Joe Legal vs. Joe Illegal

Started by Teresa, June 17, 2009, 03:01:03 PM

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Quote from: pamsback on June 20, 2009, 10:09:27 AM
before tey decided to come over here and "civilize" the IGNORANT barbaric SAVAGES by killing,raping, and pillaging the VERY people who taught THEM how to survive here? They didn't even consider my ancestors HUMAN.
This is a absolute crock. 

QuoteTHEN ANdrew Jackson and Congress screwed them over and took everytrhing they had worked for gave it to white men and FORCED them to walk to Oklahoma.
Again this is false.  The cherokees were offered money for their lands and many of them willingly sold it out.  They sold off their land to the gold miners in the southeast area.   But there were enough of the cherokee that did NOT sell off their lands and they still have their native lands available to them in NC.
they didn't leave and march to oklahoma.  The tribes in florida never signed a treaty either and are still on their tribal lands down there.

As for the rest of your post making DRUGS illegal HAS NOT WORKED! It WILL NOT WORK as long as there are MILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars to be made money talks and bullshit walks bud that's just the way IT IS.
I for ONE do NOT want a fence around me to "KEEP ME FREE" have fun swimmin the atlantic if the Obama dictatorship you see comin really happens and YOU can't get across the fence.
Don't give me that well the natives aren't natives cause they came from Siberia like 1000 years earlier. They were here FIRST and deserved better than they got at the hands of my EUROPEAN ancestors. Period.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteThe white man held no monopoly on treachery, the native indians were just as adept at such actions.
Some were...MOST weren't.

they didn't leave and march to oklahoma.  .

I suggest you check your history.

I'm outa here till I can keep my cool.


Quote from: pamsback on June 20, 2009, 02:42:45 PM
QuoteThe white man held no monopoly on treachery, the native indians were just as adept at such actions.
Some were...MOST weren't.
Same with the white folks you know.  MOST weren't treacherous.

QuoteI suggest you check your history.

I don't have to i lived in cherokee country for 40+ years i know the history very well.  I have learned it from cherokee there themselves. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteI don't have to i lived in cherokee country for 40+ years i know the history very well.  I have learned it from cherokee there themselves. 

I learned it from my granma.



You're from Georgia right? Maybe you oughta chck these out.


Quote from: pamsback on June 20, 2009, 10:18:51 AM
One more thing the statement about everybody but Natives being illegal was an attempt to get you to see how some of the statements you make about immigrants who have been here illegal or not for YEARS have kids born in the US and sayin well tough youknowwhat send em ALL back they don't belong here are really kind of, to be polite, out of line.
Don't EVER tell me the Natives had it comin.

Yeah, and there were nazis that escaped justice for several years too. Should they not have been tried simply because they avoided capture for YEARS?

Correct me if I am historicaly wrong, but the indians also raped, kidnapped, enslaved.  If they were so high and mighty and full of virture and morallity then why did they take up the barbaric practice of scalping as taught by the french?  Why did groups such as the apache roast people over fires, or bury them up to their heads in sands and leave them to die?  Check YOUR history.

And one more thing, I am not going to swim the alantic to escape the tryanny that is coming.  America is my home, and I will fight and die if need be to protect it.  I will not be forced to walk anywhere. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


And one more thing, the White immigrants that came here weren't illegal.  The United States didn't exist at that time.  In fact, if it weren't for those "illegal" white immigrants, the United States would not exist at all. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quotewhy did they take up the barbaric practice of scalping as taught by the french?

for money

QuoteWhy did groups such as the apache roast people over fires, or bury them up to their heads in sands and leave them to die

As revenge for the murder of their women and children.

I am on opposite sides from you once again. I will no longer waste my time discussing, debating or flat out arguing with you. One thing I am is honest. Various native tribes did horrendous things also...BUT WHITE America has always had selective memory when it comes to what THEY did. It's 200and friggin9 and people are STILL blind.

QuoteAmerica is my home, and I will fight and die if need be to protect it.  I will not be forced to walk anywhere.

Whatever......guess if you do it that makes it right...if the natives did it it was masacreeing and murder. They take your means to protect yourself and build a fence around the way out you'll be walkin and askin how fast do you want me to go. So spare me. As I said on my thread I got things to do and have no more time for this. See yall this fall.

Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on June 21, 2009, 10:54:13 AM
And one more thing, the White immigrants that came here weren't illegal.  The United States didn't exist at that time.  In fact, if it weren't for those "illegal" white immigrants, the United States would not exist at all. 
They wanted someplace else to live...they came when nobody wanted them..that makes them illegal.....they stayed and took over....forced THEIR values and way of life on who was already here by force.


The longer I sit here and read this the madder Maxine and I get. All  I have to say to Pamsback, I would like to know where you would be today if it were not for the "white american's. I guess what we have to say to you, is if you do not like it go live in some other country and see what it is like to live where you can not talk the way you are about white american's. Max and I will stand behind Teresa,BillyakaVarmit and  kshillbilly.  Yes there is a lot of history and a lot of wrong doing on both sides. But for the most part Maxine and I have lived long enough to say we are TRUE  americans and dam proud to say so. So if someone does not like it get of of the country we are most proud of. 
Madder then two old wet hens. Maxine and Maude.


Quote from: Maude on June 21, 2009, 01:03:29 PM
The longer I sit here and read this the madder Maxine and I get. All  I have to say to Pamsback, I would like to know where you would be today if it were not for the "white american's. I guess what we have to say to you, is if you do not like it go live in some other country . . . . .

I'll jump in here and defend my daughter.  Where would she be if it were not for the "white American's"?  She'd be happy living among her own people, the Cherokee, the NATIVE AMERICANS.

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