"Something of Historic Proportion is Happening"

Started by Teresa, May 26, 2009, 07:18:46 PM

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the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


All right, Kjell, I will refrain from tormenting Billy if he will refrain from misquoting me.  And in spite of what has been read into my posts, I am grateful to the people who have taken the time from their lives to spend in the armed forces.  As to whether or not they should have had to actually fight is another story and not one that I am sure that I agree on.  Some I could see the necessity of but recently I am not so sure.  As I said it is another story.  If we weren't fighting where we are now, whether it is justified or not, what would this world be like?  But on the other hand, do we have the right to be in these countries, fighting their battles?  Aren't we, by doing so, trying to tell the rest of the world how it should live?  Am I the only one that is perplexed by this?

You know, Kjell and anyone else that is interested, I have looked back over some of the other threads and Billy is questioning as many of my posts as I am of his.  What is the difference?  Because he agrees with the popular opinion here and you don't think I do?  I have many times said that I am not a supporter of Obama, but he was elected by the majority of the voters to be the president of our United States and as such should receive some respect.  Instead, he is ridiculed about everything he does, even when what he does is what other presidents have done.  No, I don't think that is happening only on this forum.  It is happening everywhere and I can't understand it.  Where is our unity?  Have we lost it just because we are no longer threatened by foreign powers.  Maybe if we had fewer reporters and more news it would be different.  It seems to me that the newscasters are so hard up for something to keep our attention and raise their ratings that they will report anything, over and over and over.  If they can't get your attention any other way, they find something that they can sensationlize so they can raise their ratings.  Even our local newscasters are doing it.  Giving out a teaser with misleading information just to be sure you stay with them.  I have read it someplace here on the forum, once it is out there, it is picked up, enlarged and sold for truth.  I wish we could all be told the truth and be able to believe it.

I know I don't have to read everything that is posted on this forum, but within all that malarky are some nuggets of truth and wisdom.  How does one pick out the truth without reading it all?

Diane Amberg

 I wouldn't have butted in, but suddenly my name was mentioned.I asked people who have a negative comment about my posts, NOT to bother Teresa!!!! I certainly don't know everything, but I do know about a lot of things. Not just parroting information, but true knowledge. I'm usually very good at critical thinking and seeing cause and effect. Maybe that's why I'm an Independent moderate. I'm very sorry if some people think I'm a sanctimonious know it all.  I try not to come off that way.  I will tone it down and turn it off. I'm very sorry I upset Teresa and Momma Jo as they both mean a lot to me and I have huge respect for them both. (I've known of Jo a lot longer than she knows.) I don't know how much more I can say about how bad I feel.
     But I will stand by my position. I don't find the cussing necessary by anyone. I don't like generalizations and labels and never will. I don't care for in- your- face name calling, even by my friends. No, I am not trying to be Miss Manners, but why did I insist that my students not be foul mouthed or verbally mean. At what grade is that suddenly alright?  If I am wrong to feel that way, so be it. I just wasn't brought up that way.  Do I need to donate something since I'm not in Elk County? Would that help a little? I already sent money once for a get together out there that never happened. Did that finally go to forum costs? That would have been fine with me.


I just cannot believe my eyes (ears); people are emailing Teresa and Kjell over what folks say on the forum? What a bunch of pissy little kids we are indeed.  ???


I'm thinking that an Independent moderate is a
combination of a Democrat and a Republican. 
What's your definition?

Diane Amberg

I may be setting myself up for something here, but I see myself as someone who looks at the merits of both sides of an issue or candidate and chooses what seems to me to be best of what choices there are. Pres. Obama wasn't my first choice during all the debates, but he is now our President.  It is what it is.  I chose sometimes based on law, sometimes based on what the majority thinks or would who benefit the most, trying to keep fairness in mind too.  I am definitely not an extreme liberal and definitely not ultra conservative.That is definitely part Republican and part Democrat.  Maybe the elephants head and the donkeys butt?


