
Started by pamsback, June 10, 2009, 09:17:10 PM

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  I am curious........ ;D....imagine that  :P All of us post things on here that we DON'T like or that we think is WRONG with this country of ours....me same as anybody else....but Cat is right, there IS too much negativity already...Hypothetically.....is there ANYthing yall think is RIGHT?

  A few things I think is right.........lets' see.........freedom of speech........freedom of religion (even if people DO rag you about bein wrong lol) goes back to that freedom of speech thing :P......the fact I can go wherever whenever and do whatever without the "men" in my family givin me permission or killin me if they think they ought to...........the fact I can choose my own profession....the fact I have access to information I want when I want it.......the fact I can go to sleep without worryin about wakin up bein BLOWN up.......the fact that there are so many different cultures with so much knowledge to share and that they are ABLE to share if you are just interested in learning.......I'll probly come up with some more when I think for awhile......

Yes we are in trouble.....yes we have problems........but when you think about it it ain't anything we haven't  faced and come thru the other side of already...........every generation has had it's crisis' and thought the "country is goin to hell in a handbasket".....We're still here though


There are many, many things that are right with this country...Here are a few:

1. The best healthcare in the world...Even if it is expensive.
2. The best education system in the world...Even if it does have a couple of glitches that need to be worked out.
3. The highest yields/best methods of farming in the world...Even if we do still have subsidies attached to it.
4. The highest standard of living for even our poor in this country...Our poor are rich compared to the poorest of other nations.
5. The most generous population of any nation on earth...Our charities show our large hearts.
6. The best informed population on earth...You can knock TV if you like...But it shows the ills of society instantly and demands
     attention to those ills...Ex:  Cnn...MSNBC...Fox News...Etc.
7. The most open-handed population on the face of the earth...Our surplus is shipped world-wide to help those in need...And,
    even if some of our largesse ends up in the hands of foreign military/governments, AT LEAST WE MADE THE ATTEMPT TO
    HELP.  God loves a person who tries and despises those who offer platitudes instead.
8. The most even-handed military on the face of the earth...When we are not defending the rights inherent in our own way of
    life, we are going world-wide to take our ships and equipment to sites of natural catastrophies that have leveled huge areas of
    the planet.  Our emergency personnel are second to none in their ability to render aid.
9. The best neighbors in the world...Just look around you...And smile...You are not living in a bombed-out house, trying to muscle
     your way through a day without steady electricity and a lack of water.
10.  THERE ARE BIGGER THINGS COMING IN THIS WORLD TO BE CONCERNED WITH...The next great world war will more than
       likely be fought over oil or water...Both of which are in finite quantities on the face of this earth and are being
      consumed/ruined at a faster rater than Mother Earth can replenish them.  The US has enough water for us...But for how
      long?  The rest of the world is already operating at a considerable deficit in the water arena...Use your heads and think about
      a future without a steady, reliable supply of potable water.

How dare anyone knock this country when it's the best country on the face of the planet.  I repeat what I said before...If you don't like it, you're free to leave...And don't let the door hit you on your keister as you leave. 

Roma Jean Turner

AMEN SISTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The older I get the more I appreicate and am thankful for having spent this lifetime in the Good Old USA.


What I think is right...

The Constitution, espcially the Bill of Rights, without the need to change or modifiy it in anyway.

The idea that we all have the chance to become or do anything, through hardwork and determination.  Although some may have more in the way of means (i.e. parents are wealthy, went to a good school, whatever) we are limited only in our determination to get to where we want to be.

I love the geographical make up of this country.  We have been blessed with an abundant amount of natural resources that if used properly, can grant us independence from foregin producers.  Not to mention just the sheer beauty of our mountains, plains, and coastal areas, is breathtaking.

I love the spirit of independence in Real Americans.  The fact that we would not be held under the thumb of tryanny and the value that we place on freedom is unique to any other country on the planet. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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