Gorgeous Weather!

Started by sixdogsmom, June 08, 2009, 09:31:27 PM

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I spent the better part of this evening working in my flowers; the temp is just right, and with a little repellant, the experience was perfect! I really got behind with that auction and recovering from that, so my flowers are needing attention. The ones I planted earlier seem to be doing well, just dead heading and the marigolds have some spidermites. I hope the spray I applied did the trick; I learned long ago that so-called environmentally friendly products don't work and I used a rose spray with pyerethium. It stinks badly enough to do the trick, I certainly wouldn't want to snack on those anyway!  :D :D Enjoy this lovely time in June! Usually it is way too hot and humid to even think about staying outdoors for long; at least for me, as my thermostat went haywire some years back.  :-\


I agree. Kjell and I took a long walk tonight and then came back , got some ice tea and sat in the swing on the front porch and just enjoyed watching the lightening bugs and listening to the quiet of the night. It was perfect .. so still and nice..
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