Cheap gods

Started by redcliffsw, June 13, 2009, 08:31:21 AM

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Gods Come Cheap These Days - Chuck Baldwin

When President George W. Bush was first elected back in 2000, I well remember the way Christian conservatives went gaga over him. They would deny it, of course, but it was more than hero worship: they acted as if he were a god. Life-size posters filled Christian bookstores. Religious broadcasters and televangelists swooned over him like 16-year-old girls used to swoon over Elvis Presley. Pastors invoked his name almost as a prayer. The Religious Right acted like they had died and gone to Heaven. In the minds of Christian conservatives, G.W. Bush could do no wrong. The result of all this sophomoric silliness was that the Religious Right became blind, impotent lackeys to a Big-Government, big-spending, Orwellian, and inept administration--maybe one of the worst in U.S. history.

And all of this was not lost to the political left. They called Christian conservatives "dupes," "buffoons," "gullible," and a whole lot more. But now it is the liberals' turn to take a voyage in the vehicle of villainous vulnerability.

First, there was the major media's "anointing" of President Barack Obama. Yes, I use the word "anointing" on purpose. Make no mistake about it: in the minds of the major media, Obama was not inaugurated; he was canonized. No pope, king, or potentate of history received the coronation that Barack Obama received. To the liberals who dominate the news media and entertainment industry in this country, Obama is not a President: he is a god.

For example, did readers see the way NBC newsman, Brian Williams, bowed to his majesty, Barack Obama? (If you missed it, see it here:

Where are Keith Olbermann's eloquent rebukes of the Military Commissions Act (MCA), the suspension of Habeas Corpus, and many other Big-Government intrusions into the private lives of the American people that were first instituted under George W. Bush and that now continue under Barack Obama? When he wants to, Olbermann can be a very convincing, articulate defender of constitutional liberties. However, it seems that Olbermann is only interested in constitutional government when it is a Republican trampling it. Since Obama became President, Olbermann has not only muted his criticism against unconstitutional policies emanating from the White House, he has joined the chorus of mindless worship of the new President.

(Here are Olbermann's trenchant comments on President Bush's support for the Military Commissions Act and denying Habeas Corpus--something we will not see from Olbermann regarding the same policies emanating from the Obama White House:

read the rest:


Baldwin kept mentioning supension of Habeaus Corpus , what was he talking about?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on June 13, 2009, 03:01:16 PM
Baldwin kept mentioning supension of Habeaus Corpus , what was he talking about?

He's talking about the terrorists in gitmo.  Too many folks are trying to give them constitutional rights that they don't deserve as they are not citizens.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


That is kinda what I thought.  It still cracks me up that people want to act as if the prisoners at gitmo are part of our criminal justice system.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I know this is a little off subject for this topic, but the NBC clip reminded me of this... I watched that special on TV "a day in the life at the Whitehouse" or whatever it was called with Brian Williams.  It actually was really interesting; whether you're for or against the Prez.  Just interesting the every-day workings within the West Wing.  Background info on the people who work there, what they actually do, etc.  It was kind of interesting to me that Obama just seems like a "typical" guy.  He was wanting burgers from his favorite burger joint "Five Guys" and walked around the office taking orders.  Then they went in unmarked cars to the burger joint, and Obama placed the orders himself, carried the greasy bags back into the White House, and handed out the food.  Also, apparently there's bowls and bowls of apples sitting around in almost every office, but Brian William said that he saw more people eating candy than apples (although there were quite a few candid shots of Obama with an apple in his mouth).  Again didn't matter if you are for or against the Prez; just interesting to see how the White House functions on a daily basis.  Oh, and all the staffers had computer monitors on their desks, but 4 different TV stations (news) were playing on it at all times.


For some reason that made me think of this picture


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