LGBT...Gay Pride month

Started by Varmit, June 06, 2009, 08:18:07 AM

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I really don't care what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes, but this is just stupid.  As if this country wasn't morally bankrupt enough, now we have a gay pride month.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


What makes me mad is: We have ONE day for veterans.... but a whole month for the Gay lifestyle and movement..
>:( >:( What is THAT crap!!
What I consider ... is the fact that it is another pathetic move to sew up votes for the next election go round for this empty suited used car salesman who the world has to acknowledge as the President. ..

But then again...maybe ...unless you're gay or homophobic, maybe it won't make a bit of difference.
And maybe it means little in terms of anything that will be taken action on... since we have National Days for bosses,  peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,  and so on.

The collective down side is that the month will soon have banners in elementary classrooms and liberal teachers will be tasked with explaining what it means and how "good" alternative lifestyles are as a part of our culture. 

I can say this because I do have lesbian friends and have no bias. And believe it or not, some of them feel that their lifestyle has been exploited enough.   I also have bi-racial friends that I love dearly but I don't like seeing a month set aside to 'force feed'  bi-racial black/white culture into the minds of our children.  We don't have an Irish-American, German-American, or Jewish-American month to celebrate their contributions to our nation. 

Sorry about carrying on. It's the whole principle of the thing.. I just felt one more strip of my patriotic skin being pealed off.  It's just another stone crumbled on America ....evidently, there won't be a single stone left on what America was.... only what the new stew pot of what America "is"...
Whatever the hell that will be......

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 06, 2009, 09:06:37 AM
So you consider gays immoral?

Absolutely.  When has it been acceptable for us to go out and exploit sexual behavior out in public as a heterosexual?   Never!   So why the need for a month to celebrate their sexual preference? 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteWhen has it been acceptable for us to go out and exploit sexual behavior out in public as a heterosexual?   Never!   So why the need for a month to celebrate their sexual preference? 

Y'know I totally agree!

QuoteWe don't have an Irish-American, German-American, or Jewish-American month to celebrate their contributions to our nation. 

I TOtally agree.


Is it really so easy to judge a life you've never led? The turmoil and gut-wrenching pain an eleven year old boy goes through when he realizes for the first time that he is gay - that he is different from everyone else. In his very young life all he has heard is that being gay is wicked and vile. He hears it from his parents, his friends, the church, and he sees it on TV. He is bad. He can never say aloud what he is, because he fears he will lose the love of his family. He tries very hard to not be gay. He tries to be straight. He tries to be 'normal' until he is 28. It doesn't work. Being gay was never a choice - it just was.  At age 28, after going through 17 years of hell, he finally realizes what a blessing his life is. This is obviously my story. I don't expect to change anyone's opinion on this forum. Believe what you will. For me, this life - not lifestyle - was never a choice. It took me years to finally figure out that I am complete as I am. I have experienced heaven in my life, and I have experienced hell. I try to live my life so that the choices that truly matter bring heaven to earth and not create hell for others. The Kingdom is now or never. Peace.


Welcome, tdub...Thank you for that post.  It took a great deal of courage to write it, after what you've had to read on some of the threads on this site.  There is an old saying..."Never judge another until you have walked seven miles in their shoes."  Reading your post should give others here an insight to the pain that you've experienced...I'm glad you're here.   :laugh:

Diane Amberg

Like I said!.....welcome. The first openly gay male I ever met was about about 1977 or so. Hank was an absolute delight. He worked as  an ER nurse and we all just loved him. He was funny and kind and very open about who he was. He answered every question I ever asked, openly and without hesitation.  He kept his love life very private and his gay crowd was up in Philly. They had a fund raiser up there and dressed up as women and movie stars. He looked just like Mae West!
  When AIDS really reared its head, he helped me find a nurse to come speak to the EMTs about it. The nurse was also gay, but I was the only one who knew. Jim, to the relief of us all, was able to tell us everything we needed to know. ( Nobody had even developed blood born pathogens classes then.) That's when we all started wearing gloves for everything, which continues to this day.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 06, 2009, 09:06:37 AM
So you consider gays immoral?

Yes, I do.  And I don't want my children taught that it is okay to be gay.  I don't believe that "it was never a choice for me" argument.  If people want to engage in homosexual acts in thier homes, fine.  Keep it there.  If they want to be treated just like everyone else then they should act like it.  I don't see any months being declared Heterosexual pride month. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


   Think maybe I didn't make things very clear.......I don't care about whether somebody is gay or whatever. Whatever floats your boat as far as I'm concerned, within reason that is. I just don't see the need for a big parade and a month to say hey I'm gay I'm a lesbian or whatever. I never felt the need to go marchin down mainstreet hollerin hey I'm a girl and I like boys! Who cares what kind of sex I have really EXCEPT for me and mine....kinda the way I feel about gay people I don't care what you do in the bedroom dude. That's your business.

Never felt the need to go hollerin down mainstreet sayin HEY IM an IRISH SCOTS CHEROKEE with a frenchman and a dutchman in the woodpile so IM SPECIAL!!!! Just have pride in my family IN my family.

Seriously just be happy who you are who cares if anybody else thinks its cool.


 BUT I also love goin to festivals LOL. I go to powwows, harvest festivals, whatever kind of festivals so just don't pay no mind to what I said before.... I changed my mind lol I think EVERYbody ought to have a month AND a parade or a festival! More things to do that way :)

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