I got spider bit

Started by Teresa, September 23, 2006, 01:11:38 AM

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I woke up this morning and I had about 5 large bites on my shoulder and 2 on my butt.
It must have been a spider, but I don't know what kind. I looked all over the bed and everything and didn't find anything. Let me tell you something though.. these babies hurt.. and they itch and burn and they are swelling up to about the size of a dime.
I hope it wasn't a bad type spider...  :o
(My butt didn't need to be any bigger from a swelled spider bite either)) :'(

Kjell said that he didn't get bit.
I told him .. " NO.. that is because there isn't much meat on his bones and the spider just passed him up for the nice meaty plump body to chew on.. :-\ "
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Teresa, here's what I do for spider bites, insect bites, poison ivy, and poison oak and it seems to work for me..  I apply Caladryl lotion about three to four times a day.  It sure takes the itch out anyway.  This product should be available at any drug store, Wal-Mart, etc.

With five bites, you need some relief!!  Good Luck!


Teresa:  How are your spider bites?  Are they itching terribly?


yep.. they sure are...
And after closer inspection, I find that I have 5 on my butt and leg and 5 on my shoulder!
The ones on my shoulder itch really bad. I have used several things on them.. one being caladryl and they swelled up for a day or so , but I don't think that they are a brown recluse. But whatever it was.. it sure did a number on me..
Gives me the creepes to think what crawls on us at night and why a person doesn't wake up when something is biting on you is beyond me.  ???
And why would a spider just bite and walk a fe =w steps and bite again and just keep doing that??
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Because you were probably attacking it in your sleep and it was defending itself.  Why it went from your shoulder to your butt would be interesting.  Maybe you transferred it. I have used Lanacane spray on chigger bites and had good results.

We killed a brown recluse in my garage yesterday.  It was in some boxes that had set there all summer.


On second thought, Teresa, maybe the spider was looking for a tender spot.


uh-huh... I am sure it was heading to my brain and bit my shoulder on the way and then figured out that it was headed in the wrong direction ..turned around and once again.. started to long journey to my brains.  ;D  Found the spot and bit me 5 times more.. ha ha ha ha
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Now that we are into fall weather, the spiders are beginning to make their way inside of homes.  What I try to make a practice of doing whenever I take clothes out of the closet, is to shake out the clothing  item really good before I put it on, hoping to avoid any spider bites.

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