Breaking News

Started by Wilma, May 31, 2009, 02:12:23 PM

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Quote from: Rudy Taylor on May 31, 2009, 05:12:30 PM
Thanks, Jo. We can always depend on you to find exactly the right words.

Well of course! That's my Auntie!
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Quote from: Jo McDonald on May 31, 2009, 04:55:48 PM
My opinion only:
It was ignorance, as far as I am concerned ---- any killing is ignorance - no one  that has a smidgen of a brain would think they could walk into a public place and get away with murder.  Then jump into a rental car ?? and drive away???  Holy buckets, we have idiots walking among us every day.  The man that preformed this horrendous act was, in my opinion, an ignorant individual that preformed an ignorant act !!!  No one and I do mean NO ONE has the right to take another life ---and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is going to be 'jumped on"  --- Dr. Tiller DID take other lives and by the justice dealt by God-- he would have gotten his judgment that was due him.
 It is a sad state of affairs --

You know he could have been a father of a child that was murdered by this butcher.  If that were the case, i can sympathize with him.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Teller is gone.  I seriously doubt abortion is.  I don't believe back alleys are a real good answer.  It wasn't a good thing is the past and I don't believe it would be a good thing now or in the future.


I agree..................could say lots more.. but think I will leave it at that..
( Besides Sally is probably stroking out because I agree with her on something..  ;D)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Here's my post from the Politics section...after reading this thread, I'm compelled to post it here, too.

I rarely enter the 'politics' section of the Forum.  I often find the discourse in this section too far to the right and my skin is just not thick enough!

I do feel called to post today in defense of the Tiller family.  My position on abortion is not important, but I do have a personal connection to this tragedy, and in addition to being saddened by this cowardly murder, I'm saddened by the lack of respect given to this family in the previous posts. 

While I had never met Dr. Tiller, the Tiller's are our clients at our veterinary clinic in Andover, as are their grown children. David and I have helped care for their pets for many years.  Mrs. Tiller and their daughters are each wonderful, caring people.  My heart breaks for them, as they must very publicly grieve the loss of their husband, father, and grandfather.

I have worshipped with my mother and father in-law at Reformation Lutheran Church. My father-law rushed from the sanctuary this morning with our family's friend, Dr. Ryding (a fellow veterinarian).  These men were the first to find Dr. Tiller dying on the floor.  My heart breaks for the anguish these good and decent men now are coping with, as well.

The politics section is what it is, but at moments of great human tragedy, please take pause and respect all who are affected, whether or not you agree with politics, policy, law, or religion involved.   Thank you for this consideration.  God bless the Tiller family, God bless the Reformation Lutheran family, and God bless America.     


I meant to say Tiller.  No stroke for me Teresa. ;D ;D  We probably agree on more than youo think we do, sometimes it is just good for people to think about all three sides of the issue.  You know, your side, my side, and the right side. :) :)


I have so much trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of rejoicing in someone's death.

I firmly believe we all have some of that of God within us. With murder, we are killing that part of God, deleting forever from earth that Spirit that resides within. I have difficulty comprehending why that would be a good thing by anyone's standards.

Dr. Tiller's family and friends are going through a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone.

There are other ways of resolving dissension.

Rudy Taylor

Thanks, Kate, for comments that represent another side to this tragedy.

Sometimes we remove ourselves from such situations to the extent that we forget about the family members who are feeling personal pain today.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Janet Harrington

I am not rejoicing the death of Dr. Tiller.  It is a sad, sad day.  Whoever this man and whatever the circumstances that surrounded his decision to murder Dr. Tiller should not be the discussion.  The discussion should be that Dr. Tiller is dead at the hands of a murderer.  Like someone said, Dr. Tiller is gone, but abortion is not.  There are legal channels to fight things that we do not agree with.  When we take matters into our own hands to try and end something that we believe is wrong, then we are no better than the terrorists that have murdered many, many innocent lives.  Life is a precious gift that God gives to us.  It is not up to us as  human beings to take life away from someone else.  That is God's decision and only God's decision.  What this man did was pure and simple murder.  Whoever he is, I hope he is caught and dealt with the LEGAL way.  What a sad thing for everyone, especially his family and the church, to have to deal with for many, many months, years, to come.  Now, I am sure that someone is thinking in the back of his/her mind this...she must agree with abortion.  That, my friends, is none of your business.  I'm not a public image anymore and what I believe in is not for discussion.  My mother always said, don't argue politics or religion.  It doesn't make any difference and the person that wants to argue already has his/her mind made up.  I hate it when someone takes someone's life as if life is a dispensible commodity.  It is not.  What a sad, sad day.   

Rudy Taylor

Janet, it's so nice to have you back where you belong.

Do you know how we all need your words of wisdom, humor and common sense?
It truly is "a wonderful life."

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