Quote from: Wilma on May 29, 2009, 01:32:27 PM
All right, Kjell, I will refrain from tormenting Billy if he will refrain from misquoting me.  And in spite of what has been read into my posts, I am grateful to the people who have taken the time from their lives to spend in the armed forces.  As to whether or not they should have had to actually fight is another story and not one that I am sure that I agree on.  Some I could see the necessity of but recently I am not so sure.  As I said it is another story.  If we weren't fighting where we are now, whether it is justified or not, what would this world be like?  But on the other hand, do we have the right to be in these countries, fighting their battles?  Aren't we, by doing so, trying to tell the rest of the world how it should live?  Am I the only one that is perplexed by this?

Wilma, if I misquoted you, I apologize, that was not my intent.
As too our military fighting others battles...We are engaged in a war against terrorism.  They attacked Us, I don't care what country they hide in, we need to find them, engage them in battle, and kill them.  I don't see it as fighting others battles. 

Quote from: Wilma on May 29, 2009, 01:32:27 PM
You know, Kjell and anyone else that is interested, I have looked back over some of the other threads and Billy is questioning as many of my posts as I am of his.  What is the difference?  Because he agrees with the popular opinion here and you don't think I do? 

Wilma, by all means, question my posts, I don't have a problem with that. 

Quote from: Wilma on May 29, 2009, 01:32:27 PM
I have many times said that I am not a supporter of Obama, but he was elected by the majority of the voters to be the president of our United States and as such should receive some respect.  Instead, he is ridiculed about everything he does, even when what he does is what other presidents have done. 

This reminds me of a question my parents would ask me sometimes, "If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you??"  Just because other presidents have committed the same wrongs doesn't excuse his guilt.  Instead of stopping it, he continues in it.

Quote from: Wilma on May 29, 2009, 01:32:27 PM
  It is happening everywhere and I can't understand it.  Where is our unity?  Have we lost it just because we are no longer threatened by foreign powers. 

We do not have to support the president to be united.  He is not a King, he is merely a spokesperson for We The People.  He is sworn to uphold and defend the Consitution.  he has not done that. 
Since when are we not threateded by foregin powers? 
Wheres our unity...given the results of the last election I think a better question would be, Wheres our morals, values, and principles as Americans?

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


  Been thinkin for a couple of days about this...................I cuss, sometimes a cussword is the ONLY one that gets the feeling of frustration across in writing. I've seen a lot of bad things done by people and long time ago I decided if cussin was somebodies worst habit more power to em.
  I know anybody anywhere can will and has read whatever I have written on here and it don't make me want to change anything I've said. If I decided I was wrong I generally said so on here. I don't say things cause I care whether anybody agrees with me or not, specially people that don't participate in the conversation with me to start with ( and no that does NOT mean Teresa or Kjell) I totally respect their right to to call me down but not anybody elses.
  I'm a fairly progressive person on a lot of things, I don't just follow cause somebody says But it's the great American way and you ain't patriotic if you don't. I think I'm patriotic as the next person. I just don't have blinders on and I KNOW for a fact there are MANY rotten things in this countries past that have NEVER been atoned for. I wouldn't live anywhere else in the world I can think of. I love my country.... I'm connected to the land we live on. But I don't need anybody ELSES validation of that fact.
  I don't think it's the right way JUST because that's the way they did it 300 years ago. Countries HAVE to evolve with the years or fade away. Things change like it or not. This AIN'T a white Christian male dominated world anymore.
  I have my religion, Jesus is a major player in it and I don't need THAT validated by anybody else either.
I've enjoyed talkin to EVERY person on here even the ones who don't like me and the ones I've argued with. Conflicting ideas are what makes things change for the better in this world and gets people thinkin about out-dated ideas.
I don't think I have anything to apologize for quite frankly.


Quite frankly, Pam, I don't think you have anything to apologize about either.  And I don't think I do either.

Diane Amberg

Pam, you don't..... just keep on keepin' on. I enjoy what you write. Wilma the same...just don't cuss at me!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

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