LGBT...Gay Pride month

Started by Varmit, June 06, 2009, 08:18:07 AM

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QuoteAnd I don't want my children taught that it is okay to be gay.  I don't believe that "it was never a choice for me" argument.

I want my children to be taught that it's okay to be whoever they are.

And I do believe the "it was never a choice" statement. We adopted an 8-year-old boy who, at that time, we already knew was gay. So did the people who met him - school personnel, family, court services, neighbors. It was that obvious.

He spent some really tough years fighting the world because he couldn't fight himself. Being gay was never a choice for him.  He's finally accepted himself for who he is and is now trying to be a productive citizen of our country.

I also don't see the harm in a Gay Pride Month. If you want to celebrate it, go right ahead. If you don't, then don't. There are special days, weeks and months for everything! Last Friday, for instance, was National Doughnut Day! Not only is there a national Hug Day, there's a Hug a Vegetarian Day.

:)  :)  :)


Quote from: Teresa on June 06, 2009, 09:42:43 AM
What makes me mad is: We have ONE day for veterans.... but a whole month for the Gay lifestyle and movement..
>:( >:( What is THAT crap!!

Yep, very sad indeed.... When we heard the other day that a California senate committee had passed a resolution making May 22nd "Harvey Milk Day," most heads here at the 19th Hole started spinning.  Some of these guys are snowbirds from CA and.... well, let's say they were a little upset.  Naturally, a homosexual advocacy group announced that "the bill would explain how important Harvey is to all Californians."  I'm afraid if the silly bomb-of-a-movie, "Milk," didn't do the trick, a mere senate bill isn't likely to pull it off.  On the other hand, that's California politics, after all, a place where Abe Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and even Jonas Salk, don't have their own days, but a union leader named Cesar Chavez does!  Grapes anyone?

The frustration of trying to be logical in an illogical world is nothing new.  In the 19th century, a clergyman named Charles Colton observed: "The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head than the most superficial declamation; as a feather and a guinea fall with equal velocity in a vacuum."  I have always like that quotation... reminds me of all the empty-headed liberals in that vacuum called DC.

We have our liberals to contend with and, obviously, Rev. Colton had his, I guess.  Which reminds me, when my grandson first began crawling, for some reason the only gear he could manage was reverse.  I don't know how commonplace a phenomenon that is, but I found it very amusing.  He would get up a good head of steam but, no matter how hard he'd try to reach his destination, backwards he would scramble.  The other day, when I was thinking about Obama, Geithner and all the other folks in Washington who are in over their pointy heads, it occurred to me that left-wingers remind me a lot of the little guy . They're always full of big plans, they're always going off in the wrong direction and, more often than not, they are so full of shit that their diapers need changing.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: tdub on June 06, 2009, 12:26:42 PM
Is it really so easy to judge a life you've never led? The turmoil and gut-wrenching pain an eleven year old boy goes through when he realizes for the first time that he is gay - that he is different from everyone else. In his very young life all he has heard is that being gay is wicked and vile. He hears it from his parents, his friends, the church, and he sees it on TV. He is bad. He can never say aloud what he is, because he fears he will lose the love of his family. He tries very hard to not be gay. He tries to be straight. He tries to be 'normal' until he is 28. It doesn't work. Being gay was never a choice - it just was.  At age 28, after going through 17 years of hell, he finally realizes what a blessing his life is. This is obviously my story. I don't expect to change anyone's opinion on this forum. Believe what you will. For me, this life - not lifestyle - was never a choice. It took me years to finally figure out that I am complete as I am. I have experienced heaven in my life, and I have experienced hell. I try to live my life so that the choices that truly matter bring heaven to earth and not create hell for others. The Kingdom is now or never. Peace.

Tdub thanks for sharing your story. That is basically the same story my friend Jeannie told me when I spoke to her about her being gay. Our conversation is on going and she and I are true friends. I grew up in the Midwest and also, understand the other comments on here. Once I was one of those people. when I  moved to the SF Bay Area I came into contact with more gay people. You all tell  a very similar story. It is not a lifestyle, but the way you were formed, by god?, by nature?, I don't know for sure. I don't understand why you are gay any more than I understand why I am straight. I never made a choice it just always was. All men are sinners\immoral , God sacrificed his only son for our sins. We can all make it to heaven.  My point is I accept you for who you are and I hope you accept me. Thanks for posting and I hope you continue posting. This is a pretty special place full of friendly, good people. You are one too Welcome to the family. The older I get I try to find ways to include people rather than exclude them.



David, I love your last statement...I, too, as I age, am finding that there is much more that unites us than separates us.  No one would ever willingly choose a life where they are reviled, told that they deserve to be the victims of hate crimes and have to live with discrimination, both socially and legally, every day of their lives.  While I am unable to find it on Google, I believe that there was brain research done in the past that showed that there are indeed physiological differences between the heterosexual and the homosexual brains...Indicating that yes, indeed, you are created that way...It's not a choice made willingly.  As I said before...No sane person would ever willingly choose a lifestyle so filled with pain and disicrimination. 


David and Catwoman,

Thank you so much for your warm welcome. It means a lot. 


Quote from: pamsback on June 06, 2009, 03:31:46 PM
  Think maybe I didn't make things very clear.......I don't care about whether somebody is gay or whatever. Whatever floats your boat as far as I'm concerned, within reason that is. I just don't see the need for a big parade and a month to say hey I'm gay I'm a lesbian or whatever. I never felt the need to go marchin down mainstreet hollerin hey I'm a girl and I like boys! Who cares what kind of sex I have really EXCEPT for me and mine....kinda the way I feel about gay people I don't care what you do in the bedroom dude. That's your business.

Never felt the need to go hollerin down mainstreet sayin HEY IM an IRISH SCOTS CHEROKEE with a frenchman and a dutchman in the woodpile so IM SPECIAL!!!! Just have pride in my family IN my family.

Seriously just be happy who you are who cares if anybody else thinks its cool.

THAT was my whole point...
I could care less if you are gay or straight.. I like people because of that person.. not what sexual preference they have.

My point was...........WHY do we have to have a month set aside for it?  I don't get it....
And do I think it's a choice that people are gay ..
NO... it is not a choice.. Simple as that!
NO no no.... I have been friends with and discussed this at length and tdub is right.. If they could have had any wish growing up.. it would be that they could have been heterosexual.. It was painful and agonizing to be 'different'.

They can no  more find the opposite sex attractive sexually than I could find the same sex attractive sexually.. I could try really hard to find another woman sexually attractive.. but it wouldn't work.. Same goes for them..

But once again.. my post was about a month set aside for this.. >:(  It's Stupid!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on June 06, 2009, 09:42:43 AM
What makes me mad is: We have ONE day for veterans.... but a whole month for the Gay lifestyle and movement..

National Military Appreciation Month May 2009.

National Military Appreciation Month (NMAM), as designated by Congress, provides a period encompassing both the history and recognition of our armed services with an in-depth look at the diversity of its individuals and achievements.  It allows Americans to educate each generation on the historical impact of our military through the participation of the community with those who serve encouraging patriotism and love for America.



Well good.. I should have done my homework better..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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