
Started by kshillbillys, May 31, 2009, 04:15:05 PM

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Hey kshillbilly, if you go you lose.  Think about it.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


kshillbilly, it would be a shame if you left the forum and deleted your posts. I hope you decide to stay.



Quote from: kshillbillys on May 31, 2009, 06:26:05 PM
Well sorry for the no civil tone on this one. I have told everyone before how passionate I am about abortion. I just can't help but get riled up on the subject! I have remained fairly civil, non nasty, non distasteful on every subject on here. This one just really brings it out in me. Again, sorry if I offend ya'll. I don't mean to. It just comes natural on this subject.

No appologies necessary as far as i am concerned.  :) Your preaching to the choir with me.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


BTW why is it that this butcher gets so much press time? 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I can answer this one, believe it or not...Because the idiot who shot him has now elevated him to the level of a martyr.  If you seek to eliminate the problem, you first have to avoid making the problem a martyr-level issue.  If Tiller had remained alive, he could have been brought down through the repeated efforts under the law.  As it is now, all the murderer did was point up the fact that Tiller felt he was protecting women's rights by doing what he was doing.  As far as I'm concerned, the murderer did more harm than good to the Right To Life'ers.

Diane Amberg

KS , let's try this again.OK? I'll promise not to be offended personally if you really don't mean it that way. Passion for an issue, that I totally understand.


That's what it is...Passion. I'm going to take Kjell's advice to agree to disagree with people from now on. I will try not to SCREAM at anyone anymore. I will try not to offend or be offended. But, I will stand up for what I believe. That goes for any subject.

And I ain't goin no where. I got a good outpouring of support both on the public parts of the forum and in the pm's. Thanks for helping me calm down and take a breath.





I rarely enter the 'politics' section of the Forum.  I often find the discourse in this section too far to the right and my skin is just not thick enough!

I do feel called to post today in defense of the Tiller family.  My position on abortion is not important, but I do have a personal connection to this tragedy, and in addition to being saddened by this cowardly murder, I'm saddened by the lack of respect given to this family in the previous posts. 

While I had never met Dr. Tiller, the Tiller's are our clients at our veterinary clinic in Andover, as are their grown children. David and I have helped care for their pets for many years.  Mrs. Tiller and their daughters are each wonderful, caring people.  My heart breaks for them, as they must very publicly grieve the loss of their husband, father, and grandfather.

I have worshipped with my mother and father in-law at Reformation Lutheran Church. My father-law rushed from the sanctuary this morning with our family's friend, Dr. Ryding (a fellow veterinarian).  These men were the first to find Dr. Tiller dying on the floor.  My heart breaks for the anguish these good and decent men now are coping with, as well.

The politics section is what it is, but at moments of great human tragedy, please take pause and respect all who are affected, whether or not you agree with politics, policy, law, or religion involved.   Thank you for this consideration.  God bless the Tiller family, God bless the Reformation Lutheran family, and God bless America.     


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