DAVIS, Rebecca (Tabor) - b. January 23, 1863 - d. June 29, 1945

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(From the personal collection of JoAnne Clevenger.  This is being posted on her behalf.)

Rebecca Davis, daughter of Sytha Warriner and Wm. J. Tabor, was born in Russel County, Kentucky, January 23, 1863, and passed away peacefully at her home in Howard, Kansas, at 3:45 a.m. June 29, 1945.

When she was about the age of five, the family moved from Kentucky to Holden, Missouri, when her mother died, leaving several small children.  Then in about 1870, the family moved to Elk County, Kansas, where her father preempted a farm, where Grenola is now located.

She was married to Brice E. Davis at Howard, Kansas, January 3, 1886.  Two children were born to this union. Ray Davis of Kansas City, Missouri, and Mrs. Hattie Crismas of Howard. Mrs. Davis' husband was editor of the Thayer Times, at the time of their marriage.  They later moved to Howard, where they lived at the time of his death, Mr. Davis passing away June 19, 1905, just 40 years ago.

Mrs. Davis has been a faithful member and worker in the Howard Christian church for 51 years.  She made the word of God the rule of her faith and practice.

She leaves to mourn her passing, her son, Ray Davis; her daughter, Hattie, one grandson, Franklin Davis of the U. S. Maritime Service stationed in California; one granddaughter, Jo Anne Crismas of Howard, and one great-grandson, Kermit Eugene Hardinger of Kansas City, Missouri; a sister, Mrs. Carrie Dubendorf, of Edmond, Oklahoma; a brother, Ed Tabor, of Berkley, California; a niece, Mrs. Mae Hatfield, of Umatilla, Florida; a nephew, Ralph T. Davis of Grenola, and a host of neighbors and friends.

Funeral services were held at the Moon Chapel in Howard, Sunday, July 1, at 3:00 p.m., conducted by Rev. A Frank Johnson.  The music was furnished by Mrs. Jean Juaire, Mrs. Clifford Hinkle, Milo Munsinger and Jess Barger, with Mrs. Arthur Cummins at the piano.  Darrel Vinette also sang a solo.  The pall bearers were Milo Munsinger, Virgil Munsinger, A. B. Clark, Ed Gregor, Clifford Hinkle and Jess Barger.  Interment was in Grace Lawn cemetery, Howard, Kansas.

A different newspaper clipping reads:

The death last week of Mrs. Rebecca Davis removed another of the very few widows of Civil War soldiers in this community. Her husband, Brice E. Davis, served as drummer boy on the Union side during the fight between the states and was one of the younger soldiers engaged in that war.  Mrs. Davis was greatly loved and respected by all in the community and was active until a short time before her death. Although more than 81 years of age, Mrs. Davis drove her own car, and within the last year had cataracts removed from her eyes, which enabled her to continue with her usual activities.  She enjoyed her friends and enjoyed life up until her last illness.  She will be greatly missed by her family and friends.

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