory vaccinations "for no discernable reason other than to enrich the pharmaceutical companies."
Perhaps most outrageous, Paul said, is the $108 billion loan guarantee to the IMF.

Rest of the Story at NewsMax:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Been missing your comments and postings.
It's good to see you back at 'em. 

Thanks for posting this one.


I've always been a big fan of Ron Paul, and i felt he was the only candidate qualified to be president.  Unfortunatly, our country is now run by Big corporations and Lobbyists, and a true Patriot will never win under those circumstances.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


In order for a Patriot to earn the Presidency, the mindset of this country has got to change.  We need to get back to the idea and principle of "rugged individuaism", and not only scorn but eliminate the "nanny state" mentality.  Conservatives and folks on the Right have got to take a page from the leftist playbook and start speaking out, in earnist, against oppressive gov't programs and "soft tryanny".  For far too long, the right has sat on the side in silent contempt. For example, all we have to do is look at the last election.  Obama spent close to two years campaigning, organizing, how long did McCain spend?  Conservatives and the Right have to start offering real solutions to our nations problems.  We have allowed Progressive style "New Deal" thinking to run rampant and unchecked in our governing bodies, not just at the federal level, but at the state and even local level.  Even in small, rural elk county kansas.  I hear people complain about what the county or a certain town is doing, but then say that they are too busy or don't have time to attend council meetings.  This has got to stop.  You either take the time to make your opinions and protests known or shut up.  And if you choose to not get involved then you really have no right to complain. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Billy, conservatives need to recognize that the vast majority of republicans in congress aren't really conservatives at all, just in name. The republican party has been Hijacked by big corporations and they've used it to rob the treasury.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Anmar, that is one of my points, conservatives know that BOTH parties aren't worth a plug nickel. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I will add that many of the people I know in California from the center, involving the moderate republicans and the conservative democrats,  are now looking at Ron Paul as a good vote for president. He is getting a lot more focus than he did in the primaries.



I'm all for "rugged individualism.  The "rugged individualism" is truly American and
sounds great - but it's not popular.  And there's even many so-called conservatives
that woiuld not be willing to forego their Fed dollars. 

Republicans have never been any help.  Republicans tend to lean towards federal support,
afterall it's in their foundation.


Republicans, from what I can gather, believe in you earning your own way and being fiscally conservative, while trying to make sure that those who are dependent upon the public trough (and that includes those on subsidies) are provided for...Democrats, on the other hand, seem to firmly believe in a tax and spend format, or a "redistribution of wealth", while driving up the national debt (yes, W added to the national debt...but O has shot the whole works skyword in a way I didn't know was possible)...Which one is the lesser of the two evils???  This would be why I am an Independent...I don't like either of them, wholesale.


Catwoman, you may need to catch up with the times.  The only president in the last 35+ years to be somewhat fiscally responsible has been a democrat. 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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