Joe Legal vs. Joe Illegal

Started by Teresa, June 17, 2009, 03:01:03 PM

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I was going to stay away from this; I have been pretty sucessful staying out of fracases this summer. However, there have been several things going on in this thread that I don't like. There have been many, many posts by Pam and her Mom that made me wish that I were that gifted in self expression. I would think it a great gift to have Pam for a friend, for I cannot find anything low, hateful or small in her posts. She has a gift of going to the crux of a matter and therin lies the rub, so to speak.

I also do not like the thinly veiled racism I see here. We can do better than that.



two little words that come from the heart - THANK YOU SDM


Quote from: Talone29 on June 22, 2009, 08:41:45 AM
I don't know about you but I am 100% full blooded American!   I was born here.  I am just as American as the native Americans.

QuoteRight, but i think you missed my point.  I'm not saying that anyone born here or a legalized citizen of these United States isn't a 100% American. 
I understand your point.  Ethnicity has nothing to do with being American.   In fact, to be American, you give up what country your ancestors came from and melt into the pot of America. 
I have indian, croatian, scottish, and a bit of hillbilly in me but that doesn't make me American.
Being born here, raised here and my love for this country is what makes me that.   I love this country just as much as any native American did.  And i kinda believe that is what gets under my skin when i hear things like unless your a Native indian your not American.   I know my family came over immigrated and worked their arses off to build this country into a strong nation.

QuoteOne of our biggest problems is that we spend way to much time bickering with one another because we don't all share the same opinion and we think that we need to change other peoples way of thinking so that it matches our own. 
If you remember 9/11, we were bickering and fighting as a nation and when the towers came down, a whole nation came together with one mind and heart and stopped for a while.  When the time for us to be of one mind and being together, we pull together. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Pam, weather you read this or not, I have to respond to the post you made (post #41).  You accuse others of twisting what you say (post #54), well what did you do in that post?  Just a few points, you stated "They take your means to protect yourself and build a fence around the way out you'll be walkin and askin how fast do you want me to go." Your wrong. That may be the way you were raised, but I was raised to defend my freedom and the freedom of my family to the death.  Also, I never said that whites didn't do the things you say they did, I merely pointed out that they weren't the only ones to do it.  So even though it is "2000 and freakin 9" I am not blind.   

"They wanted someplace else to live...they came when nobody wanted them..that makes them illegal.....they stayed and took over....forced THEIR values and way of life on who was already here by force."-pamsback

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't waring tribes fight over who got to hunt where?  Or where to make their camps?  To me it is the same thing.

And one more thing, aren't wolves concered to be a sacred animal?  Then why do some "natives" choose to keep them chained up in their backyard?

I am not being racists here, I actually respect the indian culture, I am just sick and tired of having it shoved in my face, like it has some kind of monopoly on morality.  Like others have said I am 100% American and damn proud of it.  But my question is why are other races allowed to stand up and proclaim their heritage without anyone screaming "racist", yet when a White person does it, it is racism?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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