
Started by kshillbillys, May 31, 2009, 04:15:05 PM

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  Ok dude you can be "right"  :P Hope it gives you the comfort you need.



Hmmmmmmm.. I guess it all depends on who is welding the "judging stick".. 
This is just in general. I am not poking Young Mark with a stick here.. but since he is posting right now I will use him as an example of everything as a whole.

So if I say......................................
I can tell you right now that there are things I think you do wrong... Are you going to change ( even though you see nothing wrong with the way you are doing them?) just because "I" think that "I" am in a position ( which I don't) to judge you and try to get you to be "more like I think you should be?"

((I have no idea if that made any sense. I'm almost afraid to go back up and read it. But I know for a fact that I misspelled a couple words so I HAVE to go back and decipher my blond ramblings.. ::)  ;D LOL)

Just because you 'think' that you have the words in the Bible figured out to mean what "the scholars of old" tried to  transcribed them as...is not reason for 'me' to allow 'you' to be my judge and jury.

My last line to anyone who sets themselves up to judge someone in this of a large magnitude is:
You make sure your porch is swept clean of dirt and leaves before you come over and try to tell me about mine.  :-*
Deal? ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


WOW!  Here we ago again, Teresa and Sally agreeing. ;) ;)

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